The Amazing Families


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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
Tamagotchhi Planet
Ok so yesterday i got my V5. I was sooooo happy. Anyway i got 3 babies an hour later (when i was doin my homework)they evoled leving mye with Bellitchi, Mattaritchi, and Sakuramoritchi. So i belive they should evolve tomaro i think. Well ill update when anything happens :D Bye for now

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Ok so i wake up to find a poop and 2 hungery and happy harts gone (Of Course lots gose whrong when im sleeping) Anyway there doin fine!!!! Hope they evolve today!! :D but proboly not cuz i pased it at school yesterday :( Still it might.....


-Tamagirl and the Jacks (Thats there last name! And they wake up to eraly..)

Ya so i was planing to log about it agein but it was to late and i fell asleep.....sorry.

But i gots good news! My tama's evolved this morning! so now i have Shelltchi,Korokotchi,and Chamametchi! Yay!

-Me and the Jaks bye people on tamatalk!

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Agh! I was sick yesterday so i was alsleep all day! Ya and nothing happened with my V5 cuz it was paused! Im felling better today, so im running it now. Ill update later.

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Grrrrr lost it........ left it my pant pocket and soooooo lucky it dident get washed! Anyway the unlucky park:The family has left to Tamagotchi Planet........ well i promous ill take good care of this on! Hummmmmm there last name will be Chase :) )))) Well i have some reseting to do bye for now

Ya srry bout that! This log is proboly the worst youve ever read! I forgot what the evolved into (For todlers) But they evolved into a Ichigotchi, Bakutch, and Chamametchi! So ya thats it for today BYE!

Ok...Im gonna add my V4 now :) Soooo right now i have Gosratchi that is sick for the millionth time (im soooo sorry TamaTalk!) Soooo some stats




Wheght:95 lb


Age:5 years



Okay so i got a purple IDL so im gonna log about it too~ Sooo my V5 evolved today and my IDL is a Gosratchi and i'm gonna clean his room~ Hopefuly he will get married soon~
