Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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"Don't worry - if it comes to him trying to force himself on me - which he definately won't do if he has any sense - I can handle myself." Dawn was feeling rather fidgity with this whole situation so her body shook a little while she tried to remain still.

Fang nuzzled Dawn softly once more, attempting to calm her down. "You're so beautiful when your anxious," he said with a laugh, though he did mean every word.

Dawn snorted with laughter, having not expected his random compliment. "Thank you, Fang. So, tell me more about Chloe and Cooper." She said, laying her head by her paws and resting her icy eyes.

Fang chuckled softly as thoughts of his sister and Cooper crept into his mind. "Well Cooper has had a thing for Chloe for a long time now. He just never told her until just recently. And I always had a feeling Chloe liked him. She never has been really open to me about that stuff, but I always suspected it." He smiled, deep in thought. "I'm happy for them. I wonder where they are?"

Tive sat down and said to Devlyn, "They make weird sounds-- they're loud and annoying. And they don't creep quietly like we do, you can hear them trampling around in the woods. They don't have a lot of fur on them, only on their heads and faces. Their eyes are what scare me most. They seem so mean and angry. And they carry long sticks, sometimes they're pointy, and sometimes they blow fire from the ends!"

Dawn nodded, not really remembering Cooper, much less his relationship with Chloe, but she figured it was all for the best. "That's good. I remember that Chloe was sort of lonely - I guess this takes care of it."

Devlyn seemed simply intrigued by all of this, his gray eyes wide and focused. "Weird sounds, no fur, sticks with fire?" He repeated in awe, his tail thumping against the ground anxiously. "How come I haven't seen one? Have you seen one really up close?"

Tive rested her head on her paws, nodding slightly as she did so, her eyes very grim. "Yes, I saw one up close. In fact, there was a small pack of them! And my mommy made me run away, because they were going to try and get me," she said softly, her eyes growing wide. "They come into the woods sometimes, but I don't know why you haven't seen one yet."

Devlyn peered sadly at Tive, studying her forlorn expression a bit before hesitantly licking her ear to try and comfort her. He remembered that his mother used to groom his ears constantly, and he'd found it extremely annoying at the time, but now he simply missed it...and her. "Well, I'm glad I haven't seen one. They sound horrifying. Though, you sure are lucky you haven't been in a forest-fire - those are....nightmarish."

Tive nuzzled her face in Devlyn's fur, giving a soft whimper as she did so. "Please don't tell anyone I'm crying," she said haltingly. "I don't want anyone to think I'm a baby. And don't laugh at me, either." She sniffled a few minutes later, then said, "That sounds scary. You must be real brave." She drew her face away from his fur, managing to calm herself down.

Fang smiled and nodded in agreement. He was so happy that his sister finally found a mate, especially with a guy like Cooper. He was such a great guy and Fang knew that Cooper would be an awesome husband to Chloe and, someday, an awesome father. It was comforting knowing that his sister was in good hands. [Or should I say paws? lol] Fang gazed at Dawn once again. He could never get tired of looking at her. His heart swelled with warmth as her icy blue eyes locked with his. "Dawn, I . . . ," he said and suddenly hesitated.

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Devlyn nodded in response to her plea, but tried not to bonk her head with his since her fac was in his fur. He felt immensely bad for the poor she-pup and he felt he could relate pretty well. "I won't tell anyone. As long as you don't tell anyone about my mom. And it was really scary. I couldn't see very well and the smoke was making it super hard to breathe and no one would answer when I tried to call out to them. I never told anyone this before, but the only reason I probably lived was 'cause I snuck into a rabbit hole." He looked at her with sad eyes once she'd pulled away.

Dawn cocked her head towards him, her ears perked up and her sapphire eyes studying him curiously. "What?" She asked softly, trying not to move while she gazed at him, feeling that if she blinked, she'd miss it. Part of her didn't want him to say anything and the other half was tearing itself apart with want. Hesitantly she added, "You can tell me anything, you know that."

Tive said, "I promise I won't tell-- I swear by my tail!" She shook her tail furiously, as if to emphasize her point. She yipped at him, then nuzzled him and licked his ear. "I hope we'll be best friends forever and ever!" She smiled up at him and added, "At least we have each other, right?"

Devlyn nodded, his tongue lolling out of his mouth and his gray eyes lighting up. "Of course we have each other! And Dawn, my mommy's friend is a really nice lady and she'll take care of both of us whenever we need it!" He gestured towards Dawn, Fang and Knight with his tail - or the direction that they were in - and hopped to his paws. "Wanna meet her?"

Tive nodded and said, "I'd love to meet her, Devlyn! Let's hurry up and go, we don't have any time to waste!" She barked happily, then playfully tackled Devlyn. "C'mon, slowpoke! Let's go go go!" She nuzzled him playfully.

Devlyn squirmed out from under Tive, laughing a bit and started to trot along towards Dawn. But, it seemed her and that Fang guy were having an important conversation or something, so Devlyn stopped. "I'll introduce you to her once they finish their talk. For now, we can play tag." He pounced towards Tive, swatting her tail then running away. "You're it!"

Fang looked deeply into Dawn's eyes, his heart beating furiously within his broad chest. "Dawn, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or feel that I'm rushing into things. We have been really close for a long time and I have deep feelings for you Dawn. Very deep. I can't stand to be away from you. I melt every time I see you coming toward me. The sound of your voice makes me want to sing. I want to be perfect for you and protect you with all that I am. I guess that what it all comes down to is that I'm hopelessly in love with you Dawn and I always will be." Fang looked away for a moment, afraid that Dawn might be getting uncomfortable. "But still, if you aren't ready to say it back yet, I understand. I can wait an eternity for you. I just wanted you to know how I felt."

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It felt absolutely wonderful to hear those words, Dawn had to admit, but sadly, no, she wasn't ready to give them back. It wasn't that she didn't love him - because she was pretty positive she did...a lot. Just, she didn't know if it was the best time for all of this to be occuring; with Devlyn, and Knight, and the little time that Fang and Dawn had actually known each other. "I...Fang, I'm sorry. I can't say it back. I do feel something for you - a very powerful something - it's just...bad timing. Can you wait a little longer? If not, I don't want to keep you waiting and anyone in this pack would be lucky to have you."

Fang nodded. "I understand completely Dawn. And no, I refuse to walk away from you. To me, that would seem as if I were saying that you're not worth it. Like I said earlier, I could wait an eternity for you," he said with a grin. "How's Knight doing? I wonder if Chloe talked to him yet . . . ," Fang asked aloud to no one in particular.

"I don't know," Dawn laughed, "we sent him away; remember?" Exhausted, she laid her head on her paws and shut her eyes, listening to Fang and her breathing. "Can you imagine if we had a family of our own one day? I'm not saying hint anything, I'm just imagining it, ya know? Our pups would be so cute."

"Oh yeah," he agreed as he cocked his head back and thought. "I can just see it now. Little versions of us running around all over the place. I can't wait." Fang rolled over onto his back and stared up at Dawn, his tail fanning from side to side as he grinned happily. "I think you would look adorable waddling around and about with a pregnant belly," Fang said with a laugh.
