St. Aislin


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Sinead moved closer to him and rested her head on his arm, giving a soft sigh. It was obvious she'd had a long day, and just needed to get her mind off of her problems for a while. The court case seemed to loom over her head, taking precedence over everything else. It even made it hard to focus on her schoolwork-- a rarity for the studious young woman. She squeezed his hand in return, then laid on the bed with a sigh, resting on her side.

Alexander stayed quiet. He just watched her for a while. After she flopped onto the bed he found himself crawling beside her and laying on his side. He leaned his head forward a bit and kissed her forehead. "So why did you invite me over here anyways?" he asked her curiously. He had been wondering what had caused her to make such a request seeing as normally it involved something along the lines of not wanting to see him ever again. That and she deffinitely seemed distracted, and he wanted to distract her from her distraction and try to lighten up her mood a bit.

"Well... I'm kind of scared of being by myself. If my dad broke out, he could easily come and find me, and then... I don't know what would happen. I don't even want to imagine it," she said softly, moving into his arms with a sigh. "And being alone in a hotel room is strange for me. I'm so used to being in my house, in my bed, with my books. This is so surreal... and I just don't want to be alone." She looked up at him and gave him a kiss, then sighed and buried her face in his chest.

Well that deffinitely didn't make the mood any happier. If anything his asking had only made the moral in the room go down. "Hey don't think like that. I know your scared but you have to think positively. And besides do you know how hard it is to break out of jail, trust me I've tried. And that was for simple assult, not even close to all the charges they have him under." He had slightly regreted mentioning his arrests, but he figured she already knew by now so it didn't really matter. He also didn't mention the fact that what most people did was they had others do their bidding for them anyway. "Now I'm not saying being unsafe and stuff just don't panic, quite so much over it. You'll give yourself wrinkles."

Sinead nodded slightly, cringing just a bit when he brought up his past crimes and his stints in the jail. That wasn't good. She wished Alexander would just settle down and not get into so much trouble. There were lots of things to do besides fighting. However, she decided to bring that up at a later date, and for now she just cuddled close to him. She leaned up and kissed him again, this time a little more passionately. She would take his advice as best as she could.

Alexander kissed her back. He rolled toward her a bit, his hand sliding up her back scrunching her tanktop up a bit with it. His kiss in return to hers was only half hearted. It wasn't nearly as good as it could have been. He seemed to be focusing less on the kiss and more on everything else about it. He couldn't even seem to keep his eyes closed. He found himself opening them up to look and make sure he wasn't to close to her cast or any bandages. He felt slightly bad about only giving her a halfa**ed kiss but he figured that was better than giving her any more injuries.

Sinead pulled away from him after a little while, shifting her cast with a groan. "I swear, this bites. I feel like a china doll! I could tell you weren't kissing me fully." Sighing softly, she moved closer to him and kissed his neck. "I wish it didn't have to be like this," she whispered between kisses. "I want you to be able to kiss me fully." She then moved her lips back to his and kissed him passionately, her arms strategically placed so they wouldn't get hurt.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "It's just, you're so..." He made a motion with his hands like he was playing with an imaginary ball between them. "Tiny. And I'm afraid I'm going to break you. You're already all broken and you just seem so fragile." He admitted while she was kissing his neck. He truly felt bad that she had noticed and seemed to feel almost guilty for it. When she kissed him again he decided not to hold back to much on her. Just intead of rolling toward her he held her firmly in his grip and rolled flat onto his back, keeping her pressed to him so she ended up on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, becoming completely envoloped in their embrace. He had meant to make a sarcastic comment about how if he lost some control over himself it would be entirely her fault but he never got the chance, once she kissed him and he was actually kissing her back, like he hadn't done since the first time he had completely forgotten about it.

Sinead kissed him in return, a small smile on her lips. When she needed to breathe, she pulled back and inhaled, then let out her breath slowly, before moving back beside him and cuddling close. She couldn't let herself lose control around him, especially with all the drama that was going on at that point. She had to make sure they didn't go too far before she was ready. "So, Alexander... what's your favorite type of ice cream?"

Alexander didn't enjoy having to stop, all though his lungs were greatful for the needed air. He went to kiss her again when she moved back beside him again. He made a slight pout and his mouth moved as if he was about to say words but only silence came out a few times before words actually came out. "You can't... and then just... ugh" Sighing he sunk down into the bed.He turned to face her with a puzzled expression. "Um... Vanilla. " He said pausing momentarily at first to think about it.He kissed at her neck, leaving a trail of kissing along down her neck to her collarbone. "Why?"

"I'm trying to distract myself so that I don't go too far with you. After all, we really don't have an official relationship, and my body is still healing from... the baby." She groaned loudly when he kissed her neck, enjoying it too much for her liking. "Alexander... no fair," she said in a breathy voice, moving her hand to touch the back of his head. "That feels too good.... M-my favorite flavor is- it's- strawberry..." She was failing miserably at not wanting him.

Alexander chuckled softly at her reaction, breathing gently on her neck. He let his kisses travel up to her jawline, one making a brief stop at her lips, he pulled away slightly before pressing his lips to her for a few more seconds. "Okay, I'll stop." He told her. He didn't want to push her. He laughed quietly again. "Strawberry." He mused softly, making a slight mental note of that. He found it slightly funny, because even as a kid he had always hated that flavour, strawberries themselves were fine just things like strawberry milk or the icecream in the neopalatin flavoured icecream. He always remembered scoping around it just to get the vanilla and chocolate parts in his scoop. He found it ironic how they were such opposites, even just in the little things and yet they had such chemestry and a connection, but to him it wasn't like a connection like they talked about in romance movies, more along the lines of the science type, physical magnetivity.

Sinead stroked her good fingers up and down his neck, then returned hiss kisses with a few of her own. "Then again... I pretty much like any flavor of ice cream. Besides mint chocolate chip. Something about mint in my dairy weirds me out." She cuddled closer and said, "Okay... let's see... so what is your favorite kind of cake? I like yellow cake the best. It's a classic!" She giggled lightly, nestling her face in his shoulder.

"I don't know. If I would have known there was going to be a questionnaire I would have thought about it. " Alexander teased her, a small smile was still on his face. He didn't really have a favourite flavour of cake, he never ate it often enough to have one actually be his favourite. " I don't really ever eat it. " He explained to her honestly. All the years he had lived by himself he had never found the need for cake.

"Well, sometime if I'm feeling generous, maybe I'll make cake and let you have some of the crumbs," Sinead joked. Then, she racked her brain for another question, wanting to get to know him better. "Let's see... do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?" She leaned forward and kissed at his collarbone, which was slightly exposed. She couldn't resist him for that long, honestly. The physical attraction she felt for him was stronger than she would have liked it to be.

Alexander couldn't help but grin at her response. He pondered her question not entirely sure of the answer himself. "Um, inbetween I guess. Raining or cloudy I guess. What about you?" He tilted his head back against the matress and groaned softly at her kisses. He had been trying to keep control over himself but he was enjoying this too much. She made it extremely hard to behave himself.

"I like cool, foggy days, where the clouds cover the sun just right, but there are still patches of the blue sky showing," she breathed against his skin, unbuttoning a couple buttons of his shirt. She rested her hand on his chest, then gently kissed his neck and collarbone. She pulled back, trying to think of another question to ask him, but her mind was drawing a blank. She had no idea what to say, when all her mind was letting her think about was kissing him.

Alexander noticed her hesitation and decided to fill in the blank for her. He thought about if for a moment trying to come up with a good question. He also wanted something that he would at least know his own answer for. He finally came up with something and he didn't remember them ever disussing it before so he figured it would be a decent question."What's your favourite movie?" He asked her.

Sinead rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling while she tried to figure out which movie was her favorite. In general, she preferred reading over watching movies, but she'd seen many good movies before. "Well... I'd have to say that my favorite movie is either "Gone With the Wind" or "The Exorcist". I know, they're radically different from each other, but they're both really good."

Alexander smirked a bit. She was definitely right they were both extremelly different movies. "You're sucha strange little girl." He told her. He turned his head straight again and stared up at the cieling as well. "Hmmm. What about your favourite snack food?" He thought about the question himself for a moment. "I'd say mine would have to be candy. Any type really, ju-jubes, gummies, those little sour ones. Do you remember when you were a kid and they used to have in corner stores those little candy bins and you could fill up a little paper bag for only a dollar. I miss those, I remember spending every penny I got on those bags when I was younger."

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