St. Aislin


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"My favorite snack food? Hm... I'd have to say, I agree with you about the candy. I love the little chocolate truffles that melt in your mouth, and I also like gummy worms! As long as it's sugary, I'll eat it. I spent my money on books and candy when I was younger. 'd buy a book, then one of those flavored candy sticks. Sometimes they were peppermint, other times I'd pick bubble gum flavor or cherry." She laughed lightly, then said, "Okay... coffee or tea? Or neither?" She took her good hand and entwined it with his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. This was actually turning out to be more fun than she had thought it would be.

Alexander weighed the options. "Hm... Coffee over tea but I rarely drink it. If given the choice neither. What about you?" He rolled back on to his side so he was facing her again. He smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth turning up almost into a grin. He ran his thumb lightly along the back of her hand. He tried to think of another question to ask her but only drew a blank.

"I love coffee, especially when there's flavor added into it, like caramel or vanilla. Tea is all right, although I prefer iced tea over hot tea," she said, looking over at him and smiling as he ran his thumb along her hand. "What's your favorite color?" She would have turned on her side, but the cast made movements like that a bit more difficult. She looked at his face and observed his smile, which made her happy.

Alexander made a soft humming sound. He honestly had trouble finding an answer to this question. "I think this is the hardest question yet. " He told her. "I don't really think I have one. I think I'll go with blue." He had never thought of what his favourite colour might be. He watched her face carefully and then asked her. "What are you smiling about over there?"

"Blue? That's a good one. My favorite color is... green. I have to go with green," she said after some thoughtful hesitation. She then laughed when he asked about why she was smiling. Still laughing, she finally managed to prop herself up on her side. "Well, I'm smiling because I like seeing you smile. You have a great smile, even though you don't show it all the time. I think you should smile more often. It suits you." She kissed him gently then sighed, perfectly contented.

Alexander smirked. "You told me that the other day." He reminded her. When she mentioned him smiling it faltered, fading away again into his simple flat expression. After she kissed him it returned for a brief second and then left again, being replaced by him biting on his lower lip. He then forced the smile again, hoping she hadn't really payed much attention.

Sinead was surprised the he remembered what she had told him. She looked touched by the fact that he had actually listened, and almost said something about it, until she noticed the changing looks on his face. "... Did I say something wrong? Your expression fell and now you're fake smiling," she said, not easily fooled. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything. I genuinely think you have a handsome smile!" She stared up at him with comfusion, trying to figure out what was going on.

Alexander dropped the fake smile. "No, no you didn't. I swear." He told her honestly. "I'm just not really used to that. I didn't-don't know how to react. " He smiled halfheartedly. "On the rare occasion you smile, its pretty nice too." He told her after a moment. He leaned his head forward and kissed her cheek lightly.

"That's a relief," she said softly, moving to kiss his lips. Once she had, she pulled back and looked up at him solemnly. "It's getting late... although, I don't want you to go. I hate being here alone." She kept her hand against his chest as she spoke to him, gently clinging to the front of his shirt.

Alexander placed his hand over hers. He smiled slightly and kissed her slowly. He pulled away a tiny bit. "Then I guess it's a good thing I don't have to go home yet." He said smiling warmly to her. He didn't want to leave her here any more than she wanted him to go, especially if doing do left her here alone and scared.

Sinead tugged on his shirt and pulled him close to her, kissing him passionately. She'd been keeping control of herself for long enough, and now she just really wanted to be with him, and let loose a little bit. Or a lot. She was glad she was just wearing shorts and a tank top, because wearing a skirt made things more awkward.

Alexander was taken by surprise at her sudden action.He kissed her back hungrily. Once again he rolled onto his back taking her with him. He arapped his arms around to her back, one on the back of her neck his fingertips touching the base of her hair. He made a soft moaning noise into their kiss, only pulling back enough to get the much needed breath and smiling at her.

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Sinead kept kissing him hungrily in return then moved her lips to his neck, keeping herself balanced. When he pulled back, she made a slight groaning noise and pouted at him. She shivered at the feeling of his fingers at the base of her hair, then leaned down to kiss him some more. She was not going to pass up this time with him.

Alexander took and returned her kiss happily. He enjoyed kissing her, probably more than he should have, but by this point he really didn't care. He moved to kiss along her jawline. His arms were tightly gripped to her not wanting to let her go. he did though, he half sat himself up and picked her off of him setting her down gently beside him. "I think you're right. Maybe it is getting late, you should get some sleep, you have this whole court matter in the morning.

Sinead frowned at him, trying to formulate a coherent sentence. "You... Alexander, no fair! You can't just stop in the middle of us making out! It's not very nice!" She looked up at him with a scowl. "You big jerk!" She turned away from him, so her back was the part of her he would see. She then put the blankets over her head and pouted some more.

"Really?" Alexander asked. He pulled the blankets off of her "You're really going to act like a six year old right now?" He made a soft groaning noise. "Fine." He sat up straight and moved closer to her. He turned her over on to her back and kicking his one leg over top of her to the other side. He pinned her good arm under his hand up by her head and leaned down and kissed again, letting the other hand cup lightly against the other side of her face.

"Actually," she breathed between kisses, "I'm seven." She giggled, then kissed him in return, glad that he wasn't treating her like a complete china doll at this point. Really, she was stronger than her little figure made her seem. She let out a soft groaning noise, then moved to entwine her good hand with his, while keeping it pinned above her.

Alexander chuckled softly at her response. Even he had to admit it was quite a clever little retort. He smiled soflty and continued to kiss her. He interlocked his fingers with hers as he kissed along her cheek and jaw down toward her neck. He loosened his hold on her ad he moved slightly to kiss along her neck and following down lower along her collarbone.

Sinead blushed and tilted her head back, giving a soft sigh of satisfaction. She moved her hand and ran her fingers through his hair, then down the back of his neck. He made her feel amazing and beautiful; after all, it was nice to be wanted by an attractive male. She groaned when he kissed her collarbone, knowing she was losing control of herself.

Alexander felt chills run down his spine from her touch. He could tell that she was losing control and so was he for that matter. He loved her kisses and just the simple way she felt against his skin. He worked his way back up to her lips. He pressed his lips agaianst her, kissing the corner of her lips. He pulled back only slightly, breathing against her skin for a moment before pulling away more. "I think you should probably get to bed." He told her before flopping down onto the bed beside her, admittedly quite ungracefully.

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