Should 5th Graders.....


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I had a boyfriend in 5th grade .-."

That was mistake e_e


If you really like guy .. Ask him to slow dance with you at a school dance ^^: Works for me :D )

I had a boyfriend in 5th grade .-." That was mistake e_e


If you really like guy .. Ask him to slow dance with you at a school dance ^^: Works for me :D )
Most elementary schools don't have dances. At our elementary school (they started doing this two years after we left), they started having dances. But you appearently couldn't dance with the opposite gender and you had to bring at least one parent.

Anyways, no, I don't think they should have boyfriends/girlfriends. No one in my elementary school did (although a few people at the other elementary schools in my town appearently did) and I thought it was quite weird when I heard some sixth grader saying "NO! I went out with him last year. But we weren't really dating, we were just going out with each other. So he wasn't really my boyfriend."

Most 'relationships' at that age turn out screwed up anyways. I would say that if you really feel the need to get a boyfriend, you should wait until seventh grade. That way you can just make new friends (and not new enemies (i.e. old boyfriends/girlfriends who you now hate.) in sixth grade at your new school (unless you start middle school in seventh grade, but I think you'd be old and mature enough to handle it a little more responsibly then). I, personally, don't plan on getting a boyfriend until I'm around 15. That way I can get a year of 'experience' knowing what it's like to have a boyfriend before "Do you want to go to that party with me on Friday?!?!" and "Want to drive to the town a half an hour away with the big movie theater later?" happens.

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Should fifth graders have girlfriends?
As a fifth grader, I don't think they should. But if you think you're mature enough to have a girlfriend, then have one.



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Heh, I'm in fith grade, I anm torn, I dun think age matters, but I also think that maturity helps. My parents said I could date in 6th grade ^^ xD

wow, 5th grade? So young.

That was the last thing on my mind in 5th grade.

There were a few guys I really liked through the end of high school but I refused to attach myself to a guy in any way until high school was over. Having a relationship like that so young is way too distracting.

wow, 5th grade? So young.That was the last thing on my mind in 5th grade.

There were a few guys I really liked through the end of high school but I refused to attach myself to a guy in any way until high school was over. Having a relationship like that so young is way too distracting.
That is true. I never used to think about it until the 5th graders where invited to the only dance we could go to. I think your half right though. We should be focused on school work and not boys, they hold us back a little. Exactly why I dumped my boyfriend .. :rolleyes:

wow, 5th grade? So young.That was the last thing on my mind in 5th grade.

There were a few guys I really liked through the end of high school but I refused to attach myself to a guy in any way until high school was over. Having a relationship like that so young is way too distracting.
Yep yep- same here [although I'm not finished in HS yet].

I think it's a pretty pointless reason to be 'heartbroken' and to desensitise themself from actual love. Most don't even know what the word really means any more.

wow, 5th grade? So young.That was the last thing on my mind in 5th grade.

There were a few guys I really liked through the end of high school but I refused to attach myself to a guy in any way until high school was over. Having a relationship like that so young is way too distracting.
I agree. I didn't really have crushes until highschool and even then nothing really went my way until Grade 11ish. At any rate I think at that age you should just focus on schoolwork, being a kid, and finding your way in life and society.

wow, 5th grade? So young.That was the last thing on my mind in 5th grade.

There were a few guys I really liked through the end of high school but I refused to attach myself to a guy in any way until high school was over. Having a relationship like that so young is way too distracting.
I agree, I was 15 when I started going out with my boyfriend [well my first serious one] and my grades suffered. I went down in Science because I sat near him and wanted to talk :wub: . And if we ever fell out and I was stressed my work would suffer and then we'd take days of school just to spend time together [even though we saw each other all the time]. I'd never missed a day of school till I started going out with him and after that I had alot of time off.

But I don't really care when people start dating. I had boyfriends in primary school but they weren't anything serious.

I had a bf when I was 5- that's like pre-k in America. :wub: I dun see how Grade 5 is too young...

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When I was that age I was to bussie playing kick ball and hot wheels with the boys to be intrested in calling them a "boyfriend." Sure there were guys I thought were cute and had crushes on but realy.... dating and stuff like that is highschool at best.

I've seen soooo much drama around my friends and really, less is more. Its nice to be friends with guys, you get to know them better that way, and when a realy good one comes along you'll be confrotable around him.

You can have a guy you like, but don't get to wraped up in it. Chances are it won't last very long... in 5th grade your still young, enjoy learning about yourself as a person, don't get to wraped up in identyfing yourself as a couple just yet.

I had a bf when I was 5- that's like pre-k in America. :mellow: I dun see how Grade 5 is too young...
Because at that age, it doesn't count. I had a boyfriend in kindergarten and we even kissed, LOL. But it doesn't count now. It wasn't a meaningful relationship, it was two kids that just decided to stick together and call it something. I've had "boyfriends" almost every year of schooling (sometimes a couple a year), but I wouldn't say any of them counted until probably high school. Not that many high schoolers have that mature of emotions then, either, but it's still more meaningful than a 5th grade relationship, it's taken more seriously.

The guy I was "dating" in kindergarten said he wanted to marry me and move to Texas (and, for some reason, some other boy wanted to marry me, too, while I thought his twin was cute, LOL). That boy and I "dated" through Second grade (and are still friends to this day), but it's not like he seriously thought he'd marry me... I mean, hello~.

High school you're at the age of planning and it's up to you whether you want to fit another person into your plans or not. You don't make those decisions before then, you're too young.

I hope that made sense. :mellow:

im in 5th grade nd my opinion is that you could date if ur mature enough cuz some ppl in my skool start dating in 3rd grade...

[SIZE=7pt]Wow, that's way to young. Even in 7th grade its young.[/SIZE]

Relationships need to be handled maturely and you have to know how to handle it.

Having a boyfriend/girlfriend at such a young age may screw up your grades and get you distracted.

Yesterday I saw a 5th grader crying because she broke up with her boyfriend. They were dating for 2 days. o_O

I dont know, I just find it a little odd..

I don't think they are old enough to have boyfriends. But kindergarten kids are dating right now O.O' Last year, something crazy happened. This really girly girl which was bratty, was pretending to marry this bratty boy O.O' And she likes this person in the 5th Grade >.<'

My sister just got asked out a few days ago.. She's just in seventh grade!

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