Seroius cofersation about Vegetarian


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I am a vegetairian. Anyone can do it, as long as they TRULY LOVE animals.
You can still truely love animals and not be vegitarian. Sometimes people choose not to become vegitarian, like me for example. I love animals but I love to eat meats.

Humans were created to be omnivors, to eat meats and vegetables so it's not a crime to eat meat if you still love animals.

tamtamkitty07 is right, Its not a crime to eat animals/meat. God put animals in this planet for human food, I think some people have gone to far with this stuff aand also that KFC stuff is NOT true those are prob diseased chickens :/

There are different kinds of vegetarians. My dad is a 'vegetarian' meaning he doesn't eat chicken, turkey, veal, liver, duck, ham, beef, etc. but he does eat fish, honey, milk, and eggs (if they are in a recipe some1 else made). I am sort of a 'vegetarian' because i eat eggs, milk, honey, chicken, turkey, fish, ham (sometimes) and beef (sometimes). I don't eat veal, duck, liver,etc. My mom eats (and doesn't eat) the same things that i do, but sometimes, on a rare occasion she eats random things like duck (at a wedding) or she goes and gets a giant burger because she grew up eating all these meats and sometimes she really feels like eating 1. So, you can choose what kind of vegetarian you want to become if you want to become 1 at all. It is really up to u. :)

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So apparently you're on crack?
Dude it is a saying. I have seen things on Iconator that say "Anime, just as addicting as crack" It means your Hooked idiot.

I myself could never become a Vegetarian. Meat is a essential part of staying alive, only if you take Meat pills or whatever.

We humans were born Omnivores, so we need meat to survive with Grown protein as well

Dude it is a saying. I have seen things on Iconator that say "Anime, just as addicting as crack" It means your Hooked idiot.
Hey, watch the name calling. >.>

I love animals and repect them, but I'm not a vegetarian. Does that alone make me not as much as an animal lover than you? I don't think so.

"if you care about those defensless animals" - Don't try to guilt people into it.

Hey, watch the name calling. >.>

I love animals and repect them, but I'm not a vegetarian. Does that alone make me not as much as an animal lover than you? I don't think so.

"if you care about those defensless animals" - Don't try to guilt people into it.
Sorry -.-

And exactly

I am a Vegetarian, I was since January 23 2005, since I was 8.

I think you should be a vegetarian if you want to be. BUT: You have to replace the nutrition you would be getting from the meat with something as healthy. You can't skip the hamburger and pig out on fries.

My sis KC7 is now a vegetarian, after visiting (I think) And seeing some not so nice videos. (Shudders)

KC8 (Returning to TT!!) :)

I don't know.

But if you can't diside eat meat and other stuff thats not meat eqaully.

But, if you really don't wanna eat a poor defenseless animal become one.

Or try.

I think meat is tasty.

And am not a vegitarion.

But if you like meat, and don't like harming animals, eat only a little meat. ;)

Us humans are supposed to be vegetarians, but we leaned how to eat meat and really like it.
Sorry but humans are ominvores, which means we eat both meat and plants. Why do you think people who are vegetarians have to get enough protein in their diets, to replace the protein they originally got from meat. Is your neighbor telling you this? I suggest you not listen to her if she is.

now in my opinion being a vegitarian is wrong! :huh: even if u take those protean drink pills bars whatever it is not good for u it does not give u all that meat can give u to add on to that u will look over skinney and wite as snow and ur cheeks look all funny (kinda like a fish :( ) plus its not like if u become a vegitarion its going to save animals.

P.S most animals were put on this earth for human protection :huh:

u will look over skinney and wite as snow and ur cheeks look all funny
Hahaha, oh geeze, that made me laugh. Listen hun, I've been a vegetarian for 15 years and I don't have any of those "side effects". And besides, what's wrong with having pale skin? I personally think it's very attractive and it acutally used to be the beauty norm.

Oh, an interesting fact I forgot to mention. The grain, fruit, and vegetable industries kills as many animals annually as the meat industry. You think they remove all the bunnies and mice from the field before they harvest? Nope! Does that mean we should stop eating fruits, vegetables, and grains? Nah, just means we shouldn't worry about it. Keep that in mind.

ur right but it's still not right to kill animals so we can have stupid protian
Um, if you think about it, yes it is. We need protein in order to be healthy. The best way we can get out protein if from the meat of animals. I'm totally against being a vegetarian. I think it's unnecessary and maybe even a bit unhealthy. But I respect the people who do believe in that way of life.

i feel that perhaps vegetarians take things a little too far sometimesi know that killing animals isnt nice but they are killed in a humane way

they possibly do not understand the food chain

sun->grass->cow->human (for example)

i also ask, "why do they not mind seeing animals being killed by other animals?"

it is also bad for you to be vegetarian, you can become very anorexic and you dont get enough protein to grow, it also affects your bloodstream

if they find that the problem about eating meat is killing an animal (which is a living thing) then why does it not bother them that for every lettuce they eat, is just one being ripped out of the ground, ending its life (plants are lving things too, you know!)

i find that the most annoying thing is when they say "ewww!" if you have, say, ham in your sandwich, they have to respect that people do eat meat

my friend has tried to be one three times, shes always failed after about a week

id say its your descision, but if you care about your health, then it is perhaps not a good idea
exuse me... Im' a vegitarian! :angry: Do you think i take things so seriously huh?I am not anorexic!lol! But i think you should be more careful about what you post because that could hurt someone's feelings! :(

Why are ppl saying veggies are unhealthy? I'm vegatarian and I'M perfectly healthy.

No offence but personally I think we should only kill animals to live-like the Inuit kill seals and fish, but animals shouldn't be killed for un-needed meat, fur, sport, etc. People can be perfectly healthy with milk and cheese for protien, and you also get veggie bakon and hot dogs

And to tamachick, I respect animal rights and stuff so I'm only a veggie because:

1. I was brought up with it

2. Animals deserve to live as much as we do

EDIT: And lots of anorexic people eat meat any way, and I'm anything BUT anorexic

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Well, it is clearly your choice. I have a few friends that became vegetarians just for health reasons, nothing to do with loving animals.

I personally love meat and would never give it up. In the wild, there are some animals that eat others. It's nature. I don't want to be messing with nature. :huh: But, at the same time, you don't see bunnies eating meat so there has to be a few that decide not to.

If you do become one, make sure you still get plenty of protein from beans and nuts and I think most vegetarians will still eat eggs (as they are unfertilized, so you're not harming baby chickens at all). You can still get your calcium from cheese, etc.

Expect to lose weight. My friends lost a lot, which tempted me, but I still love meat! I suggest taking a multivitamin daily if you do it (I take one anyway).

Vegans won't eat anything that comes from an animal, including milk or cheese or eggs, so you'd really need to eat nuts and beans, take vitamins, and probably calcium. I don't know why they don't, something to do with "it hurts the animal," but really it doesn't hurt them to use their milk or eggs.

It's really up to you and your views. Make sure you know why you're doing it and are safe if you follow through. :lol:

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