Signature/Avatar -- What is it?


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Avatar: Rayman from Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc, because EMF played Rayman 3 and I decided to use this avatar to support EMF's game-playing abilities while she's playing the game.

Signature: Mono in Love, as sung by Edward Maya, which is my new favorite song from him. I thought it would fit my personality, and I decided to type out from what I heard in the song.

Username: I thought ChamametchiandMametchi would be a good name, so I decided to go with it. Since my username is long, I have a nickname, "Chama". I really wanted to be called Rayman, but eh, "Chama" is an okay nickname at that point.

Eh, might as well.

Avatar is Lyra from pokemon.

name: People irl call my crush Puffy and I love Snivy. :3

Sig: probably gonna change it, but it's currently a part of Rarity's sewing song.

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Avatar: Me because why not.

Signature: A very small part of Drops of Jupiter by Train

Username: I don't know I just thought it looked cool.

Might as well explain again, since I changed my avatar.

Avatar: Rayman from Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (known as: Rayman's Busting Loose!)

Signature: It's still Mono in Love. I could add a pic of Rayman dancing in the siggy. You never know what surprises I have up my sleeve.

Username: I really wanted to use Rayman the Limbless as a username, but I didn't want people to go thinking that I'm really Rayman on TamaTalk. So, on that note, I didn't do that username...(Let's hope not.)...and I chose ChamametchiandMametchi, since I thought it would be more formal. Thank Polokus I didn't use "Rayman the Limbless". Something suspicious might go on. Sorry if i'm repeating myself.

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avvie: Egoraptor.

Siggie: Bounce in diffrent colours and sizes, then cleffa bounce because cleffa learns bounce I think, and the microwave...I like microwaves.

Avvie: Girl on a swing.

Signature: The last verse of "Hymne a l'Amour" by Edith Piaf

Avatar: Dark Rayman with Heavy Metal Fist! (POW!)

Siggy: Tried to put in a dancing Rayman, but it won't let me. It's still Mono in Love. XD

Avvie: just a cute gif of nepeta, my favorite character from homestuck (a webcomic i read) :3

Sig: some random thought that i had that mixes in doc scratch (another homestuck charrie) and of course, PONIES!

Username: my favorite Tama is yattatchi on the v4 :> i dont know why, i just always thought her big ears and good attitude were interesting XP

Avatar : My tama next to my daughters picture.

-Why: Because I thought it was cute

Signature: dont have one

-Why: Dont have time to bother with it

Forgot Username!

Username: Mamoo is my daughters nickname and 13 is my favorite number

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signature - lyrics to you are my sunshine

avatar - trickster!roxy !!!

bg - umm marcell coetzee hes really cute okay

Signature: It's my username.. So creative right? :p

Avatar: HAMTAROOO! He's so cute! I remember as kids, my sister had a toy Hamtaro and I had a toy Bijou.

Username: Well it all started a while back. I was making an account on another website. I wanted to use the name chipmunk because it was cute, but it was taken. Thus, khipmunk was born! So now I usually use khipmunk or variations of it for my users. (But I don't use the same passwords lol, that would be bad!) And I added the hearts for added effect. Cuz really, who doesn't like hearts? ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Username: Just my name, initial of my second name with an 07 at the end because... Well I'm boring!

Picture: The V3 I'm currently running.

Signature: My tamagotchi log for the Long Lived Oldies Hatch I'm participating in (with the tama in my profile picture).

Mine is just a quote I read one day and I loved it! I pretty much live by it lol. The rest is just links to my blog, facebook, and twitter.

My avatar as of Feb 18th, 2013 is a screenshot of Juvia vs Meredy in the Fairy Tail anime. :)

hey guys changed my avvie, still a pic of Adam because Adam Young pics make the best avvies

changed my siggy, I sense a sigh of relief among many of you because the old one took up a lot of space and I finally moved it all into a spoiler

anyways for the part not in the spoiler is actually quite amusing to think what non-hoot owls think of it because those are Adam Young quotes, one was from an interview the others are random tweets

getting tired of explaining this but for the part that is in the spoiler (if you read my previous posts you can skip this because I'm basically repeating the same old explanation)

Shmowzow is an AT (Adventure Time) reference, then there are a bunch of links to Adam's AMAZING music like for Insect Airport, a side project of his, there's also for Owl City live in Manila and some Sky Sailing, followed by various Owl City songs then there's the secret message you need to highlight well it's not that secret anymore lol since I'm telling you but whatevs doesn't say really anything important just that I'm not a crazed obsessed stalker, I'm only moderately obsessed, honestly, and I'm not a stalker. Uh, then there's the I like writing part, and Chespin, a gen 6 pokemon, and at the bottom are random stuff I came up with one is about a star, the other is about a sunset. I probably forgot something but that's basically it. lol wow this is long

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