The Elite 16


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((IDK if we should time skip yet because Zoe and Cypher are still having the chat thing... WRAP IT UP CYPHER!))

Fehl slept somewhat peacefully for a while that night, with a nice dream of Pokemon she once saw in a storybook.

While sleeping she did encounter Eon, she revealed her information to him, I mean what could he know

it was just a dream, he can't get into those without a Munna or Musharna.

Eon was dreaming of Fehl, and how she revealed information to her. He explained who he was, and wondered if Fehl could really know what's happening, or how it was happening. Maybe her phsyic powers were making it possible, maybe not.

Fehl quickly awoke to the sound of something falling in the room, destroying the dream connection Fehl and Eon made.

It was only her book which told her fanciful tales of another land. She sighed and since it looked bright enough to be at least 5:00 A.M. she got

up and walked into the Female bathroom, taking a shower and drying herself. She then put on her clothes and walked back into her room.

There was a mysterious note sitting on her bag reading.

"Today is the big day!"

Eon awoke after their dream connection was broken. He sat in his bed, hearing running water coming from the girls wash house. Ignoring it, he took out a video game and played it.

Fehl crumpled it and threw it away. She grabbed her book and started to read it.

"And so the tales come to a halt as Jinx, the skronny warlock was stabbed through the heart, bleeding, he wished that his family never hear of his death, ever~"

She smiled, things were getting good.

Sarah woke up and grabbed some clothes and a dressing gown, towel as well as her toiletry bag. She had a long hot shower, got dressed, did her hair and teeth. She let Hydra out of her pokéball so she could have a 'shower'. She pressed the button outside the shower and Hydra got a nice warm shower. Sarah smiled. 4am.

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Tamara woke up suddenly - in a room she had never seen before. Has she fallen asleep again, "bloody 'ell... Stupid f-ing me!" Tamara growled at herself - slapping herself across the face. This weird sleeping memory thing was going to get her in harm's way again one day. Tamara hissed as she walked over to her door - knowing it wasn't her bedroom. Tamara almost slammed the door open - unaware of others who may be sleeping. Tamara snatched a pokeball off of her belt and tip-toed round. She was ready for whatever was about to come across her path.

Fehl put down her book and put on a purple sweater (hoodie) that had an eye on the back of it, Fake of course.

She opened a big wooden chest with beautiful carvings on it, telling a story with pictures. She took out a black scarf that she wore like this


(the girl on the far right hand side with the black/brown one)

It had pokeball slots around the loose neck area. She put it on and clipped her three Pokeballs to it. now they were hidden and it just looked like she was dressed for winter. She shut the chest, but not before taking a bag to hold everything, a case for the badges and a small pouch for money. She put everything in the bag and walked out of the room smiling when she saw a demented looking girl coming her way.

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Tamara rudely began to yell out into the rooms, "Anybody here?! I have no clue where I am and someone has some explaining to do!"

Tamara sighed and walked around slowly - pondering whether or not she should get Tiburon's senses to help her. She shook it off, maybe her Pokemon would be spooked as well.

Fiore woken up early in the morning, maybe around 4:00 am, taken a hot shower, dressed for the day and teeth brush before spent the rest of her time walking along the beach. By that time, a few hours had already past. She had left Lyra and Vesta in their pokeballs to sleep and sent out Axel. She pet his head before continuing further down the beach with him close behind.

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"I... I don't want to-" Zoë cut off as she reached for her Pokegear that she'd left on the window. "4 am... oh god." She rubbed her eyes. "I've gotta be up early, my island is the furthest away..."

Cypher nodded. "I'm always here if you need to talk." he said, returning to his bed and getting back under the covers.

"I... I think I'm going to go walk around." Zoë said, getting up and moving towards the door. "See ya..." And with that she slipped out, walking away.

Sarah wondered around the island and came across a small stand with maps and a notice board. She grabbed a few newsletters and maps. She walked back to the lodge and made herself some breakfast. Whilst eating she read a newsletter. It said something about everyone exploring the islands, together and something about visiting some gymleaders.

By now Zoë was outside and walking around, her arms wrapped around herself to try and conserve some heat. Eventually she reached a bench at the island and sat down, trying to shake the lingering nightmares away.

"Don't think you can get rid of me that easily..." Cypher joked, as he sat next to her. "I'm worried about you, you sounded really bad. I know we just met, but you can trust me. I have horrible nightmares all the time, ever since Hypno had attacked me. I know what it's like."

"God, don't suddenly appear like that!" Zoë jumped slightly, giving Cypher a nervous smile. "And I'm fine. It's normal, at least for me." She rubbed her eyes as she admitted. "Well, it was pretty bad just then..."

Zoë gave a harsh laugh. "Believe me, Cyph, this is way out of your league, even with your ghosti-ness and the Hypno thing." She said, resting her head in her hands. "This has been going on for years, why should it stop now?"

"I'm not claiming I can stop it, just maybe help deal with it. Tell me Z, have they been getting better or worse?" Cypher asked.

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