Sister Tamas Diary ♥


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Hi! This diary will be written by cutiepuppy10 (Me) and my sister, Rainbowbunny227. We will be taking turns posting in our diary of our V4 and V3 we share.

Rainbowbunny227 will post the tama status soon.

I'll post later!


P.S. Please PM either me or Rainbowbunny227 to comment on our diary. Thanks!


The V4 is a boy named Bill, he is a teen right now. He's a young kuchipatchi

And the V3 a girl named Ally. She is a teen, too, her tama type is nikatchi

I'll start with Ally.

She doesn't need anything right now. Ally's weight is 61. I should play game with her, me and cutiepuppy10 have decided we should keep our tamas really healthy!

Ally has only one training, (uh-oh, we should work on that!). Ally is two years old.

Now, Bill.

Bill doesn't need anything now either, but I'll have to keep a close eye on their stats cause he hasn't eaten in a while. No training... he's one year old and 20 is his weight (Yes! Perfect weight! Now if only Ally could be this fit...).

His skills are 11, 24, and 7 (uh-oh, better work on that!).

A little while ago he had gotten mail... better tell you about that.

It was a fourtane mail. His money was three stars! (WHOO-HOO!)

Heart was two stars, strength was two, also.

Well, bye! Cutiepuppy10 will update you on this soon! Keep reading!


The tamas wish to talk. :huh:

Ally will talk in purple.

Bill will talk in green.

Hi! I'm Ally and I'm soooo pretty.

I'm Bill. Cutiepuppy, can I go back to watching TV?

Ugh! Bill, your soooo annoying. Let's let the people get to know us, ok?

Yeah.... whatever.

Anyway... As I said before, I'm PRETTY! And I go to collage. Luckily, I don't go to the same college as Bill.

I heard that!

I think the tamas have talked enough... Bill get annoyed by Ally really easily.

Oh well. Me and Rainbowbunny227 will post later.




Bill just got a letter from the king!

It was a gift of a pencil! Yay!

That's it for now.


Well, I'll start with Bill the V4.

He needs one meal and one snack... I'll do that right now.......

I fed him some sushi, then pudding. Good news! He has one training now! Yay, Bill!

His skills are the same, so I do have to update that.. looks like he gained 24 pounds.

Ally's time!!!

Oh, no!!! She's fine with hunger, but she only has one happy heart filled!!!!!!! Ugh, oh, so sorry, poor Ally!

I'll give her just one snack... (a cone) and I'll play get music note with her later...

I have to stop writing now... I would of posted more, but I can't. Sorry! Later!


Well, Bill is already asleep.. so I'll just talk about Ally right now.

Cutiepuppy bought her a pear at the store and I used two codes to unlock the stuffed animal Ally can wear when she's a adult and a cake she can eat.

Cutiepuppy just played Heading with Ally, too.

That's all for now


Good morning Tamatalkers!

Today Bill got mail. It was ANOTHER letter from the king. The king gave him a make-up set. :ichigotchi:

Tee hee. Bill got make-up!

Oh, shut up.

I played Flag and Heading with Ally today, bringing her weight down to 54! Yay!

Bill is 23 pounds or something... a little too light for a teen, don't ya think?

Well, that's all for the moment. Bye!

~Cutiepuppy10 :puroperatchi:


Well, the tamas are fine, so I think I'll let them talk.

I bet I'm going to turn into a pretty tama adult

Right... :puroperatchi:

Be quiet, little pest!

Whoa, Bill, Ally, settle down!

I wasn't doing anything wrong, Bill w-

ALLY! You heard rainbowbunny!

Fine.. I'm glad I don't connect with you..

Yeah! I'd give you poop anyway!


Sorry, Ally and Bill don't seem in a good mood to chat..

Bill's stil fine. He has one training, his skills are: 32, 25 and 8. Two years old, 30 is his weight.

Now Ally.

She's fine, too. Three training.. WHOO-HOO, Ally!

I know, aren't I FABULOUS?

*GRUNT* What a show-off!

Now, I'll countuine Ally.. now where was I??

Right. Uh, three years old, fifty-five is her weight.

Well, I'm gonna see if anything intresting and cheap are in the store.




Bill got some fourtane mail... only one star for money... :puroperatchi:

two stars for the strength and the other one

YAHOO! I'm strong!

Oh, be quiet! You only have two stars!

(Bill) :ichigotchi:

Bill got mail....


He gave Bill 200 GP.

Wow. I guess the king sure likes Bill. :hitodetchi:

Hm... Ally pooped so I had to clean that up.

And Bill called me for no good reason, so I had to give him a Time Out.

Now he has 2 training.

Hee hee. Bill got a time out!

Ally, don't be rude.

Me and Rainbowbunny227 will post later. Bye!

~Cutiepuppy10 :puroperatchi:

K, quick update. Bill and Ally are still sleeping, so I'lljust tell you their stats.

Bill first.

He needs one meal and is missing two hearts of happy.

Training is two.

Skills: 32, 25, 8.

Two years old.

30 is his weight.

Moving on to Ally.

She needs one meal and is missing one happy heart.

Training is three.

Three years, 55 is her weight.

Wehen they wake up I'll take care of them, then pause cause I'm going to be gone for A LONG TIME. But I have a small time in the afternoon to take care of them and post or something. Cutiepuppy is pretty busy, too, today, but I'm pretty sure she can fit the tamas into her scheale, too.



Hello Tamatalkers!

Let's check Ally's and Bill's stats.

Bill is missing 2 hearts. I'll play with him once I'm finished this post.

He gained 1 pound, making him 31 pounds. Bill is 2 years old.

Ally is also missing 2 hearts. I will play with her too.

She's 56 pounds. Ally is 3 years old.

I've decided to take Bill to TamaTown later. Maybe we'll find something cool...

Did you hear that, Ally? I get to go to TamaTown!

I don't care. I bet I'll get to go too.


That's all for now.

~Cutiepuppy10 ♥

[SIZE=21pt]CONGRATS, ALLY!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

Ally just turned into a adult!!!!!!!!!!

Yay! Now I'm older than Bill! -_-

So what?!

I get ta boss you around!

Ally's type of adult is a maskitchi.

Yay! Told you I would turn out as a pretty adult! (I'm was already a pretty teen.) I have a pretty scarf and even some cool headgear!

You aren't pretty! You look WEIRD!

Shut up, little brat!

(Billy) :(

Now, back to the basics.

I'll start with Bill because Ally got such a big space alreday.

Now, Bill.

He has three emty happy hearts, and he's not hungry at all.

I'll fix that right this second.

K, fixed that.

Two training..

His skills: 33, 25, and 8.

37 is his weight.

Now, Ally.

She had two emty happy hearts.

I'll fix that now....

K. Now,

Three training, 60 is her weight.

I'm gonna connect Bill and Ally now! Can you belive I haven't connected them before? Cutiepuppy might have, but I can't be so sure.


Sorry, guys. I hafta!


They're doing a game right this second as I type.

ALLY WON! (They did the eatting contest.)

I am the CHAMP of FABULOUS!! Told you, Bill, oldest are greatest!

Good morning!!!!

Ally and Bill are still sleeping so... I can't really say anything.... just wanted to post.

Well, me and rainbowbunny227 are going to be going to the store so we won't be able to post for a few hours or so. But we'll make sure to update later!

Have a great Saturday morning.



Little Bill is now grown up. *Sniff* This is such a touching moment!

He turned into a Minotchi, so he looks kinda like a worm. :D

Rainbowbunny will post later.


Oh, my gosh!!! cutiepuppy is connecting Bill and Ally SO much, so they're getting some 'feelings' for each other, if ya know what I mean! :furawatchi:

Ally is kinda sweet..... :D

Bill is SO funny!

Ally IS pretty...

See? Ha, ha! What if they married?

That would be SOOO rad!

Hi everybody!!!

Yes, I DID connect Ally and Bill and tried to make them marry.

Sadly, they won't! Even though they have four hearts in their friendship stats. It's odd. Can someone PM me with help? :huh:

Okay, let's check on Ally and Bill, shall we?

Oooh! Bill has mail. A fortune and normal mail. Let's open them now...

The fortune is 2 money, 2 hearts, and 2 strength.

The normal mail is... a heart! Awww! Maybe it's from Ally... :)

Ally is fine. I played Heading with her and fed her.

I'll connect Ally and Bill now and see what happens, k?

Bill goes over to Ally's house and gives her a gift. It's a flower! How sweet of Bill!

Oh! Earlier today Bill went fishing with a fishing pole I bought him. He caught a giant whale! Then he got all freaked out. :eek:

Ha! Better luck next time Bill.

That's all for now. Bye!!!

~Cutiepuppy10 :mimitchi:


Bill's fine.

Ally's fine.

Ally has three training.

Bill has two.

Ally is four years old.

Bill is three.

Ally weighs 84 pounds (UGGH!)

Bill weighs 45.

Bill's skills are......




Uh... sorry this entry is so short, but I need to eat dinner.


Hi everyone!

This morning me and rainbowbunny had to go to church so we put the tamas on pause and left them home.

Now they're unpaused.

When I got up early today I played with Bill. (Ally was still asleep.) He had mail. (A fortune) Bill got 2 money, 2 hearts, and 3 strength. After that, I played Mimic with him and fed him sushi.

Nothing else has really happened. Ally is fine.

That's all for now!

~Cutiepuppy10 :gozarutchi:


Bill just got a job as a [SIZE=14pt]banker![/SIZE]

Horray, horray! Congrats, Bill, congrats!!!

Uh-oh, looks like Ally needs some cheering up- she has three [SIZE=21pt]empty[/SIZE] happy hearts.

I'll fix that.


Uh... Training is three.

Five years of age.

Weight: NO!!!!!!! THIS CANNOT be !!!! Ally is ninety.....nine... pounds.... *sniff* so upsetting!!!!!! Me and cutiepuupy will hafta fix that right way!!

Points: 1901


Oh, Bill just got mail..

Da king!


Oh, my gosh.



Get how much points Bill has now?!?!?!?!?!


Will you belive me?

Well, back to the basics.

Bill is one hungry...

I'll feed him sushi.


Now, um... Two trainings.. His skills:

[SIZE=21pt]✎ 52[/SIZE]

Then the other two 27 and 8, I would post more, but gotta go FAST!!
