Stop Fighting!


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jeremy clarkson

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
England, UK

lately a lot of people are fighting squabbling and SPAMing (I hope you don't think this is SPAM). People are sick of it and I want you to try to stop it and grow up. Please just try and get along and accept that different people think differently to yourself. Why do you guys do this?


i have been one of the people fighting and spamming and i am sorry.i just get ticked off really easy.i really am sorry.


I just would like for some of the people here to mature but I just can't force them to age... so whatever.

i feel like every1 here acts like a little baby sumtimes! they shood harden up and get other peeple 2 do so aswel!

oh oh here i go fighting again. click here
... now you're advertising that you're fighting again?

Would you please grow up and stop this nonsense? You shouldn't advertise like you're proud of getting into a fight with somebody ONLINE (not real life) in a post that is about stopping it!

... now you're advertising that you're fighting again?
Would you please grow up and stop this nonsense? You shouldn't advertise like you're proud of getting into a fight with somebody ONLINE (not real life) in a post that is about stopping it!
leave ma sista alone b4 i get on ya

Guys, lately a lot of people are fighting squabbling and SPAMing (I hope you don't think this is SPAM). People are sick of it and I want you to try to stop it and grow up. Please just try and get along and accept that different people think differently to yourself. Why do you guys do this?

Why can'y every1 just listen to wat jc is saying??

Its really horrible having to read posts where every1 is fighting with each other - this is meant to be a fun place

Maybe if ppl have to fight - they should just pm each other rather than post it all the time.

i am sorry if i was fighting but i am sure that the only person i have fiten with is ive_the_beave pleaz quote this if you believe me


p.s i hope i did not sound as thoughr i thought i was the best cause if i did i did not mean to)

i am sorry if i was fighting but i am sure that the only person i have fiten with is ive_the_beave pleaz quote this if you believe me

p.s i hope i did not sound as thoughr i thought i was the best cause if i did i did not mean to)
Same here!!!! Do you know what he Pmed me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he is always swearing!

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