Tamagotchi Growth Chart


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Mar 28, 2007
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If anyone has made a tamagotchi growth chart please post it here, if you have a website of one, post the link. Thanks, I appreciate it. :blink:

And this growth chart should be for which model Tamagotchi?

This is very confusing since you did not put what version you want. :huh: :p Well I don't know. But you should put the version you want, or if you want ALL the charts there are put (All Versions Accepted) in the title, or if you want V1-V3 add that too. Lol..



Here is a tama chart link for a V5 familitchihttps://i32.tinypic.com/25f6lc9.png

Hope that helped!

If not tell me which Tama version urs is and I will find a chatrt!

_Ura_Violetchi_ :mametchi:
That's a character list, it's different from a growth chart. A growth chart is who turns into what, but a character list is all the characters in a particular order, but no showing of who turns into who with sometimes a small exception.

That's a character list, it's different from a growth chart. A growth chart is who turns into what, but a character list is all the characters in a particular order, but no showing of who turns into who with sometimes a small exception.
They dont have any growth charts.......... :ph34r:

Just like v3, you get a random character. :furawatchi:

Hope it helped :chohimetchi:

That's a character list, it's different from a growth chart. A growth chart is who turns into what, but a character list is all the characters in a particular order, but no showing of who turns into who with sometimes a small exception.
I was just trying to help a little by giving them a link to a character chart.

But a real answer to the tamagotchi growth chart question is that the reason there is not a growth chart is because its not all the way random,

but mostly random.

It all depends on how u take care of all ur tamas'!

I hope i helped!

_Ura_Violetchi_ :huh:

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