Strange Hours.


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2007
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on your head
Dang, that would make the best surreal short story EVAR.

Anyways, what are your usual hours of sleepery and awakery?

Mine are...weird. Just...weird. On weekends and holidays, I stay up until the next day, and then sleep it off, or I just stay up for 24 hours and crash on the 23rd. I need to run on 11 hours sleep, minimum, or I can't eat, because my digestion system isn't awake, I can't type well, read, drink water, take asprin, etc. Basically, I can listen to music and be a grump.

Like, last sunday, I stayed up until 7 AM fixing my computer, then slept until 2:15 PM. It was quite nice, actually. Good sleep, right there.

...good sleep.

What I hate, though, is I run FAR FAR better at night, but I still have to do school during the day. It's like DUDE. D:< What's up with this...daylight activity? then, I mentally yell ADSFAJAJFAJAFAJA.

But, I can't wait until summer. Uplatery! 8D

On weekdays, I dont wanna wake up.

When Its weekends, I stay forever in bed o.o

I'm pretty much nocturnal :blink:

On weekdays, I go to bed at around 11:30 at night, but I usually end up staying awake until about 2 in the morning. And if it's on the weekend, I'll stay up nearly all night and sleep during the day.

I love to read before I go to bed. I'll be in bed with a Warriors book until 2 in the morning reading nonstop.

All days: wake up randomly at 1:00 = 5:00 AM

Basically, my body is on a natural no-nightmare system (I have nightmares a LOT). When I begin to have a nightmare, I wake up. I'm getting sick of this (I'm getting in trouble, too). Not to mention that I get major drowsiness during the day... ^_^

Cecib :blink:

Weekdays: sleepery:11:30 WAKEY WAKEY: 6:30-7:00

Weekends: Well, sometimes I'll go out with friends or to a football game and then who knows when I'll get back. anywhere from 9-11. Then I'll usually spend the night with them, so I won't get any sleep. then we'll sleep till like 2. If I have to babysit in the morning I'll get to sleep earlier and wake up at like 9.

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