Steal the bacon! (Game)


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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2012
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Tamagotchi Planet: 2683 Kuro lane.
Now, in order to play, you must come up with wacky ways to steal the bacon from the post above you. NO EATING THE BACON, IF YOU MIND. Example:

I use a time machine to go back in-time and steal the bacon

I steal the bacon while you arnt looking

Alright, here's the bacon!:


**steels the bacon by teaming up with everyone who lieks bacon and steels it and divides it equally between them all** > :D

I like bacon so I get a small piece off jasen211 and clone it into a full sized piece and then I dig to the core of the earth and hide it there to cook! xD

Gets a nuclear bomb and blows up the planet to get the bacon, but then I blow myself up too and have to hide the bacon in heaven.

*kills self so she can go to Heaven and get the bacon, then lives on Earth again and hides it in a bottle of maple syrup*


maple syrup=canada (Teri you are nuts about Canada My friend lives there)

I go to canada and buy every maple syrup bottle gets bacon and teleports into tamagotchi world where its tama bacon then I hide it in Kutchipatchi's fridge (its ginormous and full to the brim of food a house can get lost in that thing)

(No, my dear friend, you are wrong. I'm not NUTS about Canada, I'm MARRIED to Canada xDD)

*teleports to Tamagotchi World, goes into Kuchipatchi's fridge, gets bacon and hides it in a bunch of bacon-scented flowers*

Tell It's Teri that I will kill the people who make Hetalia unless she gives me the bacon. Then I magically make it invisible and send it to Fairy Land.

goes to fairy land and steals bacon then goes into outer space and sits on mars with the bacon

I visit Fairy Land again and get some fairy dust that will magically give me the bacon. Then I hide it in my shoe. Believe me, my shoes smell worse than anything else in the universe.

I use a magical GPS locator that can magically get stuff from it's location to get the bacon, and hide it in a rubbish bin xD

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I put on sucba gear, dove in the trash, found the bacon and hid it in a box of cereal.

I put the box of cereal in a recycle bin, where it gets recycled--along with the bacon--into a Barney the Dinosaur coloring book.

I sneak into the recycling place the recycling stuff goes dive into the bowl..thing ...where the stuff goes... i guess... (i don't really know)

take the Barney the Dinosaur coloring book , get out of the recycling place, put the book on a rocket ship, the rocket ship lands on the moon.

But you are not allowed to eat the bacon in this game and you are banned from TamaTalk forever, so I visit Fairy Land for the third time and they help me transform it into Canada, that doofus from Hetalia.

I go to the world full of unicorns and they help me steal Canada by dropping giant puppies everywhere, and the puppies get Canada back and then the unicorns turn Canada back into the bacon and then I lock it inside of a tiny box that's inside of a safe inside of a school locker then I put the locker in a vault. (lol run on sentence)

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I show everyone this terrible drawing I found on the net while typing in Japanese, and while they are all gawking at it like this :eek: and trying to work out what it is, I snatch the bacon. But I forget where I put it.


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