Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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ooc: i havent been on in a while. i cant remember a lot of what i did :3 also theres a tornado in a town near mine so i might need to run off of the computer lol

She walked to the coffee shop again. When she looked inside she could have SWORN she saw someone else using a power, but it must have been her imagination.

OOC: =33

Lawrence was skipping around..

Colton noticed the girl in the coffee shop. He set down his news paper and stared at her blankly.

Aimi was doodling. Being a 6 year old, the pictures didn't look like much.

He blinked, then got off the stool he was sitting on and went behind the counter. "What would you like?" Colton asked, running his fingers throw his hair, then taking a wipe and wiping them off. Being 8, he was amazingly smart enough to know how to make coffee.

Lawrence walked around.

Colton shook his head. "No ones powers are a secret ;l" He said, gently.

"Stop acting so surprised over ever person you meet." Colton said. "We all have powers. We all are friends. We all are family."

"In a way." Colton replied, twirling a strand of his hair. "We all know each other, so well.."

"We also all like jumping into other people's conversations!" Kotone chimed in.


"I heard that." Nell pointed out calmly.

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Nell gace a death glare. Tempted to do the subconcious thing and drive him insane. But decided not to.

It began to get cold in the ship. "Just preparing you for my planet's climate."

"Because we're used to it. You're just pathetic and can't stand up to the cold." Lyle said, "Another bad thing about humans." he sighed, "By the way it's even colder there." he smiled.

THE IDEA CAME TO ME IN A DREAM. No seriously. I have SP dreams.

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I have dreams that probably resemble LSD highs. They're f*****g crazy.

"You *DO* know I can f*** up your subconscious and leave you in a mental hospital in 5 seconds flat, right?"

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