Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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Yes... I have the song stuck in my head. I thought I saw them, its always possible youtube deleted them. They are so picky anymore about somethings...

As I said... Complaining will get us nothing if we keep it up.
To be fair though, the newest episodes from japan are up online at a wesbite called nosub.tv . So, even if it's never dubbed, i can still watch it.

My guess as to why Bandai America isn't really focusing too much on Tamagotchi as of right now, is because of the upcoming Power Rangers Megaforce toyline. It seems that a lot of their effort is going towards that, and it does make sense considering it is the 20th anniversary for Power Rangers.

But still, in my book it isn't wise to leave the other stuff (Such as Tamagotchi in this case) untouched, because then people could lose interest and there won't be the market for those products anymore.

I can say that even if Bandai America has left Tamagotchi for the time being, we're not too far off from a new Digimon toyline as there is a new Digimon TV show coming in 2013, so I'm still hopeful that they'll do something. After all, Digimon partially spawned from the popularity of Tamagotchi... ^_^

But will the Digimon toyline be actual virtual pets or just action figures and things like that? I'd love to see them bring back an updated version of the Digimon virtual pets but the days when I cared about action figures and other things like that are long gone. I'm a huge TMNT fan for example, but I have no interest in collecting the toys. All my toy money these days goes toward electronic pets.

But alas Digimon continuation for the digivice is stuck on color again yes?

Power Rangers in reruns with splashy comic stuff. Reused stuff I remember from my childhood. My friend had everything... They might be repainted/remolded... Etc.

I hope they come up with a surprise for us in America. I am just crossing my fingers for more then what they sorta announced. I am ust trying to be peitient for what maybe released. This point, any tama might be acceptable from many users who are unhappy with Bandai America. A nano or tamawalkie I think would be nice and fairly simple to release here.

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Just a quick reply in regards to the whole Digimon thing.

I'm pretty sure there will be a new handheld of some kind to go with Digimon Fusion, as there is a Digivice in the show (Digimon Xros Loader as it is called in Japan). I'm guessing there will be drastic changes from the Japanese version though, as it had both a color screen and SD card / MP3 player capacity.

But alas Digimon continuation for the digivice is stuck on color again yes?

Power Rangers in reruns with splashy comic stuff. Reused stuff I remember from my childhood. My friend had everything... They might be repainted/remolded... Etc.

I hope they come up with a surprise for us in America. I am just crossing my fingers for more then what they sorta announced. I am ust trying to be peitient for what maybe released. This point, any tama might be acceptable from many users who are unhappy with Bandai America. A nano or tamawalkie I think would be nice and fairly simple to release here.
I'm the same way. I've probably said this a hundred times but I'm still hoping some kind of new Tamagotchi will be announced at Toy Fair in February. This Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. thing was announced at a licensing show. Toys aren't usually announced at those kinds of things. If nothing is announced at Toy Fair I'll probably give up hope for a new American Tama in the forseeable future. I may not like the direction Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. is taking but it does give me hope for a new Tamagotchi. Why create merchandise based around a toy that isn't even on store shelves? I have to think Bandai might yet have something up their sleeve.

I haven't been on here in months, and I come back to find no news regarding Tamagotchi L.I.F.E... not that I want news on Tamagotchi L.I.F.E anyway, since it looks just horrible :p

Anyway, this is totally like Bandai to do this. I must have been... about half a year since Tamagotchi L.I.F.E was announced. Judging by the lack of news, they've either moved on to other things, as per usual, since Bandai has a habit of prioritising other products instead of the production of new Tamagotchi products... or they've scrapped the idea completely. This is kind of a reminiscent of Tamagotchi Music Star: World Tour Edition, I suppose.

Oh, I completely forgot about the MS: WTE! Man, I was sooo excited about it, and soo disappointed when it ended up as... either fake idea or just cancelled one, I don't remember.

Sigh... Reminds me times when tama forums were more active.

I just want the anime dubbed at least. >.>
The first 26 episodes have been dubbed to English and the reruns are being shown on TV, but only here in Australia and not in America. The show first started airing here since the end of 2010, but there's still no sign of more episodes being dubbed, released in America, or put on DVD. It's a shame, really. And what's more, it's on at 5:30am in the morning so lots of people can't be bothered to watch it...but at least I recorded all the episodes. :p TamaLIFE doesn't promise anything about the anime. x_x

I thought this was going to have stuff like Makiko/Memetchi curlers, the pink scarf that Kuromametchi wears, even a plain T-Shirt with a Tamagotchi Logo on..

In Japan, they DO have stuff like Tamagotchi shampoo and clothes and stuff like that, but it's actually FUN stuff. You know, bright and colorful with pictures of the anime characters. TamaLIFE, however, is boring and the closest it gets to Tamagotchi is having a pixelated skull on a shirt X_X Lol, I found some Mametchi-shaped containers of bath salt on an online Japanese store XD

I don't want Bandai America to have what Bandai Japan does...TMGC America is not popular enough for that. I just want them to make a new Tamagotchi Toy or release some of the old versions. At least they could fix TamaTown..(even if it costs money..)

What I don't understand is that tamatalk has been the #1 forum for Tamagotchi thousands of active members. Bandai is VERY aware of this site and the fact that bandai doesn't get ideas on what they should make next from here. Do they even pay attention to the fans at all? I doubt it.

Just because we're 18+ now doesn't mean we want to wear a bunch of terrible clothing, and not everyone has or wants an android phone. Sorry but I'll stick to virtual pets, and thankfully to bandai japan who finally started to release English versions of their new models. at least SOMEONE gets it. ALSO the video made it out for like 10? year olds. That was just awful. Also that gender inequality, wth? I know LOTS of boys who played with tamagotchis way more than girls back in the day, even when they came out with the Tamagotchi connection most of my friends with them were guys. This was the worst fail and the biggest waste of money. I would never in my life buy any of that garbage. Yesh i love virtual pets but no I'm not going to change my INTIRE lifestyle to look like a tamagotchi.

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