Signature/Avatar -- What is it?


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Avatar- Equius Zahhak

Signature- Part of lyrics from Voltaire's song... I think it was "The Chosen".

av: davespite

sig: mother nature's son/beatles also a cute pixel plant!!

av: Darkleer (or rather Drunkleer)

sig: added my Darkleer's quirk+ his floating symbol.

My signature lets people know that, in my dictionary, the definition of the word "idiot" is someone who likes ponies more than Tamagotchis. You click on "WATCH TAMAGOTCHI! NOW!" and you will be taken to a place full of where to watch episodes of the best show ever.

avatar: Spongebob with a gun o_O

signature: my rant on how much I hate JD fake tamas. And yes, I HAVE actually smashed a fakie against a wall.

Avatar: A photo of my current tama.

Signature: The banner is a link to my tamalog.

Icon: Albino Karkat omg cutie

The Dolorosa

sig: link to Jade Mother

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Avatar: Just changed it to Mew (regular) surrounded by all differentkinds of mew in different types.

Siggy: A poem by Robert Froms plus some ADVERTISING!!!

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