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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
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uhh... there's this discusting food called SPAM fritters uhh...and the ad is rubbish and the color of the pakiging well... not my sort of coluor

Spam (spiced ham) - you mean that pressed meat in a tin??

I used to love fried spam fritters! :rolleyes: I haven't had any in ages tho' because we're supposed to "eat healthily" and no matter how hard I try, I just can't work a spam fritter into my "healthy option" / "5 portions of fruit & veg per day" diet.

Guess I will just stick to the Chocolate bars...

PS: I don't really mind the colour of the packaging = it doesn't affect the taste of the food ;)

SPAM? The meat? I like SPAM, well not on TT... *Sorry....* Yummmm....

Spam (spiced ham) - you mean that pressed meat in a tin??
I used to love fried spam fritters! :rolleyes: I haven't had any in ages tho' because we're supposed to "eat healthily" and no matter how hard I try, I just can't work a spam fritter into my "healthy option" / "5 portions of fruit & veg per day" diet.

Guess I will just stick to the Chocolate bars... <_<

PS: I don't really mind the colour of the packaging = it doesn't affect the taste of the food ;)
but have you seen the advert? the advert's rubbish!

No... I havent. I don't know about TamaMum, I like it, and teh advertisment doesn't bother me, as long as it tastes good ^^

sorry... gotta go! scampi the dog is here to play well... cheereo!

Cheereo? Hehe, I am in ohio.

So I am not completaly off topic, YUMMM Spam tastes good, but with my dads diet we cant eat it anymore. *ISgh*

Heheh. YUCK. I think it's nasty, but of course that's only because I was forced to eat Spam-Loaf my great grandmother made for Christmas dinner... x_x (SpamLoaf made me die a little inside. xD)

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sorry... gotta go! scampi the dog is here to play well... cheereo!
You British?

Spam is good. The advertisement and packaging don't bother me. Although the ad is a tad cheesy. Eh, who cares? At least it tastes good.

Ugh! just the smell of the stuff makes me barf! I can't stand it. I'm not very picky but that stuff is just so unhealthy and discusting! *gag* just thinking about it makes me gag! (thx a lot... now I have a bad taste in my mouth..... jk)

but still... we had a can and I saw a recipe for fryed SPAM and I tryed it and after that I vowed never to eat it again... I'd rather starve...

I've never tried it. I'm a pretty picky eater as far as food goes, so I wouldn't be trying it anytime soon XD

My dad is a health freak and my mom is good at cooking chinese food (if it's the real stuff not in cheapo resturants, it's supposed to be very good for you) so I don't think we would buy it.

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