TamaTalk Dreams...O.o


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This one was almost too realistic:
Mileyroxursox3242 had started a topic about how she had won free tickets to a Hannah Montana concert. Tamagirl#1 asked to go with her and then they were making plans about going to the concert together. Then Tama-Becca, paper*cut, wildcat_gal_101, and a few other people I can't remember started fighting with Mileyroxursox3242 and Tamagirl#1 about whether or not Hannah Montana was a good singer. They kept fighting and Bob the Disapproving Stalker :)l) came up quite a bit. Finally SK showed up and told them all to shut up and grow up (or something along those lines). xD Then TW/P and TL came and threatened to close the topic if they didn't all get along. Everyone stopped fighting for the moment, and I was just about to post a reply saying that I hated Hannah Montana when I woke up.

I seriously thought the dream was real until I went to my computer and discovered that there was no such topic.
i must've been in that one xD

god that's funny.

i had a TT dream ^^

i was sitting at the computer and i heard a rustling behind me, so i turned around. there were a bunch of people, and they screamed


and we partied. i was walking around, and everyone had hose name tags that say

"hello my name is"

on 'em and it had your usernames on them xD

then doggiedreams called someone, so i asked her who she was calling, and she would'nt tell me. and i strated beeging and she was like

"them" and pointed at the door.

i spun around, and boys like girls were there! and they got on the stage in my living room [how the hack that got there i have no idea]

and they started rocking out.

lovely swan and rocken sisters were both dancing and playing guitars, but for some reason you couldn't hear them

then -|Weirde like, raided my fridge and pulled out dominoe's pizza, like, 50 boxes.

paper*cut stood on the table, and sang


and Sweet Kandi started yelling at him to get down xD

and Mileyroxursox3242 said

"i pictured you taller" and bob the disapproving stalker appeared on her nametag :l

then me, doggiedreams, and City Lights were talking to martin johnson, and we started squealing like little girls.

then ~MileyCyrus~ got up on stage and started singing, and she was uber good.

then Admin busted down the door with a kick and ran in, and said

"alright guys, partie's OVER!"

and then tamaw/pants was giving rides home to everybody with her jet :3

so then it was just me and boys like girls, and they thought i was so awesome that they asked me to tour france with them xD

i said yes, but that's when i woke up =p

i must've been in that one xD
god that's funny.

i had a TT dream ^^

i was sitting at the computer and i heard a rustling behind me, so i turned around. there were a bunch of people, and they screamed


and we partied. i was walking around, and everyone had hose name tags that say

"hello my name is"

on 'em and it had your usernames on them xD

then doggiedreams called someone, so i asked her who she was calling, and she would'nt tell me. and i strated beeging and she was like

"them" and pointed at the door.

i spun around, and boys like girls were there! and they got on the stage in my living room [how the hack that got there i have no idea]

and they started rocking out.

lovely swan and rocken sisters were both dancing and playing guitars, but for some reason you couldn't hear them

then -|Weirde like, raided my fridge and pulled out dominoe's pizza, like, 50 boxes.

paper*cut stood on the table, and sang


and Sweet Kandi started yelling at him to get down xD

and Mileyroxursox3242 said

"i pictured you taller" and bob the disapproving stalker appeared on her nametag :l

then me, doggiedreams, and City Lights were talking to martin johnson, and we started squealing like little girls.

then ~MileyCyrus~ got up on stage and started singing, and she was uber good.

then Admin busted down the door with a kick and ran in, and said

"alright guys, partie's OVER!"

and then tamaw/pants was giving rides home to everybody with her jet :3

so then it was just me and boys like girls, and they thought i was so awesome that they asked me to tour france with them xD

i said yes, but that's when i woke up =p
Oh yay. I was calling BLG. (This is my new account) Now I reeeally want their number.

Squealing like little girls? Yeah. I would do that.

i must've been in that one xD
god that's funny.

i had a TT dream ^^

i was sitting at the computer and i heard a rustling behind me, so i turned around. there were a bunch of people, and they screamed


and we partied. i was walking around, and everyone had hose name tags that say

"hello my name is"

on 'em and it had your usernames on them xD

then doggiedreams called someone, so i asked her who she was calling, and she would'nt tell me. and i strated beeging and she was like

"them" and pointed at the door.

i spun around, and boys like girls were there! and they got on the stage in my living room [how the hack that got there i have no idea]

and they started rocking out.

lovely swan and rocken sisters were both dancing and playing guitars, but for some reason you couldn't hear them

then -|Weirde like, raided my fridge and pulled out dominoe's pizza, like, 50 boxes.

paper*cut stood on the table, and sang


and Sweet Kandi started yelling at him to get down xD

and Mileyroxursox3242 said

"i pictured you taller" and bob the disapproving stalker appeared on her nametag :l

then me, doggiedreams, and City Lights were talking to martin johnson, and we started squealing like little girls.

then ~MileyCyrus~ got up on stage and started singing, and she was uber good.

then Admin busted down the door with a kick and ran in, and said

"alright guys, partie's OVER!"

and then tamaw/pants was giving rides home to everybody with her jet :3

so then it was just me and boys like girls, and they thought i was so awesome that they asked me to tour france with them xD

i said yes, but that's when i woke up =p
I couldnt stop laughing when mileyroxursox said "I pictured you taller :l"

I fell out of my chair xD

The only thing I remember about my last dream was alot of people were on the couch trying to watch TV and SK was in a penguin hamock right in front of the TV. Her hammock was kinda on a island type thing. Everyone was throwing stuff at her and was like "SK! MOOVE!" and she just sat there changing the channel..

I had one that was extremely weird. I had a dream that I became co-admin because I monitored people's usage of the word "cheese". I have no idea why they banned the word "cheese", but I monitored the usage and became co-admin. It was insane-o.

I think my Caramelldansen tops all of my TT dreams in sillyness,cuteness,funnerness,dancness and TTness.

i must've been in that one xD
god that's funny.

i had a TT dream ^^

i was sitting at the computer and i heard a rustling behind me, so i turned around. there were a bunch of people, and they screamed


and we partied. i was walking around, and everyone had hose name tags that say

"hello my name is"

on 'em and it had your usernames on them xD

then doggiedreams called someone, so i asked her who she was calling, and she would'nt tell me. and i strated beeging and she was like

"them" and pointed at the door.

i spun around, and boys like girls were there! and they got on the stage in my living room [how the hack that got there i have no idea]

and they started rocking out.

lovely swan and rocken sisters were both dancing and playing guitars, but for some reason you couldn't hear them

then -|Weirde like, raided my fridge and pulled out dominoe's pizza, like, 50 boxes.

paper*cut stood on the table, and sang


and Sweet Kandi started yelling at him to get down xD

and Mileyroxursox3242 said

"i pictured you taller" and bob the disapproving stalker appeared on her nametag :l

then me, doggiedreams, and City Lights were talking to martin johnson, and we started squealing like little girls.

then ~MileyCycrus~ got up on stage and started singing, and she was uber good.

then Admin busted down the door with a kick and ran in, and said

"alright guys, partie's OVER!"

and then tamaw/pants was giving rides home to everybody with her jet :3

so then it was just me and boys like girls, and they thought i was so awesome that they asked me to tour france with them xD

i said yes, but that's when i woke up =p
I sing horrible. :)

Well, I never had a TT dream. xD I tried having one last night but I ended up having no dream at all. o.o

I remember you saying (in a dead topic just like this) that you came home from somewhere, and all these TTers were trashing your house! The only parts I remember are when SK had sat on the table and broke it, the FAQ team and the guides were having a food fight, -|WeRide was smashing the printers in your grandpa's room, and somebody chanted this spell out of a book and Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Peach, and Daisy came out of the book. XD

I had a dream that Locky458 and I were at my old apartment and he was this tan, buff guy with really cool hair. Then we hugged. x.x
I remember you saying that in the same dead topic.


I have not had a TT dream ever. I want one though...
yea... now I renember that... wasnt it daisy who was spray-painting upstairs or something? ...

i havent had any yet. have good control of dreams though; i will try to have one without pictures of SSBB (super smash bros brawl) caramel dancing coming in...


ps tamakiddy!!, where did YOU find out about caramelldansen? i thought i was the only one! xP

I had another one last night ;)

All the TT members were in a game of Chinese Whispers, I sat in between -|WeRide and Charleene.

When it came to a member 4 spaces away from -|WeRide, he found out that no-one had changed it, so, he decided to change it dramatically, then when it got to Charleene, she couldn't stop laughing. xD It was so funny.

And then, it was a game of Charades, I decided to do the film, About a Boy, when I went up. This spammy member guessed correctly, and had a hissy fit when they went up, then we all lobbed apples at them o_O

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Yah, I had this dream when i was a TT guide, but My karma was all red, so I pmed admin saying, why is my karma red? And he replied, You got kiled? COOL! Theres a mousquito! MY FAVORITE COLOR IS BLUUUUE! o_o

I've had a few. Mostly about TamaChat though. xD

Dream #1: I came downstairs to my computer and Mothra was sitting there. xD Except, I've never seen a recent photo of her, so it was her profile box. XD

Dream #2: (I was on TT earlier that day, posting alot) I had a dream where I was basically walking across the pages of the topic. I think it was the "Girls! Have you had ur period yet?" topic. xD That's a long one. Then I remember falling off the end of the page. xD

I had a dream a couple nights ago that x.Fall Out Boy.x and Broken~Wings were chasing me down this dark alley, and when I turned the corner, SK was there, blocking me from running away from them, and then I woke up. D:

I had a TT dream a few nights ago.

o__o it scared me.

Sk,Crowfrost~,Zoria,GG96,Tamakiddy!!!,TW/P ,Admin and I were in it.

SK and Zoria were chasing Admin around with hair-gel

Admin had Spikey hair

SK and Zoria caught up to him.

Then He disappeared (Think: Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach. That spikey)

Crowfrost~ was the new admin. So she celebrated by eating vegetables.

GG96 was running around with a hairbrush. Trying to brush the plants...and talk to them.

Then her fursona Shadowfire ran in and started running around everywhere.

TW/P tried to steal Crowfrost~'s Vegetables, claiming they were poisonous and that she shouldn't eat them and the future of the internet depends on her health.

Tamakiddy!!! was watching death-note on a tiny little tv in the corner of the room.. And jumped in the tv and stoled L's cake. and Mello's Chocolate bars. When she tried to jump back out, she made it but her left foot got stuck. So Kira (Light) killed her foot with the death-note.

And I was running around with a sickle and trying to cut grass for fodder and I found a power berry. And SK stole it form me. (like, in harvest moon. how the character uses the sickle to cut grass for fodder)


It was so random. Yet funny.

I had a TT dream last night!

All I have to do is think about TT and who I talked to, and what we were talking about. It was so weird because I only talked to Mothra a little bit yesterday!

Here goes:

Well, my dream started that I was in someone's house (it looked alot like my Aunt Cathy's), and this guy, my x-crush, Ed, was there to practice his piano thing with my mom. (She's his old piano teacher, and for solo ensombel). All of a sudden it started raining, then he like, walked outside with an upside down umbrella, and was singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". I listened by the door for a while then went inside. The snow around my house had melted alot, and my road was really messy. My mom's friend Carol wanted to see how fast we could go down the driveway, and we were driving down the road when all of a sudden our car turned into a carriage from like 1830! I fell off the seat somehow, and was just sitting there in the field. Soon, I heard someone talking/humming softly to themself.

I looked around, saw no-one, and then, just over the hill, Mothra, in like a 1830's hoopskirt/dress was walking down the hill with a weird bag/backpack thing. Anyway, at first I didn't know who it was, then I'm like 'That's Mothra!' I went up to her, and was talking and all and then she said something like "Are you Geoffrey?" I was like "No, Mothra, it's me! Icey!" She said: "Who? Who is this Icey? I'm looking for Geoffrey. Oh Geoffreyyy!!!!" Then, I asked her why she was there, and who Geoffrey was. She said "I'm here to give Geoffrey the power gems. (I think the power gems part came from me playing Zelda and the phantom hourglass earlier yesterday) She handed me her bag thingy, and It felt heavy. I was sad/mad because I really wanted Mothra to recognize me, sooo, I took the bag and started running. For a little while, Mothie just stood there. I was running up the hill with her bag, and then she started chasing me yelling "YOU LITTLE BRAT GIVE ME THE POWER GEMS. GIVE THEM TO ME." It was creepy, becuase I made it up to the top of the hill, then I could see Ed singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and could see him looking at me with an umbrella, although it was broad daylight and no rain in sight.

Then my mind went blank.

But the creepy part? The appearance of Mothra in my dreams was a mix of her picture when she was a little girl (I've seen that pic) and the pic of her "crawling around on lake superior" or something in the "What do you look like?" forum. I'm pretty sure my imaginated appearance of Mothra is pretty close to what she actually looks like. That sort of thing has happened to me before, and I've been almost to the 'T' of what they look like.

> :eek: Mothra! I didn't steal your power gems! You gave them to me! :eek:

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