Sick of this.


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thats not really what i was saying.
I wasnt saying boys cant do girl things i was saying girl can do boy things and girl things but boys have to stick to boy things or they will be considered homosexual

And girls cant hit boys but boys cant hit girls?? Whats that bout' not very fair is it? A girl can sack a boy but what can I boy do to defend himself. He cant do anything or else he will be known as "Boy who hits girls"

And the barbie thing. So what if they cant play when there 20 they have way other better things to do such as school boyfriends ect. Like I said boys have to stick to boy things for there life and girls can do it for bout' 14-16 years plus you girls have more things to do such as shopping, getting clothes that look SUPER nice and not be considered a nerd (Boys cant where a tux to school can they?) and all that.

That is SO not true. Boys can play volleyball and dance and act and junk! Does THAT mak ethem homosexual? No.

Oh come on, guys can wrestle with girls, just dun hurt them! I mean c'mon I wrestle and junk with my friends all the time! I dont get hurt. They are kind enough to know when to stop, the worst I have gotten was a bruised muscle! not that bad//

Girls dont just go shopping an have boyfriends for a living! Being a girl that was REALLY insulting!And Im sure othe rgirls would too! My friends knwo not tomess with me! I have brought down a boy before, teh whole class witnessed it,

I was doing a progect with a 2nd grader, my friend kept bugging me, so I got so annoyed I grabbed him by teh shoulders and slemmed him into teh ground, I held him there until teh teacher walked into teh classroom.

See what I mean? Girls arent as soft as tehy look. Trust me.

I get where you're going at. Of course I can't exactly say I'm tired of it, since I'm female and I don't take much consideration in being male lol

I think truly tough guys are the ones who play with barbies, or doll house, or wear pink and aren't afraid to admit it.

I guess the 'boy' things like skateboarding ect. aren't really 'boy' things at all. I think they're meant to be for both genders and guys are just more commonly seen doing that stuff. Allbeit, I have to admit there are really more girl things/both genderal things than boy things to do. Although a lot of the both genderal things are really fun, like skateboarding. Me and my friend used to skateboard practically 24/7 until out skateboards got stolen.

It's just like wondering why being a daddy's girl is okay, but mama's boys get laughed at.

And by the way, don't listen to the 'boys can't hit girls' thing. Boys get in just as much trouble for hitting a girl as girls do for hitting a boy. Trust me, I know. But don't go around socking girls for fun lol

I get where you're going at. Of course I can't exactly say I'm tired of it, since I'm female and I don't take much consideration in being male lol
I think truly tough guys are the ones who play with barbies, or doll house, or wear pink and aren't afraid to admit it.

I guess the 'boy' things like skateboarding ect. aren't really 'boy' things at all. I think they're meant to be for both genders and guys are just more commonly seen doing that stuff. Allbeit, I have to admit there are really more girl things/both genderal things than boy things to do. Although a lot of the both genderal things are really fun, like skateboarding. Me and my friend used to skateboard practically 24/7 until out skateboards got stolen.

It's just like wondering why being a daddy's girl is okay, but mama's boys get laughed at.

And by the way, don't listen to the 'boys can't hit girls' thing. Boys get in just as much trouble for hitting a girl as girls do for hitting a boy. Trust me, I know. But don't go around socking girls for fun lol
Well said, you look at both sides of things.


I think girls and guys get both equal toughness, but girls can live through all that pain every month. Some boys are raised by fathers who expect so much from them that they never get a chance to just be themselves.
I know exactly how that feels. My father was being such a meat head! (not to be mean or start an argument or anything)

I got 3 b's on my report card and the rest were A's and he said. "You made 3 B's! I thought you said that you would probebly make only 2! What did you do to make your grade go down! You know that you're better than this!"

He did say that and I had to confess to him that I had forgotten 2 important assignments and made a little over a 50% on both of them.

He also promised me that he would take me to a japanese returant if I made all A's and B's and the summer is getting shorter and he still hasn't kept up with his promise.

He also expects me to become the PERFECT child and gets on to me extra hard when I do wrong. My older brother can do as much crap with the way he talks and when I say something bad or do something wrong or overdo my computer time I always get in trouble. My siblings have even gotten into the habbit of blaming me to get out of junk that they did.

My older brother (the one that I described earlier) is also VERY sexist towards me. He always says stuff like "You girls or ALWAYS like that" or " There you go again! Doing another one of those GIRL things"

It also makes me so mad when boys make fun of us for have to go through the menestrual cycle. If you accendentally leave your perse out and a boy picks it up and finds a pad or tampon, what do you think the first thing he's going to do with it is?

One time, about 4 years ago, there was a rumor going on that there were boys that got into a a girls perse and found a big ol' load of pads and were running around campus with them after they had covered them with ketchup.

Once again, I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just stating my story of how guys can be sexist, too. Don't you dare quote me, becuase I dont' want to start an argument. That's the last thing I want to do.

Who cares what society says is right?

Be a tomboy, it doesnt mean your a lesbian.

Be a girly boy, it doesnt mean your gay.

Let you define you, and youll be happier.

Who cares what society says is right?
Be a tomboy, it doesnt mean your a lesbian.

Be a girly boy, it doesnt mean your gay.

Let you define you, and youll be happier.
Yes, but most people in this generation are so judgemental they will just jump right to conclusions.


Yes, but most people in this generation are so judgemental they will just jump right to conclusions.
You have a point. In my school, if you aren't a tomboy and you are a girly boy than you are just an outcast. I'm a tomboy at school, but at home I like to show my more feminine side.

If you act like a girl at my school, you WILL get eaten alive....

You have a point. In my school, if you aren't a tomboy and you are a girly boy than you are just an outcast. I'm a tomboy at school, but at home I like to show my more feminine side.
If you act like a girl at my school, you WILL get eaten alive....
So if somebody is gay/lesbian they'll be judged on it?


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So if somebody is gay/lesbian they'll be judged on it?
Unfortunately some people are ignorant and judge others on their looks or orientation...which is wrong and I personally hope those people get the same courtesy back. When I was growing up in elementary and secondary schools, cliques weren't really a big deal. Not that I noticed anyway.

Unfortunately some people are ignorant and judge others on their looks or orientation...which is wrong and I personally hope those people get the same courtesy back. When I was growing up in elementary and secondary schools, cliques weren't really a big deal. Not that I noticed anyway.
Im judged on cause I love animals and Im a guy?

I still have friends its just the teen world is somtimes much cruler then the elementary world.


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I'm a boy and I do not like sports that much (Baseball, Football, Soccer, ECT) so the kids at school call me gay and I only have like 3 friends. They also think its wrong for a guy to have a Tamagotchi so they call me gay for that too. I may be a nerd but I am not gay! And yes, girls always do guy things and nobody cares, but if guys do girl things, they are automatically gay! And these days, gys are actually looked down upon! Because in sitcoms, the dad is aways stupid ad people take it seriously. I wish the world was more balanced.

At my school,

If you play with Barbies, you automatically stupid. If you are a boy OR a girl. Girls can go shopping for clothes and wear them to school if they'd like, boys can, too. I have seen boys wear tux to school, people commented, some good, some bad. ><

And us girls have it worse than the boys. We are usually limited to BOY stuff, because if you play with Barbies or Brats your automatically stupid. No matter what gender. Our teacher usually says: "Take it easy on *insert name fo a girl here*." And that girl could be the best in that sport! We also have to birth babys and go through menustration every freaking month. ><

So yeah. I think Girls have it just as tough as boys.

Im judged on cause I love animals and Im a guy?
I still have friends its just the teen world is somtimes much cruler then the elementary world.

I didn't say that. I said some people judge others on stupid things, and only way to really deal with them is ignore them. I didn't say EVERYONE.

Well us girls DO have to go through all that older girl stuff. I don't think that if a boy liked Barbies I don't think they'd be gay and tom-boys aren't lesbain. And Yes, I belive that Boys AND Girls have rough times in life becuase of Hormones and stuff. Well on Dr.Phil there was this boy that would only play with Girl stuff.

I don't even want to know what "girl stuff" he played with.I LOVE skateboarding!I got a book from the library at school on haw to do all those hard boardin moves and the teacher said I forgot it in front of the class,all guys eyes where on me and my crush had that "lovey-dovey" look in his eyes and his mouth was wide open.

How come its always the boys who are doing somthing wrong. All the girls are complaining "Omg the boys were judging me by looks and it is so shallow" like girls dont think that boys are good looking also. Oh and I've realised that there is to many stuff on the TV for girls. Example: Bratz, Clothing, Dolls, Doll houses, Littlest pet shop, ect. And boys have a choice of doing that stuff but if they play with one girl thing there going to be considered "weirdo guy who plays with girl toys" And if a girl skates, surfs, plays soccer ect. There considered "Tom-Boy" and theres nothing as wrong with being a tom-boy then "boy who plays with girl toys"
Please do not start flame arguments, cussing, or any of that kind of stuff or I am going to get a this topic closed down.

Haha, know exactly what you're talking about. I wondered greatly about that also.

That's what happens after several years of stereotypes and discrimination.

And as other people have said, you don't have to listen to others. You can be unique and be yourself, that's usually good enough for the people that are actually your friends...

I'm not gay, or anything of that matter. But I'm saying it's okay. They'll learn to see past that...

All you have to do is be the mature one in this situation, retaliate with comments of your own, or else you might as well be them for that matter.

Agreed. Actually, I think girls might just like to buy more stuff in general. In my family (I'm one of the only girls.) I used to always have the longest list of stuff that I wanted for Christmas. (We actually never made Christmas gifts.... but you get the idea, right?) Even now I still want more things than my brothers. The only thing they really want is video games and sports equipment. (And they've gotten over their video game addiction mostly.) Even if some girls don't get everything they want (like most normal people), I think girls in general just like to get material possesions.

As for the girls always saying 'Boys are stupid! They only like girls for their looks!' I couldn't agree with you more, -lWeride. I, personally, (in case you're wondering, I am a girl) wouldn't go out with a boy who I didn't think looked good. I agree that it's not good to like someone only because of the way they look, but most people do that anyways. I can't think of anyone who would want to be married to someone who they find unnatractive. Maybe for this issue, girls just like to complain more? I don't know.

A lot of 'tom-boys' are made fun of too. And they sometimes get called things like 'lesbian' (as boys who do girly things might get called 'gay'). I don't know why it's more accepted for girls to do boyish things than it is for boys to do girly things.
i can see what your saying and i don't take to that at all.

i am trying to get with a girl thats my friend. my other friend was surpised to hear that because he thinks its unbelevable for me to be attracted to her. but i am mostly attracted to the huge ammount of intrest we share and her personnality. but i guess i am attracted to her physical being too but mostly her personnality.

Also i would like to add is that people are stupid!

everyone always assumes and judges. my outlook is to always get to know someone before thinking about who they are.

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