Tell me about your day.


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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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Candy Land
I'm gonna tell you about my day, then you can talk about yours. Tell us funny things, boring things, disturbing things, EVERYTHING!

I got dressed in grey skinny jeans, a white T with a potato on it, and my special multi-colored neon converse. Then, I didn't straighten my hair, put on a bunch of eyeliner, and brushed my teeth. Then I perswaded my dad to take me to starbucks and got a caramel frappachino. Then he drove me to school, and I didn't let my bestie have any of it because yesterday she stole my entire cup. Then I went to theatre class and I did a love scene with this guy and we had to walk around with our arms around each other's waists, and everyone went, "awwwwww their so cute," and my friend took a pic with her cellphone, so I threw a stapler at her head. It was funny. Then I went to choir, then I ran into one of my guy friends in the hallway, and he put his arms around me and said, "Aw baby, your so beautiful I'm gonna rape you right now," Then my other guy friend said "THREESOME," and hugged me too, then another person, and another, then a teacher got mad at us for blocking the hallway. Then I went to Texas History and did boring things, then I took a test in science, then I went to lunch and heated up some frozen Indian food in the microwave, then I bought iced tea, And a bunch of other boring things. So, how was your day?

I stayed home from school, curled up in the floor, and watched T.V for six hours straight.

I also ate an exciting lunch that consisted of a cheese-string and a piece of chicken.

Oh, and I also did some studying for math.

Fun fun fun. My friend wanted to hang out, but I refused because I feel like crap. I also refused because I desperately needed a shower (don't worry, I just took one), had no make-up on, and was in an irritable mood.

8:00 Wake up for school > :D

9:00 Started school

9:00-10:00 Worked on stuff

10:30 Snuck into bag during class to eat granola bar Mmmmmm

11:00-11:59 Art with oil pastels ;)

12:08 Lunch time!!!

12:57-1:30 Reading books !!!

1:35-3:00 MORE ART!!!

Usually we do grammar and math and stuff like that but today we didn't?? WEIRD

MORE Tomorrow!!!

My day was weird. Wednesdays are always weird for me.

First of all, I walked in my homeroom late yet I wasn't in trouble. YAY! First period, nothing exciting happened. Second period, eh, boring. Except my writing teacher (who is odd) started talking about Christmas. Then third period, I kept getting yelled at by the people I worked with because I had no skillz with a stopwatch. And they're supposed to be nice people too. Fourth period my teacher was talking about surveys, and she got quite odd about it. Fifth period, my teacher kept harassing people who said "like." Sixth period, nothing happened except that my friend said that we were supposed to annoy some kid in band yesterday, but I forgot all about it, and he just sat there staring at me. Then in seventh period there was food and the teacher whacked this kid with a stack of papers. Then in eight period we had to write with those, quill tip pens? I don't know what they're called. And I got better with writing with my right hand. Then in theater group, my brother started screaming random things and laughing his head off.

Yes, my life is weird. ;)

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Ok, in the morning me and my friend walked to school together. Before that though, my mum was being scary. She was singing songs from Play School and kid's shows. When me and my friend got to school, we met our year 7 friends (Its their graduation today). So then we had assembly. It was short because we only had to draw the raffle. Then we went back to class and the year 7's went to their graduation lunch. So the year 6's (me) were placed in the other year 6/7 class. Before the relieve teacher arrive, we played this question game. Then the teacher came and me and my 3 friends went to the library for free time on the computers. We played on Yahoo!Avatars. Then it was lunch. We practised our dance for the talent quest on Monday. Then we went back to the classroom because it was recess. We went outside and practised the dance again. Then we came back to class and we went to the libarary on the computers for the rest of the day.

The friends that I was hanging out with today were: J, S and K.

Kool Day!

I woke up at 6.30 (usually I wake a 8am) and walked around aimlessly. Straightened my fur ball and made it into pig tails. Made coffee and a bagel and eated it.

I went to school and my friend gave me a present! and started work on my bridge. Was told I could be an engineer because I show a over developed understanding of structure. Played on the computer for SST.


Cleaned the food room for end of year cleaning assement.

LUNCH! - I bought a frozen friut juice.

n english we watched a movie and it was sad so I cried.

In science we learned the digestive system. Stuck a label saying 'Anus' to my chin.

Went home. Changed clothes.

Took lotsa pics

And here we are!

I did paper craft activities all day at school because our Alternate Activities have started and school work has finished.

Tomorrow I'm going 10 Pin Bowling. :D

7:37 Woke up :(

8:00 Brekkie: Egg on toast :p

8:05 Got dressed

8:14 Went on Tamatalk

Thats my typical day!!

Today are report cards :*(

BTW its 8:18 here in canada

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6:50am I woke up ( feeling kind of sick )

6:52am I went to the bathroom and changed for school

7:00am I ate breakfast and took my medicine ( my ADHD medicine ) >:[

7:20am my brother took me to school because my dad had to take my sister to school

7:40am-8:30am I went to first period I felt sick and got to go home early

8:35am my dad picked me up from school and took me to the doctor ( because I haven't been feeling well since Tuesday night )

9:25am-9:50am I went to the doctor

9:55am-10:50am we went to the grocery shop for my yogurts I had to eat to feel better.

11:00am I'm home right now eating the yogurt lol and on Tamatalk

It's been a long morning :p ;; lol.

Woke up at 6:30 as usual, got dressed,brushed my teeth and stuff, had a sip of juice and at 6:55 got out.At 7 am got into the bus and I arrived to school. I had lunch at 11:30 am :) Then at 2PM I arrived home and went to watch Dragonball Z as usual, during the commercials I got dressed then watched One Piece, Naruto, The Simpsons, Wildfire, and the usual cartoons and TV shows.Then mum arrived home at 18:00 pm and she let me borrow her laptop =D

Then I will go to sleep (I don't have a bedtime xP when I'm not tired I draw and write random stuff in my notebooks or watch the moon and stars in my small yard =] )

Today, I woke up, fell off of my bed, threw on skinny jeans and flats, made coffee, went to Jack-n-the-box, ate their new breakfast bowl thingies, went to school, went to theatre, got into the props, got bunny ears, folded up my T-shirt halfway, pretended to be a play bunny, ate a hersheys bar, ate a lollipop, passed the bunny ears around to my friends, ate another lollipop, went to choir, did stuff, went to Texas History, This guy said, "Hey Phoebe, your mom is good at rap." Then I said, "Well, she must be good in bed too because she had 4 kids, OH! Would you like some ice for that BURN?!?!?!" And he laughed really hard. Then I took a test in science, messed around with my guy friend at lunch, went to dance, went to Language arts, Went to math, then I went home. My friend K had cookie dough because she had ordered some for this fundraiser but they accidentally gave her double order so we ate that on the bus and almost got kicked off for doing so, then I walked home and HERE I AM!

Well I...

Woke up From my 4 Hour Sleep [went to bed at 3 or 4 am. Woke at 7 am]

Got ready for School

Played Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Swords on the SNES

Waited for Donna[Me and My mom's Teacher] to get here to drive us to the school [We go to the same school]

Got the News that One of my mom's best friends Died in a Car Crash Last Night.

Decorated the School all christmassy and stuff.

Tried making something on Photoshop, But the computers here [i'm at school currently] Hate my guts. Everything said "Not Responding"

Ate some Pizza

Went back on computer, Signed into Facebook. Joined some Anti-Edward Cullen and Anti-Bella Swan groups.

Signed out of facebook, Signed into Tamatalk.

Posted in this Topic.

And Yeah.

Thats my Day So Far.

My day was great - until one thing happened and ruined it.

I stopped by my best friend, Naynay's locker, then I said,

"Well, hello. I just happened to stumble upon your locker." Then she responded,

"Oh, heyy Lynn~ HUGGGSSS 8D" and gave me a hug, as she always does (except we generally hug at the same time). Then, out of..well, I don't know where he came from... but the old man on the staff came up and said,

"Stop hugging her, unless, you love her." and you know what he meant. It was flat out rude, unnecessary, and embarassing. Everyone was like,

"EWWWWWWW. Did he just say..."

Dang those homophobic fools.

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My day was simply smashing.

Nah, it`s the same as always.

Go to class, hang out with my friends. Talk, laugh.

Me and my perverted buds always go around screaming,

" Come to the party in William Beckett`s pants ! Clothes are optional ! "

We always get yelled at, and get odd looks. Quite amusing really.

Three fourths of my school don`t even know who Bilvy is, what a shame.


Went to school.

My friend hurt me with a chair by accident then asked me if he could kiss my leg... o_O

Then he starting following me and my friend and he was touching my hair...

he's creepy.

Then we got stalked by this chubby boy thats stalks us alot... and the dude that hurt me was threatening the stalker. Aww but hes still creepy.

Then the rest of the day was boring.

My day was AWESOME!! > : D [band is NOT included]

I went to PetsMart to get my sister's new Hamster. He's so cute! He's a panda hamster with long fur. <3 His name is Pepper.. I also saw Vinny at PetsMart and had a spazz attack over him, due to not seeing him in a LONG time [He tranfered schools.. ;_; ] He looked so saxy handsome. :3

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Well its only morning so I'll tell you about yesterday.

Well I woke up and went to school. Then we had a middle school meeting regarding camp. After that we went back to class and worked on our maths projects, but I couldnt find mine so I had to ask to hand it up on Monday. Then me and my 3 friends went to the library. Me and J had free-time (since we finished all our projects) and S & H were doing work. Then it was lunch. We practised our dance for Monday. Then we came back to the classroom and had free time and did random things. Then it was recess. We practised again. Then we had to start packing up the classroom because its the end of year soon. Then it was home time and my friend K came over. We went on the computer. It was fun. xD. Then my mum left and soon after, K left. So I was home alone with my laptop. I watched TV, went on TT, went on MSN and did other random things. Then it was bedtime and I went to bed.

Good Day!

I had a freaky day D; The lowlight of which is, when I was pretty much alone in the stairwell (Me and my friend Dan going upstairs, and my friend Kasey going downstairs).

Kasey has a bad leg and she stepped wrong and ended up falling down a flight of concrete stairs.

O_O She made it out perfectly fine.

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