Tamagotchi Multi-version hatch


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Kim is now 4 years old and her skill points are Intelligence: 61 Fashion: 50 Kindness: 83. I just fed her cereal, before she used the Shovel and she looked very happy when she was rewarded with 80 Gotchi Points.


I forgot to mention that when Kim was a Ringotchi I managed to completely fill her training bar. I really can't wait to get the [!] in the mail! I am going to see the job list on here and see the kindness jobs.


I just checked them quickly and I would love it if Kim got the job where you have to collect the baloons because I don't think she has had that job. Right now I just looked at my Music Star and she is practising her little heart out :) . Anyway, I might post later on today when if she gets a job offer. :(

Hey! I hope tamatamatamagotchiyay and tamaluvs257 start posting again soon. Anyway I am sure they will, I am so happy to announce that at 1:52PM Kim got a [!] in the mail and then she was sad to leave Mr. Canvas. Then when she left him, Nazotchi delivered another [!] in the mail and Kim tried for the amusement park job...And got it!


I just tried it and it seems pretty cool. In the bottom left hand corner there is a box that tells you how many baloons you have collected. I managed to collect 28 baloons and then the mini-game ended and it said "GREAT!" so I guess there is a hidden timer and the more you get, the more money you earn the next day. :)

I am just going to ask if a moderator could please close this hatch?

I just don't think people are posting enough and a member of this hatch has not even posted at all.

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