Talking to yourself.


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I was at the store today looking at magazines and my parents were shopping. I read this part in a magazine where it said Hilary Duff and this guy Joel were going out before. And I said really loud to myself, "Oh my gosh, they did not go out!" Because I didn't think so. And everybody at the store started staring at me. It was funny. :D

I talked to myself a bunch still after that. I like talking to myself. :)


No, not really. Only if I'm mad I'll be in my room and I'll be like, "Jeez! Why does he/she have to be like that!" and stuff.

I also yell at my computer, baby talk to video games to I win, and etc./

I once talked to myself while someone else was in the room. Talk about embaressing.

No, I don't talk to myself. My friend, though, talks in her sleep. We were on a class camping trip one time, and she was in my cabin, sleeping, and talking about mustard. She also kept talking about hamburgers. o_O :D I wonder if she was hungry...

Yeah, I'll do that. I pretend that I'm talking to Naruto, Shikamaru, or Kakashi and they will anwer me back!

I think I'm going crazy, but I enjoy it.

Once I was up late at night and I was drawing chibis and Naruto was being soooo annoying! He kept on bugging me about drawing him real cute. I did draw him, but I drew it really badly on pupose and said

"In your face!"

If felt really werid. Sakura and Kiba were laughing at him and the picture I drew. It was Naruto and his face was all demorphed and I put a note next to it that said he read icha icha paradise. Even Kakashi let out a small chuckle.

They are my imaginary friends!!! :D

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Well I talk to my imaginary friend Flo! She likes airplanes. My mom thinks I'm weird. My brother thinks there is a dinasour in his room named Benny. When he was sleeping "benny" put play food around him and threw it at him. I i mean benny was laughing so hard. Mwahahaha!

hapens a whole mess when i am alone!

when i talk to myself it is like a million people r in my room!

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