TC House 2!


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"YOU SURRENDERED THAT MEANS I WON HAHA >: D" Jeressa exclaimed. Then she walked into her room, where she found an adorable Mameneko. "GUYS LOOK I FOUND A MAMENEKO IN MY ROOM!" She yelled and ran outside.

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"I clearly ate more then you I did not surrender jeressa! Just because a mameshiba distracted me does not mean you won! BTW I already found my memeneko! Mine is Cuter So HA!"

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Before an argument over whose mameneko was cuter, Teri yelled "THEY'RE AS CUTE AS EACH OTHER! SO ADORABLE!"

I turned off the Wii because I was done watching Secret Life. I looked at the clock. It said I had started watching only 2 minutes ago. I realized I must have been watching for around 24 hours and two minutes. I was not tired, thanks to my magic powers. I got up and noticed my stuff hadn't even been touched. I decided to think that they were too scared of my awesomeness to even DARE to touch my bags and I lugged them to my room. I passed Teri on the way. I yelled "ZACH X POLAND 4EVER AND EVERRRR!!!!!" and then RAN for my life. I slammed my door shut before Teri came in.

As Zach was running for his life, Teri yelled after him "YEAH YOU'D BETTER RUN! BECAUSE THAT PAIRING SUCKS AND WILL NEVER HAPPEN AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!"

Then she turned back to Matt "I say both Mamenekos are as cute as each other okay?" she said.

Doomer agrees that xxKuchixx's Mameneko is the cutest. "They are not as cute as each other!" says Doomer, "xxKuchipatchixx's is cuter than yours!"

Teri said to Matt, "Why does everything with Jeressa have to be a competition with you anyways?!"

"Kiki x Canada FTW!" Kiki shouts just to make Teri mad. But when Teri is not around, Kiki shouts,


and then squeals in joy at the thought of her gorgeous husband.

Teri heard Kiki and yelled out to her "KIKI X CANADA WILL NEVER HAPPEN! TERI X CANADA FTW!"

**goes and makes yummy quesadillas.**Ok I have Chicken with pepper Jack cheese, Chicken with cheddar cheese, Ham with cheddar cheese, Ham with pepper Jack, regular cheddar cheese, and Regular Pepper Jack! Come get some! We also have a gigantic selection of Hot sauce almost every single kind in the world... Including death sauce which is so spicy it has a health warning on the label(That hot sauce exhists IRL I know cuz I have some xDDD). Enjoy!"

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