That's a terrible thing to say...


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That's mean. No one should say that someone should die!

Also, don't ask for the poster to die. 'Cause you know why? What goes around comes around... (Just saying...)

Hopefully Nick will have a cure. He has people supporting him (including all his fans), and yeah. (And imagine this. All these girls running around in lab coats trying to find the cure for Nick. You guessed it, Nick Jonas fans. (I'm not saying this is true. I'm just saying this to give people a though.))

Uh. People say that all the time. It's no difference with any other celebrity than the Jonas Brothers.So why make a topic about it?
QFT. I've insulted a few celebrities before, and this is nothing different. She's just a person who hates Nick Jonas. Simple.

Although if I said that at my school, I'd get torn limb from limb.

Anyways, just ignore it. Wishing the person who said it should die is no better.As stated before, Ignore it and get over it.

It's not like they're gonna find the cure for diabetes soon, anyway.

What's wierd is that people don't die from diabetes. They don't need a cure. All he has to do is live with it.
You can die from diabetes. If it gets bad enough. Trust me you can.

If you don't treat it. As long as he treats it, he'll be fine.

(And imagine this. All these girls running around in lab coats trying to find the cure for Nick. You guessed it, Nick Jonas fans. (I'm not saying this is true. I'm just saying this to give people a though.))
Amazing. You don't see a bunch of girls in lab coats trying to find a cure for anybody else with diabetes. What about all those adults that live with diabetes, and kids? You don't see them finding a cure for them. Just Nick Jonas. That is sick.

Hey I would try to find a cure for diabetes for EVERYBODY with diabetes to use! Even if it was just for Type 1 or Type 2! I know like 2 other people with diabetes and I would like to find a cure for them and anybody else.

Well, I wasn't directing it at you, I was just saying how all those insane fangirls would find a cure for their favorite celebrity, not even caring about the rest of the earth's population who suffers the same ailment.

Okay it isn't that simple. Sometimes if you do treat it you can still have heart problems. Which can kill you.

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To be honest, I couldn't care less about what people say about celebrities.

If someone said Pete Wentz or Ryan Ross or whoever should go die, I wouldn't really care.

I don't know what's gotten into the water supply of TamaTalk lately, but you people need to settle down :rolleyes: Seriously. Double-yew-tee-eff.

Yes I agree the remark was uncalled for since I'm a type-2 diabetic :rolleyes: But really it's someone else's opinion and either karma will sort'em out in the future or something else will. The internet is full of people who think they can say whatever they wish and not get punishment for it...hence cold remarks. It doesn't make things right, it's just reality online. If you don't like what someone reads, that's fine too >_>;; But let's keep wits shall we?

Anyway there's little point to keep this topic open. It's only to be the same nonsense over and over. Again I highly suggest you guys who went bananas over all of this chill out and go do something more productive with all that energy instead of freaking out over ONE internet comment. Kthxbai.

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