Should Smoking be illegal?


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Yes, it should!! My nan is in Hospital from Smoking!!! And it makes me Ill when people smoke around me!
Okay, this thread is really loosin' it's meanin' here.

LISTEN! You can NOT ban something, just because it's unhealthy. If smoking was banned for being unheathy, then we would have to ban fast food places, poor health care, etc.

Most of you are statng the pure obvious and repating the same prattle over and over again.

[SIZE=7pt]Yes and no.[/SIZE]

We should all know that it is a cause of sickness, but it's also a choice.

Nobody ever had to smoke.

They chose to. It was their decision.

This question would definetely cause alot of talk from economic and political views.

No, it shouldn't be illegal. If it was, it would be one of the most used drugs in the worlds, if not the most. And no-one would be able to make smoking illegal anyway. I mean yeah laws could be put up but then millions/billions of people would be arrested. I agree on it being illegal in public places like schools. But not everywhere. And it barely effects global warming.

My mum smokes and I've told her to stop many times and she's tried many times. She can't. If a law came out she'd be arrested and I'm sorry but I don't really want that. My dad smokes too but I'd rather him be in prison. But that's beside the point.

Smoking wouldn't be made illegal and won't until someone finds a major problem like it starts the plague. Even then...But as people have already said people would lose jobs then wouldn't be able to provide for their families. Jobs aren't like autumn leaves. Hopefully you lot see my point and I don't come back to see a load of ''ZOMG U THINK SMOKING IS GURRD!'' or ''ZOMG SMOKING SHUD BE ILEGAL! U DNT CARE BOUT DIEING PPL!'' because that isn't true at all. I hate smoking and always will. I'm scared for my mum everyday. But it's her choice not mine. So I'm not going to butt in anymore. This is my opinion and please respect it. Thanks.

Lets see the failed logic here...
You can't make it illegal, just because it's unhealthy or people "waste" money on it. This is just like the other 78 comments that gave a lame reason why It should be outlawed.
Do you truly understand how bad smoking is for you? >.< I understand that you do, but the way you're saying is, that you're not taking smoking seriously about how dangerous it is.

The way you're making it sound is: Smoking really isn't that bad. There are other "unhealthy" things in life too. Smoking really isn't too dangerous.

Do you truly understand how bad smoking is for you? >.< I understand that you do, but the way you're saying is, that you're not taking smoking seriously about how dangerous it is.
The way you're making it sound is: Smoking really isn't that bad. There are other "unhealthy" things in life too. Smoking really isn't too dangerous.
It isn't.

Too bad. People smoke. I don't see why people are hyping over it. People have been smoking for thousands of years, and coincidentally, people start going heebyjeebies over it NOW?

Listen to starry. He's much older than you, trust me, he's learned some things in life.

Do you truly understand how bad smoking is for you? >.< I understand that you do, but the way you're saying is, that you're not taking smoking seriously about how dangerous it is.
The way you're making it sound is: Smoking really isn't that bad. There are other "unhealthy" things in life too. Smoking really isn't too dangerous.
Failed Logic is failed.

Access denied.

People smoke, because they can. Smoking can relive stress in a person. So you want people who smoke to be put in prison? Tabacco outlet vendors arrested?

Really, you guys make it out that smokers are villians.

I have co workers who do smoke. Do I pitch a fit and lecture them the dangers? No I don't. I let them smoke. It's their buinsess. I have RP characters who smoke also.

The only people who make a big fuss over it is either the Soccor Moms, the DARE people or parents who tell their kids that everything is "bad".

On a pack of ciggerettes, There is a Surgeon Generl's warning. Smokers do know what is going to happen. Honstly, I don't think they want a butt hurt brat tellin' them that smokin' is bad. Half of these replies as a I said, stated the obvious. Last time I checked, stating the obvious a million times isn't tryin' to get a point across.

If people takin' a puff of their ciggerette, cigar, or pipe offends you so much, maybe you should do somethin' else. Like mind your own buisness and go elsewere.

I would want smoking to be illegal. It would never happen, but the smoke gives me a headache.

I wish it was.

Everybody makes their own stupid decisions sometimes.

But that's their choice.


I would want smoking to be illegal. It would never happen, but the smoke gives me a headache.
I wish it was.

Everybody makes their own stupid decisions sometimes.

But that's their choice.

*dramatic face palm*

You know what? This is the lamest comment I came across in this thread.

People make stupid choices, but does that mean if Smoking should be illegal?


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*dramatic face palm*
You know what? This is the lamest comment I came across in this thread.

People make stupid choices, but doe sthat mean if Smokeing should be illegal?

Yeah. It doesn't. I know that. Smoking will never be illegal.

*dramatic face palm*
You know what? This is the lamest comment I came across in this thread.

People make stupid choices, but doe sthat mean if Smokeing should be illegal?

I agree with Starry 100%.

I was going to reply until I saw his post. o_o

I want it to be illegal, but it never is going to be.
Read some of my posts to counter most people's posts like yours.

You can't make it illegal. You can't wish it was illgeal.

Let people do what they want andm ind your own buisness. I highly doubt you'd walk up to a random smoker and yoink their cigertte from their mouth.

Read some of my posts to counter most people's posts like yours.
You can't make it illegal. You can't wish it was illgeal.

Let people do what they want andm ind your own buisness. I highly doubt you'd walk up to a random smoker and yoink their cigertte from their mouth.
Ok. I'm getting sick of you grilling everyone that doesn't agree with you.

He can wish that it would be illegal all he wants. Can he make it illegal? No. Is he trying to make it illegal? No.

He doesn't like smoking, but nowhere in any of his posts did he say he was going to take it upon himself to stop people from smoking.

He understands that it's a choice people make, stupid or not, and he can't change that.

Understand what people are saying and meaning before you jump down their throats.

I think we should all calm down and give this debate a rest. It's turning into an arguefest.

*topic closed*

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