Tamatown down?


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I always choose my server but like I said above,I sent Bandai an email and they said they're doing maitenence on the servers.There are 100 Tama Town servers in all so it might take them a while.I really want to go on Tama Town though,maybe we should try going on at midnight?Only a few of us though so the server won't get clogged.
that won't work

I've tried going at midnight



every hour imaginable and I always get the same error

or maybe I'm just unlucky

either way, if the servers are down, it won't matter whether 1 or 300 people are trying to access it at the same time because either way you won't be able to connect (due to them not being online)

I'm just surprised that its taking them so long. I mean, you'd think that such a big company would take care of things at a faster rate

Today I was curious so I checked Tamatown..... -_- and now that annoying window doesn't pop anymore! But now it doesn't even show the loading sign at always says 0%. I'm just hoping it's a good sign!

Yeah it would be so great that they fix it soon because I could nit even go once since I got my Tama-go... My Chamametchi is about to get married now... :(

Okay, just got a reply from Bandai!

Recently, many people have had trouble getting on to the tamatown website. This has made me wonder if there will be any tamatown updates in the near future. Will there be any more significant updates to the current tamatown website, and if do will there be updates any time soon?
Thank you for your inquiry. There are no updates planned at this time but the websites/servers do occassionally undergo routine maintenance as they have been recently.  TamaTown should be full functional very soon so please plan to revisit within the next few days.
Customer Service

Bandai America
Looks like good news!

I'm so glad i'm not the only one... this sucks!The site won't even work for my v4s or v5s!!! It better be up soon because I'm getting really frustrated and impatient... come on Bandai!!! What in the world are you doing???

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DANG! No updates and Tamatown is down for like 2 months know!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: Well it better be back SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the feeling that it's one of those copy-pasta responses. And that the person that responded doesn't even know what's going on. I don't know, whenever I call, they seem pretty clueless about the whole thing.

that won't work

I've tried going at midnight



every hour imaginable and I always get the same error

or maybe I'm just unlucky

either way, if the servers are down, it won't matter whether 1 or 300 people are trying to access it at the same time because either way you won't be able to connect (due to them not being online)

I'm just surprised that its taking them so long. I mean, you'd think that such a big company would take care of things at a faster rate
Okay so I guess we'll just have to wait it out then?I was thinking maybe they would be done at midnight,the start of the next day. :) I wish they could go faster with it though.But there are 100 servers...

Okay so I guess we'll just have to wait it out then?I was thinking maybe they would be done at midnight,the start of the next day. :) I wish they could go faster with it though.But there are 100 servers...
You have to keep in mind that they don't work 24/7 xD So they might not be working at midnight (unless your midnight is like noon for them due to time differences)

And yeah, I wish that they were faster also. It's been two weeks already. Most companies take only a few days to fix their servers.


Yeah that's true XD I think Bandai is in the Eastern time zone too so there isn't a time difference for me. :) I wonder if they have a set date for maintenance?They did that last year around this time too didn't they?I kind of wish instead of "Connection to the server has been lost please try logging in again!"they could have a message for site maintenance.

yup, it happened last year also, but I can't remember for how long

and I wish so too :( maybe add the date of when the site will be back online

I just got a reply from bandai also but I think they are lying beacause hwd45 and my reply are the same see look

My message:

Hello bandai recently everyone has been having issues with tamatown. Is bandai doing updates or what is going on please reply asap.

Their reply:


Thank you for your inquiry. There are no updates planned at this time but the websites/servers do occasionally undergo routine maintenance as they have been recently. TamaTown should be fully functional very soon so please plan to revisit within the several days.

You may need to clear out cache/temporary files in order to start a fresh session.

Yup, they usually just copy/paste replies.

That's the thing with most customer services, a lot of the people don't know anything... >_>;;

Well do they even READ the messages?! We need to give them a big load of messages to show what's really going on!

Well do they even READ the messages?! We need to give them a big load of messages to show what's really going on!
Haha no need to get mad guys. Although a protest does sound fun, it won't help. Bandai Is being slow and all we can do is just wait till tamatown's back up.

I think Makiko Lover is right. But I'm pretty sure we all know that complaining won't get us anywhere, and that we can't do anything but wait, but it IS fun to complain and get our anger out! :D tee hee

GOOD NEWS! I just tried tamatown, and NOW..... It loads, and the loading bar that used to say 0% is now full and you can access the login screen, but it still says my password and ID don't match. At least that's progress!

GOOD NEWS! I just tried tamatown, and NOW..... It loads, and the loading bar that used to say 0% is now full and you can access the login screen, but it still says my password and ID don't match. At least that's progress!
he's right, same thing happens to me, user id and password dont match, but at least the loading bar moves :D

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