The Elite 16


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"Worse." Zoë said softly, watching the sea. "But then again, it comes and goes... although I have no idea what it depends on." That was a straight up lie: Zoë more or less knew what it depended on, but she wasn't willing to drag Cypher into her problems.

Cypher needed Zoe to trust him. "Listen Z, I might sound crazy, but I see and hear ghosts, that's why I am a ghost trainer. They give me the nightmares, and Hypno has made them worse. But the ghosts also explain them to me, so maybe they could explain your nightmares and their meaning if you told me about them."

Tamara was now becoming bored with her attempts to find help - it seemed that every puny person here was selfish and not willing to help a 'darling' in need, so Tamara was keen to give them a head ache. Tamara continued to yell out, "HELLO?!" Often - waiting for someone to explain where she was and how she got here.

Double Post.

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Triple post xD

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Zoë sighed, resting her head in her hands and wondering whether to tell Cypher everything. Eventually, she made a decision. "...Cyph, this is going to sound completly off topic, but... nah, this is stupid, you're a ghost trainer." A pause. "Do you know anything about the Pokemon Darkrai?"

Fiore noticed two people as she walked through the water. They seemed tone talking about something important. She continued her way but after a few steps, she walked away from the water and sat in the sand, close enough to the two to hear what they were saying. Axel had done the same, sitting behind his trainer.

Cypher nodded. "Yeah, Darkrai gives people nightmares and is from Sinnoh." he told Zoe. "It has a counterpart called Cresselia who heals people and gives them sweet dreams." he added.

Cypher nodded. "Yeah, Darkrai gives people nightmares and is from Sinnoh." he told Zoe. "It has a counterpart called Cresselia who heals people and gives them sweet dreams." he added.

Cypher nodded. "Yeah, Darkrai gives people nightmares and is from Sinnoh." he told Zoe. "It has a counterpart called Cresselia who heals people and gives them sweet dreams." he added.

"Yeah... you get the basics, that's good." Zoë said, fighting the urge to get up and run away. "I started my Pokemon journey in Sinnoh, y'know. I was only eleven... but I thought I could do anything. Even hunt down a legendary." She gave a harsh laugh, wiping her eyes. "You can probably see where I'm going with this."

Tamara was tired and bored by this time - obviously no one was here and she was on some sort of a haunted house. Tamara could hear talking - but nobody was answering her calls for help. The Poison girl leaned against the nearest wall and slid down into a little crumpled ball. Her knees covered her chest as she blanketed herself with her warm arms.

Doubled post.

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"Only out of self defence!" Zoë insisted, straightening up and watching the sea again. "Okay, maybe only a little bit. I found where it was hiding, and then... I guess I fell asleep or something." She sighed. "I must have really messed up, because it was so, so angry..." Again, she wasn't telling the whole truth, but she knew what Cypher would say if she told him the last part.

"Z, don't leave anything out. I need to know everything..." Cypher told her.

Zoë paused, wiping away a few more tears before whispering "I stole something. From the islnd it was on."

"And that is?" Cypher asked, wiping away one of Zoe's tears himself. He was happy she was talking to him and trusted him.

Zoë looked down, picking up the dragon fang that hung from her neck and flipped it over. Inset was the piece of some sort of crystal, blacker than the darkest night. "I have no idea what purpose it has." A pause. "But it's not exactly put me in Darkrai's good books."

A ghost whispered in Cypher's ear something. "They have no idea what that is..." Cypher looked down. "Sorry Z, I thought I could help."

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