Tamagotchi V4.5 Log (& eventually V1, V2, +)


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Well, just a mini-update... I just fended off a polar bear for Fredrick. And, Violet evolved into the little inchworm (Imotchi). :huh:

Hiro upgraded his school, I got him the Canvas teacher. I'll send him to school more later. :huh:

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Grrr... Well, the matchmaker came for Ellen, but she brought a Mametchi, so I decided to say "no" since that's what Molly had bred with to get Hiro. :huh:

Another polar bear came to Fredrick... And he's so NEEDY. I hope he manages to stay alive to an adult, but he really requires a lot of attention.

Lee just evolved into the apple Tama, Ringotchi. She got to move up in school and I picked the fashion teacher, Mrs. Flower. So, she should evolve into Maidtchi, the little maid Tama. =^__^=

Now to get to schooling (and to keep tending to Fredrick)!

I woke up a few minutes after nine and I swore I heard beeping (I don't think I really did, nobody was under attack, I'm just going crazy). Fredrick doesn't wake up until 9:00AM right now, so that's good. :furawatchi: He's already at 99 [grams?] because he needs food and happiness every 2 frickin' minutes and snacks are easier. Sometimes I play games, but now it's like... Eh, what's the point? I haven't found weight to affect anything anyway--Venus weighs 99 tons and still turned out great, same with my connections, a lot tend to be 99 lbs. (which makes it easy if I get in the mood to play a lot of games).

Violet was missing three hunger leaves and two happy leaves this morning, so she must've been up for a little while. I fed her twice and played two rounds of the game (Find the leaf, a lot like Mothra's only with 4 turns instead of 5) and now she's fine. I took care of Venus and all the connections, so now I'm sitting pretty... For a few minutes anyway, LOL.

I'll update later--I think this afternoon Fredrick should become a teen, since I haven't paused him at all.

Fredrick was attacked and lived. I heard the beeping and did what I always do, but he got a "?" above his head and I thought it froze because nothing was movie (not even bubbles)... Then the polar bear rushed across the screen and poor Fredrick stumbled back on. When he settled in place he was sick (only took one dose of medicine) and had a poo. He's fine now, which is good. :furawatchi:

Hurray! Fredrick evolved into Otototchi, the healthier teen (reminds me of a goldfish). ;) I hope that means he's on his way to becoming something good. From what I've read, he'll be like this for about another 24 hours before becoming an adult. His age still says he's only 2 years, but I think shortly it should change to 3, so tomorrow will be 3 -> 4 and then the day after it should be 4 ->5 when he changes (I'm assuming, again from what I'm reading, anyway). Otherwise it'll just be the day after that.

Deeta evolved right before I started to type--she's now a Violetchi. I didn't know that a Young Mametchi could turn into a Violetchi I guess, but whatever. :D I wasn't aiming for anything in particular. So now I still have 2 teens that need to evolve and a few babies to start raising, as well as Violet and Fredrick to handle. I hope Venus lays an egg, too, but that won't be for a few days. ;)

I had a dream last night that Fredrick evolved into the frog Tama, LOL.

Last night, Ellen glitched. I checked her to be sure she went so sleep (as I set her and all the others who were sleeping in the bedroom) and she looked like she was awake and slightly turned towards her baby, who was in the box sleeping. There was one Z above them that was moving like it should, but the lights were on and I couldn't push any buttons. So, I had to reset and download her and then change the time. She still has her baby with her, whereas her mate Sid left me this morning.

Sid's baby I named Fawn. I should've named her Fawna or Dawn, but oh well. :) She's still a baby, so I'm trying to keep up with her.

Nothing else is really new right now, my head hurts, so more later.

Fredrick has been threatened by bears a few times already this morning, and I had to discipline him after this last time because the call light was still on.

Hiro seems to be a needy character and today Violet seems to be a little more needy, too.

I also noticed that on my "Running Cheetah" V4.5 (Hiro's), the shop owner is normal-looking. On my "Red with Butterflies" V4.5 (Ellen's), the shop owner has an open-mouthed smile (the mouth is black, but open) and a headband-thing. Weird, I think.

Jeez! My UraTama just arrived. So far the colour and sounds are WAAAAY better than the V4.5. The blue pixels are a bit light, but other than that... YAY!

I'm just so amazed.

But, I also don't know how to name my Tama, so I randomly picked 5 characters. I call him "Random" as I can't read his name.

I'm so excited! But now i have one more mouth to feed. :rolleyes:

Hiro is now a Samuraitchi. Random is now the toddler Shippotchi. I'm still messing around with the UraTama to figure out what everything is--there's a lot of link options it seems, it's so confusing! But, it's fed and growing, so that's good at least.

I put the Nyatchi outfit on Deeta, I think it suits her. Although, I think it'll probably come off tonight, like the panda did on Sid.

You know, I was thinking it may be fun to set up "biographies" for my Tamas. I won't do it right now, but just a little bit of a "profile" for them. I know there are character descriptions that say that they have a sense of humor, etc. So, maybe I'll do something like that.

Creative things to consider. :D

Fredrick was sick and I had to give him medicine. I almost didn't see the skull, which would've been bad if I didn't because I don't want him to die! I wonder if tomorrow is evolution day for him. :)

*I almost forgot! Lee evolved into Maidtchi today. :D

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Well... Adam is gone. I named his son Muta and he's now a toddler (the peanut one). I've already had to scare off some predators this morning and am hoping to see Violet go in a cocoon and possibly Fredrick evolve (although, I doubt he will until tomorrow).

I'm tired. Joshua has been staying up later, making me stay up later. Then I get up early to be sure the Tamas are okay (as I don't like to pause them unless I'm going out).

Tonight I may pause the connections so I can sleep, but we'll see. My Osu/Mesu should be here tomorrow or Monday I think.

Fawn is now a Nikatchi. I walked away to eat breakfast and came back to her being a teen. :wub: It's sorta silly.

Lee should be getting a job today. I wonder what she'll be (as there probably isn't a maid job).

Venus is 11 years old right now. I think they only live to be 13, so that means she'll be passing in a couple days. :lol: Hopefully she lays an egg, I do wish for offspring at least, she's a great little Tama.

On the UraTama, you can't seem to go to school... The teacher shows up and you play hide and seek with her. It's about 3 times a day, or at least it was yesterday (probably more today since she's already come this morning). I like the games on the Ura, they're neat.

I thought that I'd wake up this morning to Ellen leaving her baby... But, she's still here. I hope she's not glitched up now. I didn't realize she was supposed to be the way she was the other night, as I've never seen them leave before.

Deeta should be getting a matchmaker visit within the next couple of days. She's 5 years old right now. Honestly, I don't like Violetchi or Mametchi very much, but I do like Mimitchi and Memetchi is all right. So, I love little Deeta, but do want her to birth something else.

I don't think Hiro has a job yet, either... I never really noticed 'til now. Man it's hard to keep everyone straight sometimes. I'm sure today he'll get one then.

Random is a darling. I wish I knew how to form a name, though. Someone found the link for me to what the symbols are, but that doesn't mean I know how to use them. I'll take a batter stab at it next generation.

Fredrick was attacked by a polar bear--my tapping failed I guess, although I've been slow to warn him before and it worked.

He's still alive, he just was sick and took 10 medicines (I'm guessing, I didn't count, but it was literally a lot) to cure him. It was funny, though, how his jaw was dropped when he came back on screen. LOL.

That was scary, I don't want him to die already. :mellow: I really gotta watch him!


I JUST got done saying how I worried about him dying and sure enough, HE JUST DIED. He had PERFECT health, happiness, and clean water. And randomly died. The attack was however long ago and I cured his illness... And he died.

No wonder it's so hard, they die for no reason.

I'm going to experiment with the next one and see if I can get anywhere...

[SIZE=21pt]I'M SO pi**ed!![/SIZE]

I think I've calmed down a bit... I'm still mad, but... I guess I'll try again.

I'm tempted to NOT take care of him. We'll see what happens. I'm not going to watch it like a hawk anymore, though. :mellow:

Fredrick II is not a jellyfish. I'm still a bit upset about Fredrick, but hopefully his reincarnation will do better. He was sick earlier (while we were out) and I had to give him literally 15+ medicines to heal him.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and play as many games as he'll allow so that I know he's not overweight. I tried to NOT discipline him, to see what happens, but he wouldn't eat until I did.

While I was out, I paused the connections and we ended up seeing The Simpsons Movie, so I had to pause the Tamas I had with me (UraTama, Morino, Mothra, and Umino).

Everyone is unpaused now and sleeping (except Lee and Ellen, but they'll be sleeping soon). I'm assuming that Ellen will leave tonight...

I just woke up a little bit ago and the Tamas were in need. I'm surprised nobody died. Fredrick II was sick, so I cleaned his poo and cured him and made sure he was well-fed (when I'm done posting I'm going to play some games to get him in shape).

Violet was in a cast-looking thing, I thought it was a cocoon, but it was her being sick I guess, so I figured that out and cured her and fed her and played a few games.

Ellen left last night, so I named her baby this morning (Cindi).

Venus, poor thing, has only 1 heart in each meter, so I had to fill her up.

Random's teacher was waiting on the screen for me to press B, so I did right away.

I hope the Mesu/Osu pair arrive today, but we'll see. It probably won't be until Monday.

I figured out how to age Fredrick II, so I did... He's now 3, so he should evolve like... SOON. Then I'll get him to 5 so he becomes an adult. Muahahahaha! Hopefully...

If he dies, it's quick to try it again I guess. :D

*Aww, crap. I aged him to 5 (what was I thinking?). Then I read that they know when they're being paused, so does that mean he won't evolve faster, just be older? I'm a bit confused...

I guess we'll see and, if he dies, then I start over. :D

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