TC House 2!


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Dazzmina got up and changed into a purple t-shirt and purple trousers. Then she secretly crept outside and grabbed the stabbed dolphins. She magically revived them and put them back in the sea. Then she went to EMF and said to her: "This is only a roleplay. Do you honestly think I'll get more upset with your dolphin post then I will with my own profile picture?"
EMF realises she is the only person who could get upset about something that didn't even happen... However she still needed to pay Dazz back for stabbing Ikemen Mametchi. So she simply said, "I HATE DOLPHINS AND I LOVE TAMA-STAR_GIRL!"

Then she got the dolphin from the Dolphin Tale movie and broke its fake tail off. Suddenly the dolphin said, "Sam Warburton is upset with your antics" and EMF went into her room to watch this new video she is obsessed with:

EMF realises she is the only person who could get upset about something that didn't even happen... However she still needed to pay Dazz back for stabbing Ikemen Mametchi. So she simply said, "I HATE DOLPHINS AND I LOVE TAMA-STAR_GIRL!"

Then she got the dolphin from the Dolphin Tale movie and broke its fake tail off. Suddenly the dolphin said, "Sam Warburton is upset with your antics" and EMF went into her room to watch this new video she is obsessed with:
Dazzmina said to EMF "you know I'm an expert on the Dolphin Tale movie? It's a true story and the dolphin from it is still alive. It only wears the fake tail for like 1 or 2 hours a day. At the time you made that post it was about 1 AM in the USA, and the dolphin doesn't wear its fake tail at night, SO THERE." (BTW, I'm really going to see that dolphin next year and I doubt its fake tail will have been broken off by an anonymous young teenage girl)

Blue groaned. "I'm going to go bash my head into a wall," she proclaimed.

Then she did exactly that.

"Wheee...that was fun....LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!" she announced.

Dazzmina said to EMF "you know I'm an expert on the Dolphin Tale movie? It's a true story and the dolphin from it is still alive. It only wears the fake tail for like 1 or 2 hours a day. At the time you made that post it was about 1 AM in the USA, and the dolphin doesn't wear its fake tail at night, SO THERE." (BTW, I'm really going to see that dolphin next year and I doubt its fake tail will have been broken off by an anonymous young teenage girl)
EMF instantly began snoring at Dazz's boring dolphin tale lecture. Also you are not allowed to quote videos, so Dazz gets -10,000 Karma and gets banned for 50,000,000 years.

"Yippee, how exciting," she said sarcastically. "I haven't even SEEN that movie, and I don't even want to because all I watch is stupid cartoons for little kids. AND REPLY TO PEROTCHI DREAMS RP!"

EMF then spent the evening chatting to Katy-Sama on TamaCraze chat even though she isn't there, and staring at pictures of Ikemen Mametchi while eating Dolphin Stew.

Teri was confused about what was happening, so she went back to her room, reblogged random stuff on Tumblr, and watched random Hetalia videos on YouTube.

(i know your on page nine but I wanna join)


Name: Caomi (let me stay Caomi)

Age: i'm 2067 tomorrow xD (not really)

Gender: female

Country of origin: of origin.: Australia

Looks: a pink hanatchi (can't you see my avvie?????)

Personality: AN AWESOME HANATCHI!!!!

One word to describe yourself: bookworm


Are you up to the challenge of this weird and wacky task?: YES!!!!!!

I hope you have fabulous secret powers: they are supposed to be secret!!!!!

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm annoying aren't I?: no

Who do you want to win? NZ, France, Argentina or England?: NZ


Other: I RULE!!!!

Thresh will rule the world: um does he want to???



I hope I get accepted -_-


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"YAY, KATY-SAMA FINALLY CAME TO TAMACRAZE CHAT!" EMF screams in joy. But then her face fell when Tama-Star_Girl started talking about rude Mametchi fan art she has seen. O_O EMF now screams in horror, and hopes that whoever drew such disturbing Tamagotchi pictures would die and go to heck.

Dazzmina started confessing to EMF about rude Mametchi fan art she drew. She said, "just months before we became friends, I used to draw giant evil Mametchis and clones of his sister Chamametchi trying to imprison him in nets."

Then Dazzmina randomly starts bragging to EMF about how she has +1 karma and in doing so loses it and gets -1. Then she hacks into Admin's account and un-bans herself from TT. She then starts an international campaign to stop the killing of dolphins particularly by highly antisocial 13-year-old girls in Australia.

Savy realized how boring this place is getting boring so she went back on skype. all of a sudden though her power went out so she got bored then she threw out her iPod nano and got a iPod touch xD

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OOC: sorry i havent posted. Post moderation sucks and i didn't want to post during that time >.>

Jeressa snatched ikemen mametchi and poked its left eye. Then she got out her knife and used it to cut all of its eyelashes off. After that, she tied the trembling creature to the ceiling fan and turned it on.

"I suggest everyone leaves this room. I tied it loosely and that ikemen mametchi is going to fly off and hit the wall. It could get messy. Internal organs, you know? " She announced and ran out of the room laughing.

Dazzmina started confessing to EMF about rude Mametchi fan art she drew. She said, "just months before we became friends, I used to draw giant evil Mametchis and clones of his sister Chamametchi trying to imprison him in nets."

Then Dazzmina randomly starts bragging to EMF about how she has +1 karma and in doing so loses it and gets -1. Then she hacks into Admin's account and un-bans herself from TT. She then starts an international campaign to stop the killing of dolphins particularly by highly antisocial 13-year-old girls in Australia.
"I hope you know that I didn't draw that picture in my status update of Kuromametchi Forensic Officer sticking his hands... forget it," EMF says, staring at the disturbing fan art. "However there is worse fan art than that, like Mametchi mating with plants..."

EMF stops and faints as she thinks about disturbing, rude, gross fan art.

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Dazzmina runs out of the room to warn EMF. She really thinks it would be very entertaining to see what happens next but needs to do something to apologise for upsetting EMF. After warning EMF what's about to happen, she makes an Ikemen Mametchi pinata (model of it that you whack repeatedly till it falls to pieces) and whacks it to pieces. She LOVES stabbing the real Ikemen Mametchi but doesn't want to upset EMF again.
"YOU MADE ME CRY AGAIN!" EMF screams at the top of her voice, which is true. She rips all of Dazz's organs out and throws them at the ceiling fan. "JUST STOP YOUR SICKENING GARBAGE BEFORE I... I..." EMF passes out and gets taken to the hospital.

^ _ ^ thanks (and sorry)

k so I am in the giant mansion and I'm in the CHOCOLATE ROOM which is a room full (and made of) CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am playing my tamagotchis whilst eating as much chocolate as I can!!!!!!! and SCREAMING PASTAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! AT THE TOP OF My LUNGS!!!!!!!!

(Where'd my previous post go? t=n=)

"Flying Tamagotchi organs... I'll go throw up in a corner and see if Ikemen Mametchi is okay. (I thought he was a alien at first.)"

OOC: sorry i havent posted. Post moderation sucks and i didn't want to post during that time >.>

Jeressa snatched ikemen mametchi and poked its left eye. Then she got out her knife and used it to cut all of its eyelashes off. After that, she tied the trembling creature to the ceiling fan and turned it on.

"I suggest everyone leaves this room. I tied it loosely and that ikemen mametchi is going to fly off and hit the wall. It could get messy. Internal organs, you know? " She announced and ran out of the room laughing.
"I hate you soooooooooooooo bad!" EMF screeches so loudly it shatters the windows of TC House. Then she magically makes all of Ikemen Mametchi's intestines go back into him and makes him come back to life, and then has a mascara party with him and Himespetchi. She paints eyelashes and eyebrows on everyone. Then she shows the rude fan art to Neon Pegasus of Kuromametchi sticking his hands up Mametchi's.... behind.

Dazzmina tells everyone "EMF made me promise repeatedly not to say a word about...the type of Mametchi that has I'm not going to. Let's leave him alone and go get on with some non-EMF-offending stuff, okay?"

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