The Entama and Uratama Log


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Dec. 18 2006

Whoah! Havent been here in a while which means I must update. I've shut down most of my tamagotchi and have left one running, not really interested in taking care of them to much anymore. Its got to be because of the Christmas season at work. I just don't have the time to mess with them with the lines being so long anymore. My best bet is to wait until after the season.

Anyway Carl is a little hanetchi who has the turtle teacher. Haven't really given him the best of care due to being just to busy. Hopefully thats going to change.

Edit:Sorry to leave everyone in the dark by not tpying in my log for a couple weeks.

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Dec. 21 2006

Carl is now an adult and is still taking his classes but he we be getting a job very soon, if not today. I can't find his character's name at the moment but he looks like he's wearing a red glove over his head. o_O I have also started up one of my Uratamas. Today Lindsay left a small Baby Ura Mameotchi. He seems to be happy, for the moment anyway. I've never have really completed the game that raises humor points yet. Its amusing to play the game though, it reminds me of a Whack a mole game. It seems my tamagotchi are having company over lately. They've been talking to Chrismas tree's lately.

Jan. 01, 2007

Well I killed off my 10th Gen on my Entama by being purely stupid by not checking my tamagotchi on my fifthteen a few days ago. On the screen I saw a little ghost next to a cross floating in the air. I was annoyed at the fact that I let 10 Generations go. I feel like I have much more time again now that the Holidays are over. I even picked up two V4 at a Toys R Us on my way home from visiting my cousin. I have decided not to open the Tribal Glow in the Dark V4 and just have my one going. I'm still messing around trying to find out how to make my style, Intellentgence, and Kindness points raise in the V4, to me it seems like at random.

Jan. 3 2007

Cookie turned into a Young Mimitchi the other day. I work up enough points to get into the Kindness level which I'm happy over. James turned into the whale like creature I had on the Entama a while back but I can't really recall the name at the moment. The V4 is a little better then I thought it would be but I'm still not overly thrilled with TamaTown for the V4. I've orderd the Sky Blue with Sunflower so I can connet the two. My V3 is also doing well in growth and care aspect. I have a guess now on how the points work now but I'll have to fiddle around a little more.



Hunger: 3/4 filled

Happiness:4/4 filled

Training:8 (I think)

Weight:38 lbs

Age: 2 yrs

Intellentgence Points:43

Sytle Points:9

Kindness Points:21


Hunger: 3/4 filled

Happiness:3/4 filled

Age:4 yrs

Intellentgence Points:9

Sytle Points:1

Kindness Points:10


Hunger: 3/4 filled

Happiness:2/4 filled


Weight:99 lbs

Age: 2 yrs

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Jan 6 2007

My brother is down on leave and has been spending time with the family, so I put off typing in the log for a while. James has turned into Tosakatchi and works at the Tv Sation, one feature I like on the V4 is being able to actually take the tama to its job, where you play a game with it for points. Cookie and B have also changed. Cookie is a Maruitchi and B a Kuchipatchi. James and B are in love with another so I should be able to breed them by tomorrow! I also just received my other V4 in the mail so now I'll be able to breed to v4 together but that will be done when I get Gen 2 on my other V4. Also figured the games out, Shape raises intellengentence, Dance raises Style, and Flag kindness.



Hunger: 2/4 filled

Happiness:3/4 filled


Weight: 22 lbs

Age: 4yrs

Intellentgence Points:128

Sytle Points:10

Kindness Points:26


Hunger: 2/4 filled

Happiness:1/4 filled

Age:7 yrs

Intellentgence Points:2

Sytle Points:0

Kindness Points:27


Hunger: 3/4 filled

Happiness:4/4 filled

Training:9(i think?)

Weight:99 lbs

Age: 4 yrs

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Jan 10 2007

I got a little bored of my Entama right now so my Entama Uratama log will be shut down until I am interested in using them again.

Feb 05 , 2007

I started my Enatama back up a few days ago so I'm picking back up on my log of the Entama. Anyway Cookie left me a baby to raise and I fell in my job to raise a healthy Tamagotchi. Ice was a Young Robotchi that had escaped death as a child due to the miracle of veiwing one of my passed away Tamagotchi.(who saved him from the evil creature) This time around he was not so lucky. I learned of one feature that I didn't really care for about the Entama, the way it dies. It beeped for my attention and I found that the evil looking creature with horns was tormenting poor Ice once more. Unable to do anything but visit my passed away tamagotchi, I basicly had to watch poor Ice suffer until death. I found this to be really morbid and I am happy it isn't a feature on US Tamagotchi.

I have hatched a new egg and she is now Memepetchi and going into the field of Intellegentence. My other Entama is a Hinotamatchi who is also going for Intellgentce. Today poor Wind was sick and left with empty hearts quite often. I've had the worst luck with Tamagotchi dying today, first Baby(V1) and then oddly enough poor Ice. Starting tomorrow things are going to be changing around here!



6 years

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

Intellentgence Points: 117

Style Points: 5

Kindness Points: 1

Lilly Flowers for Ice or just Lilly

1 year

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

Intellentgence Points: 26

Style Points: 12

Kindness Points: 0

Feb 07,2007

Wind transformed into his adullt form the other day, he is now a Tosakachi but he is still in school yet. Lilly Flower is also doing well and should be evolving tomorrow I think. I can't connect my two Entamas because of the low battery power of one of them right now, can't remember which one it was but I think it might be my Pink with Jewels. So tomorrow its on my to buy list since I get paid then. Yesterday I cared for Wind and Lilly Flower at the register out of my vest pocket so not to get caught. My stores under new mangment and I don't want to be fired over something so silly as me taking care of my tamagotchi. I can just imagine the rumors that would fly. It would start out as something simple and end up like this, a cashier got fired for feeding a live hamster in her pocket," Hey thats how my work is if someone gets fired everyone knows about. I remember when they built the Subway in my store, they were giving out free sandwichs to suposely to only a few people and in minutes a line of Walmart employees were gathering for their free sandwichs. I was there I know I got my free sandwich. :p

Went off topic again sorry about that, anyway as I was saying I did pretty well for pocket caring. They never went under two hearts, I guess I really don't want to kill off another Tamagotchi on my Entama being I've had two deaths on my one which isn't like me. Today I had off so I had all the time in the world to take care of them. I got Wind and Lilly Flower back down to healthy weight while raising their Points. Since they are being schooled in the same thing its easy to play with them both at once since the game is easy.

It basicly matching up cards but most of the time its right next to one another so yah... It raises your intellentgence.

Lilly Flowers for Ice

13 G

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

101 Intellentgence Points


16 G

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

300 Intellentgence Points

Entama Charts:

Semi-translusent Pink with Prafait Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Female: Lilly Flowers for Ice:Memepetchi,

Pink with Diamonds Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Male: Thanks,Memebotchi,Gurumetchi,Togetchi,Job:Singing idol

Gen 2: Female: Paris,Memepetchi,Young memetchi,Memetchi,Job:>< Don't remember!

Gen 3: Male: Wind,Memebotchi,Hinotamachi,Tosakachi,Job:

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Feb 11 2007

Lilly Flower transformed into Ponytchi and is still in school at the moment. I plan on breeding Wind and Lilly even though of the age difference at Lilly at 7 and Wind at 12. I'm hoping I have time to get them to mate before Wind turns into the old shop keeper guy.


Lilly Flowers for Ice

7 years

49 G

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

158 Intellengence Points

49,000 Spending Points


12 years

72 G

4/4 hungry

3/4 happy

309 Intellengence Points

20,240 Spending Points

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Feb 14 2007

Here I thought that Valitine's Day would be the day of wonders for all my Tamagotchis to breed and fall in love. (-__-) Maybe I should of thrown that Idea out the window.... Wind and Lilly Flower seem to hate each other with a passion. Its nerve racking when I'm sitting on the couch getting so bent out of shape over two little pixels not doing what I want them to. I almost have the urge to let them turn old so they can be left unhappy and alone. Then my brain goes back to the real world, these are pixels that don't exist now calm done you crazy nut! The only couple that bred sucessfully was my two V4... I know the breeding levels but I haven't been following them and now I wish that I had so that maybe I wouldn't be in this jam right now... ('_'; ) Now what am I going to do... I don't want to breed the oldies to get that....that... that THING!


Lilly Flowers for Ice

10 years

99 G

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

220 Intellentence Points


15 years

99 G

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

315 Intellentence Points

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Feb 14 2007

After typing this post I went to use the EntamaWarehouse Program and seen a love Potion so I bought it! So now we have two Baby Memeotchi in which I have plans of turning them into two adorable Togetchi!

March 1,2007

Today I watch my adorable Togetchi Meeper with his......dolls?... o_O Looks like Meeper is celebrating Girls Day. I know I was going to update but I've been kind of blah lately... Anyway I decided to let Melting Ice turn into an old man so that I can see how many days he will live. He was born on Feb 16th. Right now he is 15 years though he should be 14 but I messed up the time a bit...oops. I guess I'll update once every two weeks or when poor Meeper passes.


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