*~Tama World~*


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Nellie paced around the dorm room, seeing her roommate hadn't got here yet. No stuff or anything. She knew at some point she had to have a roommate. There were two beds in the room. But since she was the only one there at the moment, she decided she would choose which bed she wanted. Being first there meant you got to choose the best bed, she had once learnt from Kelly. So Nellie sat on both beds, deciding which one was the best. She chose one and made it with all her bed stuff. How good it is to be here first, with the best bed, Nellie thought.

Kelly, meanwhile, was walking around the house, empty without Nellie, when all of a sudden the phone rang. She answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi, Kelly, is that you?" it was the judge from the audition.

"No, it's her twin sister Nellie" she said sarcastically. "Yes, it's Kelly"

"I know I said for you to come tomorrow" the judge said "but it was just too easy a decision. You got the part!"

"Me?" Kelly asked "Really?"

"Yes, Kelly, really!" said the judge "Now be here tomorrow nine o'clock for rehearsals"

"Okay" said Kelly "I'll be there" She hung up the phone. "Yes!" she screamed with excitement.

Kelly rang Nellie.

Nellie answered her phone. "Hello?" she said.

"Hey, it's me Kelly. I've got big news!" Kelly said.

"How big?" Nellie asked.

"Too big!" Kelly said, "I got the part!"

"Really?" said Nellie, "That's wonderful!"

"I know!" said Kelly "And I'm the youngest there but I have the main part! This could be the start of something big for me!"

"Cool!" said Nellie.

"So, how's your roommate?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know" Nellie replied.

"You don't know?" Kelly asked "You've got to get out more and learn about the people around you"

"No, I don't know because she's not here yet" said Nellie.

"So you got there first?" asked Kelly.

"Yep" said Nellie.

"Cool" said Kelly, "So you got the best bed then"

"Yep" said Nellie "I learnt from you that being there first means you get the best bed"

"I'm so proud of you" said Kelly.

"I'm proud of you" said Nellie "Being the youngest actress in the play but with the best part!"

"Well bye for now!" said Kelly "I'm going to read over my lines"

"'K" said Nellie "Bye"

Blaze ordered spaghetti primavera. He sat back in his chair, and awaited his hot, steaming plate of delicious pasta. Sighing, he took another piece of bread and ate this one without the butter. He wished he had joined football, since he was extremely bored. He decided to pull out his guitar and playing some music. He felt like playing spanish guitar, so that's what he did (Despite the fact he was in an Italian restaurant). Other tamas didn't seem to mind, and some applauded him.

Practice ended about an hour earlier than it should have. Cade headed to the locker rooms and then took a nice, steamy shower. The water revitalized his cold, wet and dirty body. Finally, he climbed out, and instantly regretted it. It was freezing; one of the guys had left the door to the back lawn open. Gritting his teeth, Cade managed to grab a towel, dry himself and redress. After buttoning up his red checkered jacket, he grabbed his bag and went out to the dorms.

Skylar decided to start "the life".

She grabbed her mic and her glittery dress and started to change.

Skylar ran to the car store, hoping to find something cheap.

That Katrina never gave Skylar anything. So Skylar tried to make the best out of 10000 gochi points.

It may have been alot, but not compared to Katrina. That brat had 500 times more!

So Skylar bought a smartcar, which was one of those tiny cars that only fit two people and a lunch box.

She decorated the car with cheap store-bought rhinestones, for effect.

She sighed. For a first date, she was not in shape. She wished she sould sock Katrina in the nose.

So she started singing Ke$ha's "We r who we r"

"Hot and dangerous, if you're one of us, then roll with us,

cause we make the hipsters fall in love, and we got our hot pants on and up,

and yes of course because... Darn, forgot the lyrics."

Katrina was a jerk. Skylar regretted working with her.

In a miserable mood, she met up with a guy. She was meeting bachelors at a party.

She met a really hot Kuromametchi named Fred. She was willing to dance with him, but the main singer for the party was missing and Sky was called up.

Sky cursed the announcer, and then went up to the front. She started singiing Katy Perry's "Firework".

Fred shrugged, and then left. And that was the last time Sky ever saw him. (Ha! no form!)

Sky decided to quit. She slipped her mic into her pocket and said: "I lost my mic."

Everyone there started searching, so Sky made a run for it. Mascara was around her eyelids, falling down, combined with tears.

She ran to her dormitory and fainted on the bed. She was 18, and crazy. As she started university, things were S.

Skylar imagined her previous life as Katrina's slave, and now she was free. But Katrina left a mark in Sky's brain. Forever.

Kate rested her head on her arms. This vacation rocked! She rolled over on the beach and let the sun shine on her back.

She wasn't in the tiny Music City beach. She was in Paradise. Well, sort of. She was in Swirly Sweet ville, where the sand was pink sugar.

She licked it. mm. great.

Katrina stomped her foot against the ground. Never any reply from that darned phone.

Katrina played the harp, but that didn't soothe her. She angrily walked around Dazzilitchiville.

She went to the Dollar store and bought a kiddie's play shield. She held it in front of her face.

She then went to the sport store and bought a balaclava.She shoved it over her head and wore an armour.

People didn't recognize her. She ran to the tennis court. No one went there in the winter.

She then threw off the crap and collapsed onto the fluffy white snow.

Her winter coat was a sliver to small of a coat, and she got cold quick.

But that didn't disturb her. What did was that she was gone.

Out of the World. Into... Where?

Cade stopped to talk with the football coach before heading back to the dorms. When he got there, he was soaked by the heavy rain (again), and then he had to take another shower. Once he finished, he got dressed (again), and then he went to the laundry rooms in the basement to get his clothing cleaned. Sighing, he sat down by a chair in the laundry room as he waited for his clothes to come out of the laundry machine. When it did come out, he shoved it into a basket and took it back up. He left the basket in a corner, and he sat down to look at his cell phone for any text messages or calls. Unfortunately, he had 5 missed calls from his girlfriend. And when he checked the 7th voicemail that was left..

"It's over, Cade! I've had enough. Listen, I'm done with our relationship, and now I'm going to transfer to Mame City University to get away. C ya."

Cade slumped farther down into his chair, and he slowly got up and left the apartment. He did remember to lock the door; but he had no idea what he was doing. He got on a bus without knowing it was on it's way to Dazzlitchi City..

Katrina was doing cartwheels and flips, for her gym class.

Some Dazzilitchis were throwing pencils at eachother's eyes. :D

Katrina closed her eyes to dodge the pencils.

In a day, the bachelors were going to Dazzilitchi Ville to try it out.

Katrina wondered if... someone from TamaTown came?

Well, she just went on with the T-bar flip when she broke her arm.


Katrina called the Hospital, but no one came. *Swears*

Then Katrina just biked there.

It was hard, considering that she could only ride with one hand.

She looked like a clown. Or like this tamagotchi: :eek: combined with this one: :pochitchi:

She ran to the hospital and asked them for a cast and an x-ray.

She lay down in the bed. *shot goes into leg* *Swears again* *falls asleep*


Well, her arm was in a cast the next morning. Her band members became more keen with Katrina than Skylar had been.

They signed the cast with their best handwriting.

Which wasn't good.

Lindsay gripped the handlebars on her sleek bike and put on her helmet. She set her foot on the footrest and rode towards the restaurant. When she reached her destination, she didn't have to look up. She could smell the breadsticks. Lindsay swiftly turned into the parking lot and raced into a spot. She got out, took off her helmet, and strode into the restaurant. She sat herself down at a table and put away her clutch, as she ordered some breadsticks. After her 2 hour nap in band class, she was pretty hungry. She heard some familiar-sounding music coming from another table and turned. She saw a familiar Kuromametchi playing Spanish guitar. "Hm," she said to herself, "Do I know him from somewhere?"

Blaze continued to play spanish guitar, but eventually changed to playing a song fitting for a taratalla. He felt totally engrossed in the music, and barely noticed when his spaghetti primavera showed up. He put his guitar back into it's case, and then began to eat. The hunger that had been clawing at his belly for the last five hours slowly evaporated as the delicious flavors of peppers and tomatoes filled him. He would stop eating every once in a while so he could get a sip of milk from the cup that had been delivered while he had been playing spanish guitar. When he finished, the waiter came, took the empty plate and glass, and left the bill. Blaze was now enjoying a nice cappucino.

Cade wasn't going to cry; but he felt so cold and hollow inside. He figured the bus was going to Mame City, his hometown, which is why he was on it. It wasn't until he was in Dazzlitchi Town that he came out of his world of thoughts and memories..

"OH MY GOD! HOW THE..." Cade slowly forced himself off the bus in disbelief. "Great. I'm stuck in the middle of a town I've never been to before, with 7500 Gotchi points and a Tamatown University ID card.." He began to walk toward the pay phone in the bus station; but hesitated and turned around when he realized that there was 3 tamas in line for the phone. He began to walk toward the nearest building from the station; a hospital. He hoped there'd be a pay phone there.

Lindsay nibbled on her breadsticks, pausing every once in a while to dip them in alfredo. They were so good, she hardly noticed the guitar playing stopped. But when it did, she put down her breadstick, and applauded. The Kuromametchi looked so familiar, it was driving her insane.

Blaze decided to get to work on his homework for his physics class. He tugged out his small, sleek red laptop and then booted it up. While the computer loaded, he took another sip of the cappucino. When it reached his main screen, he went over to the Start Menu and opened up the internet. There, he logged onto TamaTown University, and then opened the homework page.

Cade looked around, and 80% of the tamas he saw around him were all Dazzlitchi's. He saw a Mametchi and a Kutchipatchi and a Bill, but he didn't see anybody else that wasn't a Dazzlitchi. Cade wondered how had he ended up in Dazzlitchi Town in the first place. He was SURE he had bought a ticket to Mame City and not Dazzlitchi Town.. Did they even sell Dazzlitchi Town tickets? Whatever. Cade kept walking toward the hospital, and finally made it inside to the lobby. He was relieved by the warmth of the heater in the hospital.

Blaze ignored the tama that had come up to him at first, and was trying to finish the essay on Newton's Theories. He had been working on it for a long time, and he really wanted to get it done.

can I join?

Name: Marianne/Bob/Jared

Type of Tamagotchi: Mamametchi/Papamametchi/Mametchi

Age: 34/34/12


Personality: Caring/Bored (ususally)/Fun-loving

Likes: Pizza/Pizza/Pizza... WHO CAN'T RESIST IT!

Dislikes: Messes/ruined work/when he cant play with his friends

Other (Crushes, any other things?): Nothing/ nothing/ nothing

"I don't know.." Blaze said when he looked up at the girl who had just poked him on the shoulder while he was just about to finish the last line of his physics homework. He turned around, finished the essay, and then saved the document, before turning back to her. "Maybe in the music class, I think?"

"Jared!" Marianne shouted at her son. "It's 9:00 AM, you're going to be late for school!"

"WHAT!" Jared shouted. He rushed as fast as he could to school, but none the less, he was late to Mame School for Young Scientists. He took his ususal seat next to Young Mametchi.

"I don't understand..." Bob said as he tinkered with his newest invention. He then was shocked with 10,000 volts of electricity... Jared didnt know until after school, where he rushed home... and bumped right into Lisbeth.

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(Wait, right now Blaze and Cade are away in different places, Blaze is in a university cafe and Cade is stuck in a hospital in Dazzlitchi Town, but my third character Lisbeth is in town)

Lisbeth looked, surprised at a Mametchi who had bumped into her. At first, she felt a bit frustrated, but she saw that the mametchi appeared to be a rather young child.

(Do you want me to tell you about what's been going on in the RP so far?)

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