Snow anyone?


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We get a LOT of snow here... Until some of it melted yesterday we had somewhere around 18 or 19 inches. It's a lot. 2.5-3 inches is nothing for us... It's really weird for me to read that that's a bad storm where you are!! I'm so used to a lot of snow that hearing about seemingly small amounts of snow causing problems is just really strange!

Yeah, we were supposed to get more snow last night too but it just rained and melted off alot of what we had from yesterdays snow =( hope it snows again soon, Joey loved playing in the snow, I will post pics here soon :D

Can the East Coast borrow some of that snow? lol xD We don't even get snow and when we do it's not even snow, it's like frozen rain, and ice, mixed with snow that don't stick well and all that jazz.

I mean where I live it snows but not alot this winter.

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But it's been pretty mild this year, and I'm so thankful for that.

I hate snow. DIE SNOW DIE!!!!!!!!!

Yeeeaaah, just think, only 3 more months of this, and then the actual spring temperatures come!

Oooh...snow. How lucky.

It never snowed in Southern California...not where we lived.

It doesn't snow where we live in Texas.

Will I ever experience a real snow-fall?

Well, we HAD a lot of snow here but it has been melting. Today had the weirdest weather EVER. In the morning it was 40(F)-ish and damp. In the afternoon it started raining and getting dark and creepy and weird. Now it's getting really cold and all the water is freezing, and maybe we'll get some snow tonight. To make a long story short, the weather is horrible[i/] here.


But...schools may be canceled tomorrow! That's me, the optimist. :D

I dont like the snow either personally, its pretty, and I love to watch other people play in it, but its too cold for me. I go out there and play in it to make my son happy, but inside, I am screaming "PUT ME BY THE FIRE!"

Ive never even seen snow. Ive only been to Arkansas and mexico, and I live in florida.

I dont like the snow either personally, its pretty, and I love to watch other people play in it, but its too cold for me. I go out there and play in it to make my son happy, but inside, I am screaming "PUT ME BY THE FIRE!"
Same with me, not to mention it's a complete pain to drive in D:

Oh you are so lucky. Its Summer over here and in Winter its still boiling, lucky me.

Just so you know, I am glaring at you in jealousy through the computer screen.

We have live 5ish inches of snow right now and tomorrow we are supposed to get a stinkin' foot of snow x.x

Eeek! I'm super duper excited right now because we're going to New York on Friday and there's a chance of snow on Saturday...I think.

I doubt it will happen, though. never hurts to keep your hopes up.

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