Tamagotchis just got banned at my school!


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Are Tamagotchi's alloud at your school?

  • Yes- the teatchers don't mind

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes- but most teachers will take them away

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No- We aren't aloud to bring them

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well at my school it is kinda confusing. We can not bring them to lunch P.E. or to anywhere else except recess. One time when i was in third grade my sound went off and my most coolest teacher was in there thankgoodness and she made me go and get it and show her how to play thankgoodness. And my other kinda boring teacher told me and all of my friends not to bring them for a while because we had a forign student who cares she couldnt even speak english.

P.S. I told you they werent allowed in lunch P.E. or different classes but that doesnt meen my friends and i followed them hahaha my mom has one too she is cool

im alowd to bring them but thell get stolen (peaple going to bages and steeling

We're allowed to bring em but most teachers will take em away
LOL! that secret message some1 sent and asked if we could translate it sed: "I am the banana" lol...

Here is my secret question:


its not fair that because some people are irrisponsible, tamas r banned for everyone. i know, the same thing happened in my school

I think they're banned, but I also think that we should bring them at our own risk. I still bring mine. Just not into classrooms. And they might be banned because someone brought their PSP games and they got stolen. True.

Ah, god. The big, age-old situation of Tamagotchi banning.

Teachers see Tamagotchis the same way they see iPods and PSPs: a distraction. They think that when a kid has a Tamagotchi, they won't pay attention to their work, instead playing with it in class all day. This not only distracts one kid from working, but if other kids see (or if the sound is on, hear) the Tama, they will get distracted too.

Tamagotchi banning began in early 1997, around the time of their U.S. release. Some teachers, however, are either cool about Tamagotchis or just don't know what they are. For some, you can easily switch over to the Tama's clock screen and when the teacher asks what it is, you hold it out so that they see strictly the clock and not the word "Tamagotchi" on top (we're mammals, we have THUMBS)

I am currently trying to get a local technical High School to use the Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 for those lessons where one pretends to be taking care of a baby. Just like those eggs, but easier and much more fun.

But that is off the topic. For those of you who go to a school where Tamagotchis are strictly against the rules, there are certain things you can do to avoid getting caught with it:

  • Keep it in the pocket facing AWAY from the teacher. Every once in a while, pull it out just a little bit (so that you can see the screen and buttons) and check on it before putting it away.
  • Do not play games. Giving it snacks is perfectly okay in these situations. If you play a game, the teacher could easily notice.
  • During a bathroom break, be sure to check on it, and don't frequently requests to use the restroom. This makes the teacher suspicious.
  • When looking down at your Tama, be sure to look from THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE. If you turn your whole head to look at your Tama, your teacher will INSTANTLY notice.

For some, your problem might be sneaking your Tamagotchi INTO school, as some schools search kid's pockets and backpacks/pocket books for cell phones, GameBoys, etc. But no school in the world does strip-searching. My suggestion is to leave your Tama inside your sock or underwear. I myself have a technique on how to do this (but I can't share it, unless it's by PM)

If all else fails, pause it and leave it at home. Simple as that.


At my school there not banned but they will take them away and you don't get them til the end of the year. There are a lot of people who have them and don't get caught. Like me!!!



Anybody from the age of 10-12 please PM me! This is from little ms. spoiled.I have brown hair,perfect body,I am so cool!!! I am also 11 years old. Like duh!!! My name on tamatalk is RBD1610

my school lets you bring phones and ipods and stuff but they have to stay in your sports lockers n u cnt use them between 8.30 n 4 (skl hours) but that dusnt stop ppl playin on them and talking on phones n stuff in the locker rooms during breaks. in my old skl they were banned but you could easily play with them without being caught.

well i got that letter to it sucks! but we still bring them and my teacher likes them she has one of here own lol i no its funny but are teach is the best ;) :D :huh: :D B) :p :D :D :eek:



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We used 2 b able 2 play with r tams juring school period :D :eek: :huh: . Really! Not jok'en! But once i got mine and brought it 2 school, Mrs. Clarke(Our 3rd gr. teacher) told us we could bring it 2 school, but keep it in our locker.BUMMER!

- tamasrule 77

My teacher won't really take them away unless she see's them or when sometimes she see's a tama she sais "put it it up."But I keep it anyway and plus i'm the one who started tha tamagotchi craze at school!! :angry:

well i got that letter to it sucks! but we still bring them and my teacher likes them she has one of here own lol i no its funny but are teach is the best :( :angry: :p :huh: :D :( :( :angry: :eek:
Mine yells alot!But gave us Ice cream :(

They are allowed at my school, I think. I bring mine and use it during break. The recess helpers don't care, but if my teacher would see anyone with it she would take it away for the rest of the day and give it back to you later.

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