Tamagotchi for Gameboy


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Nov 17, 2004
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Does anyone have this game? It's cute, I've had since the Angelgotchi craze, I think, or maybe longer. It's like a Tama simulator, only the time only passes when you're playing so it's a bit more difficult to kill them off. It's got the same games as the original tamagotchi gen1, I think, though I never got a Gen1 or Gen2, so I'm not sure. I restarted it the other night and I have a little Marutchi

I don't really consider it one of my true Tamagotchis, but I have played this game before. It's more challenging than my actual handheld Tama's! I used to be really good at the games... and it was pretty fun to enter it in the different contests when it got older, but I still like the l'il egg shaped Tama's the best.

I really liked this game when I first got it ages ago, but then I set it aside and only started it up again a few weeks ago. It's really adorable, and I like being able to take care of more than one at a time, but I too prefer the "traditional" tamagotchis ;]

The animations in the game are really cute. But i think it's easier to always have your tamagotchi in reach, like with the "regular" ones.

:) Yes, I was looking all over for that game for years. I went into an EB Games store, and to my luck - they had a couple used ones for $10. Of course, I got one. I like the "real" tamagotchis better. The game does have nice graphics though. The games seemed a lot houder too. It was a decent game, but I'd like to see them make a new one for GameBoy Advance!
I think that tamagotchi should make for games for different systems. I don't have that game, though. :) what's it for? you ran out of room for the title description.

Hey, I have had that game before! Its too cute, but ur rite, the handheld tamagotchis are best.!...... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Sorry I just HAD to do that. It`s almost Thanksgivivng!!! Not.. dat.. it really matters right now. HIDE ME FACE!! :)

Do any of you know how I can get 1? I'm Practically with my Gameboy and Tamagotchi's all the time (I would have it all the time but nnnnnnnnoooooooo they couldn't make it water proof so that I could take a bath with it) I'M NOT OBSSESSED :(

Do any of you know how I can get 1? I'm Practically with my Gameboy and Tamagotchi's all the time (I would have it all the time but nnnnnnnnoooooooo  they couldn't make it water proof so that I could take a bath with it) I'M NOT OBSSESSED :(
Try Ebay, I see the game for sale there all the time. Oh, and used games stores probably get copies in occasionally, too, but chances are you'll pay more there than on Ebay.

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