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Why??? At all the school's I've went to, You can bring gameboys and ds's etc. You just cant bring tamas. ^_^
Ugh.Please do not put too much question marks.Oh, and to answer your question:

Don't you think somebody will steal it during PE class?(If you leave everything at the classroom)

And anyway, don't ask me why it is a rule.I do not run the school, I'm just a student.

And to Mametchi360:

I agree.It's easier to leave it at home and pause.That's what I do.

this is a great thread!

if only my school didnt ban ALL electronics,i cant even bring my PDA to note club events and homework!i have to use a paper agenda!

poor tree... :( :D :unsure:

Oh come on!I know it stops growth but I just keep mine on Pause mode at home!

And after school I run home and check my tamas. :)


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at my school we aren't allowed tamas but nice ideas anyway!! B) B) B) . not quite sure about the notebook thing coz i don't like wasting paper :blink: :lol: . i could try hiding 1 of them in my lunchbox!! anyway great tips evry1!! :furawatchi: ;)

my school doesn't mind if we bring tamas, last year I had a tamagotchi necklace, with about 5 tamas on it over my shirt! But 4 every1 else, I have a few ideas:
1. If you wear long sleeves, make a tame braclet.

2. you can buy these stuffed animal pencil cases, put it in there

3. bring a water bottle, but put ur tama in it

4. if you can't bring tamas then I doubt you can bring nintendos, but if you can put is in a ninteno case

5. put them in a medicine bottle

6. put them in a tissue box

7. put them under ur hat

8. if you have long pants, in ur socks

9. in ur lunch bag a crayon box :puroperatchi:
the way i hid mine when i used to only have one tama ( but now have 5) i got this little box and put my tama in there in my desk and id just check up on it sometimes then i just close the box when my teacher comes . everyone in my class knew i had a tama in there and they were being loyal and never took it but now they r a little meaner but i dont think they would take my tamas anyway

i turn the sound off and put it in my pocket. simple. But one time i had a pet pouch necklace AND v4 and i had to put it in my backpack and it was stolen. im going to kill the person who stole it! bUT! if you read this i have a new one of every one. pet pouch v4 necklace. HA HA! :( :kuribotchi:

Hey. I know that I posted earlier but since then I moved up a grade and all of my teachers hate tamagotchis. And my parents hate for me to bring them to school also. SO I have devised a little something (sorry if this was already mentined but I saw my post and I didn't bother to read the rest because it was way to long. So anyway I have taken my BEST (which really hurt me) jean jacket and I stiched a pocket on the inside. I used my best jacket because it is the sturdiest and holds more and if you stitchi something on it. It stays. So I stitched the pocket in and I tested my since on my tama and I trained for feeding them and cleaning up after them with my eyes closed and I passed. So that following Monday I started bringing them to school and I have not been caught yet. But my friend prefers the pencil bag approach. She says that they probably will check that the pencil bag first but if theyfind out that you stiched a place in your jacket they will be very upset (my school only tollerates inside pockets for the boys) so I been keeping my hand in my jacket so all of my teachers get used to it. Well just wanted to let you know in case this helped.

i have 1 v3 2 v4 and a v4.5 and a v5 i put my tamas in the front pocket of my book back befor i go to school turn off the sound and put my v5 on travel while the others r on pause

This year i go to the other school (Elementary to Middle school), and the middle school here lets us bring electronics, just as long as we keep them paused when the teacher is talking. We can even play with them during study hall if we want. But last year, what i did was put my tama in my desk, mute it, and when the teacher wasn't looking, play with it. If the teacher caught me though, I would turn on the clock and cover up the tamagotchi logo. It would look like a cute clock. If they asked what the buttons were for, I would set the clock. So it looked like a clock with buttons to set it. :) im sneaky

Well... Good idea to a point... If I were you guys though... I'd put it in a small pouch and carry it/them. :)

But, If you must bring them, Pause them... Most people I've known got them taken for the rest of the year... Worth it? I think not... :nazotchi:

That's why the new Tama's have pause buttons and the "travel show" ... So you can do what your suppose to and such............................... (Although I'm not a fan of the "pause" either.... :nazotchi: )

I'm going to attach it to my keys, and if anyone asks, it's a watch. But the tamagotchi logo is easy to see, so people may think I'm weird. Ah well.

People text their friends during class, and if my teacher is going to give me a detention just because I was checking my tamagotchi, that would prove to my teacher that I don't have a life, and to me that my teacher doesn't have a life.

I'mma check it during my lunch.

So you guys think that's hard, ok lets see if you can solve my conundrum. Lets just say im way too old to have a tama but i just love em and well high school can be brutal enough as it is and it will be much more if everyone knew i had a tama. Would teachers care if i used it? As long as not in class im pretty shure not, then again they suspend you for having a cellphone. My desk are not hollows so i cant store thing in it. I have backpack in the same seat for my six periods. Each periods takes 50 mins and u get three in a row no stop only for the teachers who are the ones that move from classroom to classroom. hose few minutes sometimes 3 sometimes 10 students walk around and talk in the classroom so there the best time to check up on it. Question is, how? I cant let anyone see me that for shure. Now after the three periods i have lunch with is perfect to check up on in stall. The i have another three clases in a row and that it for the day. Keep in mind I use uniform: short sleeved polo shirt, khaki pants, belt, shoes. I have P.E. thursdays and thats wearing some sweat shorts and a t shirt all day. it has one pocket in the back where u normally place a wallet. Jackets could be viable some days but its just too hot to always use. So by now i think best is to pause but thats just whacks the time and growth. Well maybe I can emorize the buttons but i just hope it works. If you have any tips id be happy to hear em. As you can see keeping a tama as you grow up is haard. Thanks if you read this to the end haha and hope for many good tips
Urs Truly,

Desperate Brian who x-mas vacations ended too soon
well what i do its a bit risky, but you can: every lunch break get its hearts right up as full as you can then leave it with the sound off, then maybe in the middle of each period just make an excuse to go to you bag like "can i go to my bag to get a drink of water?" and just check on it.

but it is very risky once my tama died because i couldn't check it often enough.

hope it works out! :D

Thatis a good idea i just go on my tama in the holiday don't forget you can pause your tama

My brother takes his tama to school he just hides it in his bag and checks on it every lunch/break time. Simple!

i just found the new coolest way to hide your tama!

i have a box that has a lid with a mirror on the inside so what i do i stick my tama on the bottom with tape then close the lid and walla i just open it upside down then i can see my tamma in the mirror and no one else can! i may have a pic soon!

hmm i have an idea...KEEP THE PAPER AND USE IT FOR SOMETHING!!!!


Great idea, but I have an idea... if you have a lanyard you could clip on your tama!
That's not always the best idea. At my school, I did that, and I got "written up" for bringing one, or was it threatened? Anyway, the point is, most people don't want their tama out in the open where everyone, including the teacher can see it.

