Signature Item?


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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
DO you ahev a signature Item you NEVER leave home without? Post it here. No not there, no,over, left, no my left, good.

I never leav home without...

- My tamagotchi *Huggles*

- My cat collar

-something black. XD

No, I don't really have a 'signature item'. I go with what I go with.

I don't know... I take my beloved cat stuffed animal, Muffin, whenever I go to Children's Hospital or when I sleepover somewhere. :D



Yes, clothes would be one for me, actually.. I'd rather not go nudist. XD

Going from most things people have said...

1. Cellphones -- I have two cellphoned, both really crappy, so I don't take them just because I hardly go anywhere where there's no phone I'm able to use.

2. Tamagotchis -- I don't really even play with my Tamagotchis anymore.

3. Some kind of Stuffed Animal -- I think any stuffed animal except the one I've had since I was 5 or 6 is pure evil. They stare at me. (HAHA!! The one I've had since the age of 5 or 6 doesn't have eyes!!) lol

It's not exactly never, although if you do see me outside I probably won't be without my sketchbook and my arsenal of drawing supplies. ;)

Probablky my purse, meh Black-white-and green bracelet, and a few Pokeballs around my waist. X-X (They're not empty, inside, are little figurines. XP)

Definatly my electric guitar, my MCR hoodie and my PSP and some other black clothes

My cell, keys, wallet, 'stress relievers', fire, Uh.. clothes? XD
xD Lol!

My pocketbook, my ferret, and Tamagotchi. Baby is a lucky ferret she gets to go shopping, even though lots of stores don't allow animals. > :(

I don't leave home without: my purse that must contain my cellphone, keys, wallet, some form of hand sanitizer and my V4.5 Tamagotchi.

Signature item: I suppose my aviator sunglasses? I tend to wear them when it's not too sunny out, just because I prefer the tint and my eyes are sensitive.


I never leave hime ithout my clothes, me...

My Tamagotchi(s)

My Purse

And, my phone.


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