.. It wasnt a sleeping gas, I had determined that through the liquid there were tiny wacko micronisms which altered our brain. We were soon to fall under the control of the most heinous scientist ever, wacko. Although wacko was ONE of the worst, the real brains came out into the room. He was Dr.Kruglen. Dr.Kruglen found a way to clone the tamagotchis and turn them into dark, evil, servants. Oh no! As I was thinking, and staring into the eyes of Kruglen, his syrum had came into me! The last drop.. trickled down.. and then..
It all went black, A light shun upon me, it was like I was inside a dark room. I then saw windows, and I saw Kruglens harsh face along with professor wacko. How could this be! Jane, and Brian(mark..not brian really.. >_> ), and Ollie were all there. Where was I?