The Log of The Rising Sun..


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Well-known member
May 27, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, yes, I know it's a strange name but I like it! Well, a few hours ago I got my first V4 Tamagotchi. It is yellow with a red rising sun. Here we go now!

When I first hatched, I got a girl. Due to not being able to think of a good name, I called her Z(u)kini. A little while after that, she decided to take a short nap. Then, about 15 minutes after Zkini's nap she evolved into a bouncy round toddler with a mohawk! I played about 7 games of Jump Rope with her, I can't seem to get Mimic though.. :( A Mohitamatchi. :) She's soo cute! Just a few mintues ago, Zkini had the mailman come and it was a fishing rod! She played with it and caught a HUGE fish, maybe a whale. Zkini is currently bouncing around the screen like a happy toddler!

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [| ]

Pencil: 5

Star: 2

Flower: 6

Age: 0

Weight: 29 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 210

Stage: Toddler

Tama: Mohitamatchi

Thats all for now, everyone!

TG4E :)

Newsflash! Zkini just got mail and it's urgent! Let's see what it is..

A strange looking tama appeared on my screen and they went somewhere together, the away sign came on, when they came back the tama left a gift which looked like a backpack or something.. but I can't seem to find it anywhere in my items.. can someone send me a message and help?!

TG4E ;)

Waaiiit.. I just looked one the character list provided by TamaTalk and the tama that appeared was a Teacher.. does anyone know what that means?

TG4E ;)

Haha, I'm dumb! I just went to TamaTown and relized that when the teacher came she was letting Zkini into PreSchool! Well, when Zkini went there, she played Tama Dance with the teacher. She went to the arcade and won about 4 Lolipops. B)

A few minutes ago she beeped for no reason so I gave her disipline and she earned another training bar! She also lost a happy heart so I gave her an orange. More stats...

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|| ]

Pencil: 5

Star: 2

Flower: 7

Age: 0

Weight: 37 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 220 (wow, It's only ten more than last time!)

Stage: Toddler

Tama: Mohitamatchi


Zkini is still bouncing around, we played Jump Rope twice and she only pooed once! B) She's such a good little Mohitamatchi.

Ya know, it's alot easier to keep a log when you only have one tama instead of 5 like in my old log. Hmm.. I wonder if I can find that thing, I feel like reading! :eek:


Wow, I finally figured out how to play Mimic! I made it to round 2 and got 50 points! Now little Zkini has 9 Social (flower) points! Aww! Zkini just went to sleep! :angry: She's so cute! Nighty night, Zkini! :huh: Talk to you all tomorrow!


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Weeell, I got bored so I changed the time on Zkini so she would wake up. When she did, I became the Mimic Master! I played it twice and won both times. I also played jump rope a few times. Zkini got more social & intellectiual points.

OH!! Mail just came! It's a letter.. it was a heart! How sweet..

She also cried a few minutes ago so I praised her and she got her 3rd training bar! :huh:


Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||| ]

Pencil: 15

Star: 9

Flower: 14

Age: 0 (still..)

Weight: 29 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 1605

Stage: Toddler

Tama: Mohitamatchi

I think I'll put her back to sleep soon!

TG4E :mimitchi:

P.S. anyone like the avatar I made? :lol:

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This morning when I woke up, Zkini was already up and all her hearts were full. She also got mail this morning, it was a fortune cookie! I played alot of Mimic and I got some points.

Some time after all that we went into TamaTown. Zkini played Tama Dance at the PreSchool and got 300 points. We went to the arcade and played Ring Toss until we got 4500 points! Zkini went to the mall and went in Lucky Tama Toys, we got a Lion Doll & a Robot Action Figure. Before we left we went to Town Hall and got souvieners 1 & 2! <_<

A little while ago she was crying so I praised her and she got her 4th training bar! I'm hoping that she'll evolve into a teen some point today or tonight :lol: Stats..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|||| ]

Pencil: 15

Star: 26

Flower: 16

Age: 0 (still..)

Weight: 35 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 1555

Stage: Toddler

Tama: Mohitamatchi


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Zkini just got mail! ...It's a fortune cookie! :lol:

EDIT: She just got more mail! It's a letter.. It was from the king and he left Zkini make-up! :D

TG4E <_<

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Yay! The king gave us more mail, points! 1100! Then we played games. Poor Zkini started crying so I praised her and she got her 5th bar of training! Wheee! Her training is already half way there and she's still a toddler!

Did I mention that Zkini turned 1? Well she did!

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||| ]

Pencil: 15

Star: 32

Flower: 24

Age: 1

Weight: 28 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 3965

Stage: Toddler

Tama: Mohitamatchi



Zkini evolved into a teen! She is now a ripe little strawberry.. an :D Ichigotchi! :ichigotchi: Yay! Haha, Zkini is so cute now! I played a game of Flag, and got 250 points. I wonder if I can use any items yet..

Aw man. I still can't.. OH well! New stats..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||| ]

Pencil: 16

Star: 43

Flower: 27

Age: 1

Weight: 22 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 4925

Stage: Teen

Tama: Ichigotchi :ichigotchi:

TG4E :wub:

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Well about 20 minutes ago, I got an urgent message, I opened it and Zkini's PreSchool teacher was there, Zkini looked really sad. When the teacher left I got another urgent message and there was the Elementry teacher! He gave me a gradutaion cap. Then I sent Zkini to her first time at Elementry School! I tried playing that game where you have to pick the right presant, the one with the pencil but everytime I tried I picked the poo! Poor Zkini..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||| ]

Pencil: 16

Star: 44

Flower: 30

Age: 1

Weight: 21 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 10125

Stage: Teen

Tama: Ichigotchi

I think I'll go to TamaTown now!

TG4E :furawatchi:

Well a little while ago Zkini was brushing her teeth and it was soo cute! I also just bought a pair of jean, I can't wait to use them! ;)

TG4E :p

Well it's morning and Zkini still sleeping. My school had a 2 hour delay this morning so I'm able to post here. I'll have to take Zkini to school with me, I'll keep her in my locker.. She should be alright if I check her between periods. :D

TG4E :lol:

OK, I go home an hour or so ago. Updates:

During school, Zkini got mail from the king. It was 200 points! During the school day, she only made 1 poo! She's such a good girl. :blink:

After I got home, she called me for no reason so I gave her a time out and now she has 6 training bars! She's more than half way ther already!!

I played some jump rope and she got more points.. she's currently dancing around the screen.


Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|||||| ]

Pencil: 24

Star: 51

Flower: 39

Age: 1

Weight: 25 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 9425

Stage: Teen

Tama: Ichigotchi

TG4E :(

Last night Zkini was brushing her teeth!! It was so cute. She also took a bath and she looked like strawberry soup :wacko: She still sleeping, she doesn't wake up until 9:00.

Well I gotta go to school now! No time for stats.

TG4E :wub:

Aww! Zkini turned 2! She also pooed twice and she cried. When I praised her, she got her 7th bar of training! W00t! Only 2 more left!!

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||||| ]

Pencil: 51

Star: 57

Flower: 61

Age: 2

Weight: 16 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 13305

Stage: Teen

Tama: Ichigotchi

I played lots of games with Zkini and now she is nice and fit. :D

TG4E :lol:

YAY! Major newsflash! Zkini evolved into a............... MEMETCHI :( :( She must have evolved wile I was at school, because when I leave her here my mom takes care of her so I don't have to pause her. I also had mail, it was the robber.. but he only took 100 points.

I also bought a genie lamp, I used it and the genie came out and he gave my 3000 points! But it emptied all my happy hearts so I played some games. Zkini is soo cute now :angry: Stats..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||||| ]

Pencil: 54

Star: 69

Flower: 64

Age: 3

Weight: 42 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 15975

Stage: Adult

Tama: Memetchi :(

TG4E ;)
