Tamagotchi Sanctuary Adoptions!


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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
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At Starbucks gettin' a caramel frappuchino&#33
Hey everyone!~ Please read!

Let me be the first to welcome you to the Tamagotchi Sanctuary Adoption Center! Always remember that this was created with permission from ~Cute Egg Adoption Centre~, created by TAMAGIRL2008, and Belgia, owner of TAC. Before we get started, here is how the TSA works. I will make a special post for the tamagotchis that are available to adopt; if you are interested in one, please make a post saying which tamagotchi you would like, and the picture of it. Note: after one tama has been adopted, it cannot be adopted again by another person. I will let you know of your tamagotchi’s favorite food, and what stage they are on after adoption. The stages are as follows:

Stage 1-baby

Stage 2-toddler~enrolled in pre-school

Stage 3-teenager~enrolled in college

Stage 4-teenager-get to know personality traits

Stage 5-adult~get job

Stage 6-adult~matchmaker comes

Stage 7-parent~new egg hatches; and the process starts all over again.

Remember that all tamas start on Stage 1! Also, if you have 2 tamagotchis of different gender, the matchmaker will marry them for you; if you wish, if not, no worries, the matchmaker will bring you love! New tamas arrive after all the other ones have been adopted.

Stats work like this: you fill in your own, and it is your responsibility to take care of your adopted tama. Here is an example of how you fill it in, some things I tell you, these things will be marked by *.

*Name: Lily-occasionally you get to choose.

*Gender: girl

Stage: adult-for this you refer to the chart, stages are like days, so on day 4, your tama would be a teenager.

Hunger: you fill it in-it’s out of 5.

Happiness: you fill it in-it’s out of 5.

Personality: random! She loves to sing. Note: you are the adopter of your tama; you get to pick its personality!

*Job: artist-I tell you on day 5.

A bit of explanation: hunger\happiness decreases by 1 every day. So, you buy food and items from the shop, based on your tamagotchis favorite Note: tamas don’t have favorite items, they like them all, but I do tell you your tamas fave food.

And, that’s it, thanks for reading it, I know it’s long! Please adopt, and have fun with your tamagotchi. I hope this was easy to understand! =)

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TSA Shop!

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to TSA’s shop! Here, you can buy foods, and items to meet your tamagotchi's needs. By the way, each food\item restores 1 heart; unless posted otherwise. You also should know that: there isn’t any way to pay; the only payment is to take good care of your tamagotchis! How to get food and items is too place a post saying which food\item you want, and how many. (Getting more than one is always good, so you have a stash for your tama when needed).


Foods and Drinks (drinks can be fave foods too):





-Fried chicken~2 hearts

-Fresh fruits




-Apple pie

-Hot Dog








-Soft drinks







-Stuffed llama


-Roller Blades


-Nintendo Ds Lite~2 hearts

-Bow\Bow Tie



-Toilet\Toilet Paper~suggested by Mametchi 4ever; this doesn't fill any hearts, but it's just for fun!


Please post what food\item(s) you would like. Note: items can be used only twice, so after 2 uses, please come back to the shop, and purchase more! And, food, you know, only once! =) Remember: there is no payment for food\items, just to take good care of your tama! Thanks for visiting the TSA shop

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Tamagotchi Adoptions:


Well, they're here, and here they are! Please, take a look, and enjoy!


:lol: Ken~Gender: boy

:( Elle~Gender: girl

:mimitchi: Marie~Gender: girl*Adopted*

:p Dylan~Gender: boy*Adopted*

:D Berry~Gender: girl

:wacko: Bob~Gender: boy

:mametchi: Nicholas~Gender: boy*Adopted*


Please make a post with which tamagotchi you’d like to adopt, and their picture! Thanks. All these tams need a good home! Another thank you to TAMAGIRL2008! By the way, all tamagotchis start on Stage 1.

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Hello, Wow!

I like this!!

Can I have Marie :D

She shall have a Loving Home! I shall come and Buy things for her soon, but I have to set into making sure I can look after her well.

Thanks!! I so Hope I can have her!

Mimitchi's :( are My Fav Characters!!

:p ~Tammie~ :mametchi:

Of course! Marie is a very loving tamagotchi, I know she's going to a good home! :mimitchi: Remember, that Marie is on Stage 1-baby, and her Fave foods are: Sundaes, and Bread!


Thank you for adopting in TSA! :lol:

Okay everyone, Marie is taken, but remember, Ken , Elle , Dylan, Berry, Bob, and Nicholas are still awaiting new homes!


Could I have Peanuts, Scone, Pizza, Salad and an Ipod for lil Marie?

Thanks! Uh, how do they go up a Stage??


:mimitchi: ~Tammie~ and Her Pet *Marie* :lol:

Okay, 1 bag of peanuts, 1 scone, 1 pizza, 1 salad, and 1 iPod.


Thank you, and please take good care of your tamagotchi!


Okay, so tamas go up a stage, by a day. Like, today for you is day 1, so, Stage 1-Baby, then tomorrow is day 2, so Stage 2-Toddler~enrolled in pre-school. That's how it works. Get it? :mimitchi:

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Thanks! I will!

Me:"Marie! Want a Peanut? I have a Bag here!"

Marie:"Yummy! Thanks Ma! *eats Peanut* Yum!"

Me:"Aw! Here's an Ipod. I got it from that shop! Where I got you!"


Aww! Cute!

Of course! Here's Nicholas (Nick)! -_- Take good care of him! Nick is on Stage 1-baby, and his favorite foods are: Sandwiches, and Juice.


Thank you for adopting in TSA! :D


Okay everyone, Nicholas (Nick), is taken, but remember, Ken, Elle, Dylan, Berry, and Bob can still be adopted! :D

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Okay, *CJPirate*. Of course you can have Dylan! Here he is! :ph34r: . Dylan is on Stage 1-baby, and his favorite foods are: Hotdogs, and Salads. Please take good care of him!!


Alright, here are the food and items:

1 iPod

1 Nintendo DS Lite...remember this refills 2 happiness hearts instead of 1.

10 Hamburgers

10 Hotdogs

1 Salad

10 Sushi rolls


This will keep Dylan very happy! Thank you! Please visit us again!


Thank you for adopting in TSA! :)


Okay everyone, Dylan, is taken, but remember, Ken, Elle, Berry, and Bob are still available! :D :)

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Your welcome. In the meantime...

*sees Nick asleep on couch* Wow. He's asleep. I'll buy 5 softdrinks, 4 fries and 5 fried chicken. 3 Sushi and 2 hamburgers. And 4 hot dogs.

Oh, and I'll get clothes and a toilet and toilet paper!

Okay, here you are Mametchi 4ever:

5 softdrinks

4 fries

5 fried chicken

3 sushi

2 hamburgers

4 hot dogs

1 set of clothes (Shirt, pants, and shoes)

1 Toilet\toilet paper

I hope you're keeping track of all your things!


Thank you for adopting and purchasing in TSA! :lol:

Looking for tamagotchi's to adopt? Refer to the 1st page, post #3! :hitodetchi: ;) ;) :pochitchi: :huh: :kuribotchi:

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I have track:

19 sandwiches

19 juices

5 softdrinks

4 fries

5 fried chicken

3 sushi

2 hamburgers

4 hot dogs

1 set of clothes (Shirt, pants, and shoes)

1 Toilet\toilet paper.


I prepare a good dinner. Nick wakes up and tries on the new clothes and likes them. He goes ahead and eats 1 sushi, 1 hot dog, 2 sandwhiches and drinks a juice. He then goes pee.


17 sandwiches

18 juices

5 softdrinks

4 fries

5 fried chicken

2 sushi

2 hamburgers

3 hot dogs

1 set of clothes (Shirt, pants, and shoes)

1 Toilet\toilet paper.

p.s. Could I bring in another tama named Sam, who is going to be a :pochitchi: and Nick's bro?

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