tama pick


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Active member
Dec 8, 2008
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Hi, I am new too tamas but I used to be an expert I need two questions answered. First I need to know which I should use v3 or v4.5 . I have a v5 but I don't like it. I only have one working battery right now so I'm trying to chose plz help me. Second the one you think I should have plz fill me up to date on and you can even say you like v5,

Thank you,


Well it really depends,

Do you have a lot of time on your hands? If so, I would choose the V4.5 because if you want good characters and jobs, you need to raise your tama skill points, which requires a lot of games to play. Also, the games take a while to beat on a V4.5 so you would need some time to play them. And you have to be around your tama a lot to check mail, it gets really annoying when there's tons of messages you have to look at.

If you don't have a lot of time, choose the V3.

They're fun, and simple. I'm currently playing with a V3 and i love it! You don't need to be around it all the time, the games are super fun, and if you want to get a good character and you need to worry about is the hunger and happy bars, and the weight. Like i said before, the games are fun and fast so the weight will be down in no time. =)

Happy choosing!

why not jst buy anothr battry????? then tht would save u the hasle of picking a tama

thanks booboo1 but I have lots of time but I do like to get on the cumputer and do other things any help or suggestions?

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well this is just my opinion but id use the v3. but thats only my thought. but you should try to get a new battery soon.

hope i helped and have a great tamatalking day!!!

No problem. =)

You could choose the V4.5 but you don't HAVE to work on getting skill points and stuff up. I usually just do it so my tama can get a job. I actually prefer the V3 though. You said you like to go out and do things but you still have time, so i would say V3. Do you take any sports classes or anything? Because if you do, the V4.5 would be getting mail and a whole load of other stuff. =P But, you could also pause the tamas while you're playing games, so you don't have to worry about them getting sick. Unless you're the kind of person that doesn't like to pause tamas.

The V4.5 also have more features than the V3 so, if you're bored then the V4.5 would be more exciting to play with.

But it is your choise, i can't make the decision for you. =)

do v3!v3 rules!
I hate to tell you this, but the topic starter probably chose which one he or she would reset. You didn't bump the topic, but it was made earlier in the month and your post would not be any help, considering the topic would have been solved. Here's a tip.. Look at the date the topic was made to see if what your about to post would be appropriate. Also, in the post right before yours, SunnyTama already said they picked a v4.5...


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