The Society


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Michael snickered when the lights went out. "As if." He smacked the gun out of Charlie's hand and kneed him in the stomach. He then worked free of Charlie's headlock and fled, going blindly into the dark. He kept running, when he rounded a corner he tripped on something... Or someone..

"Amanda!" He cried. She evidently couldn't walk from here otherwise she would've surely found us." He saw blood on the floor and a knife. "Poison food probably."

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All Amanda could do was lie there and try not to bleed to death from wherever it was she had been stabbed. Her hands were pressed over where she thought the wound was, but they were knocked out of position when someone tripped over her. She yelled out and clutched herself again, blinking as the lights were turned on and she caught sight of Michael. "...Oh, no..."

Michael pulled himself up. "What the hell did I trip o-" he cut off when he saw Amanda. He stood there for a minute, thinking things through. He was tempted to simply leave her to die, but something about her told him to help. He knelt down next to Amanda reluctantly. "Where'd they stab you?"

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"I don't know! Whereever the knife's sticking out of?!" Amanda told Michael, meeting Michael's eyes for a moment before swallowing and looking away. "But why should you care? I'm the enemy, remember? And there's probably about a 75% chance I could die from this." A pause before Amanda continued in a small voice "25% chance I'll survive though, in that case."

Charlie saw Michael and thought he was hurting her.

"Get away from her!" Then he realised he was helping her. He ran up to Amanda and injected a painkiller. "Do you know what's needed to save her?" He asked Michael.

Alex ran up to Amanda and Michael. "This isn't good..." she knelt beside Amanda and looked down at the stab wound, then up at Michael.

Michael gently turned Amanda on her side so he could look at the stab. "She's losing quite a bit of blood..... $%.... We need professional medical help to pull her through this......" he explained. "But for now..." He took his jacket off and tore it into strips, tying the end of one strip to another and so forth. He sat Amanda up and began wrapping it tightly around her torso.

Amanda tried to fight a pair of hands off, but then she realised they were Charlie's and she allowed him to inject her with

... well, whatever it was. Then she found herself clinging to someone as she was sat up, wincing as she felt a tightness. "I can't see anything..." She murmered. "Am I going to die?"

Michael tied the makeshift bandage in a knot to keep it around Amanda and stop the bleeding a bit. "No, I won't let you die..." he mumbled, lifting her off the ground. He turned back to Alex and Charlie. "Come on, we need to get her some help..."

Amanda gave a small yell of pain as she was lifted up, clinging to Michael tighter. "T-thank you..." She murmered, closing her eyes and resting her head against Michael's chest.

"I have a plan!" Charlie shouted. He got a small metal cube on a chain out of his pocket and smashed the window. He smiled. The window cleaners platform was near the bottom.

"Wait for me!" He pulled out a parachute from his big bag and jumped out of the window. He use it immediatly or he would've died. He brought the platform up. "Get in!"

Alex jumped in and landed with a clang, followed carefully and gently by Michael. He looked down at Amanda and a weird feeling of worry filled him. He stared down at her for a few more moments before looking up at Charlie. "Hurry."

Expecting Michael to jump, Amanda winced and clung on tightly, only to be (pleasantly) surprised when he carefully stepped down. Fear clear on her face, she looked between the other three. "I'm scared..."

Alex frowned and grabbed one of Amanda's hands. "It's gonna be okay, Tequila..."

Michael looked back down at Amanda when she'd said this. "Don't be scared." he said softly, not really being one for moral support.

Amanda managed to turn her head so she could see Kase, and even managed a small smile and was able to squeeze her friend's hand. "Yeah, that's the plan." She whispered, closing her eyes as the platform gave a jolt and started to move. She looked up at Michael. "I'm bleeding all over you..."

Michael looked at his clothing and back at Amanda. "I really don't care, to tell you the truth." he told her, looking down at the makeshift bandage he had created. He turned to Charlie. "We really need to move fast, the bandage isn't holding up too well..."

"Oh good... I can't exactly stop..." Amanda murmered, trying to avoid wriggling too much in Michael's arms lest she mess up the bandage and her blood started pouring everywhere. Her vision was startingto blur, and she reached the hand up that wasn't holding Alex's to rest against Michael's cheek. "You look really nice... shame about the blood..."

Michael smiled slightly, but his smile instantly vanished when he saw that Amanda's eyes were becoming glassy. "...Hey...... Hey, are you alright?" he waited for a response, but nothing came. "Hey, answer me!" he muttered, worry filling his facial features.

By this point Amanda's eyes had slowly closed, although she was still awake. Eventually, she nodded, opening one eye ever so slightly. "Yeah... I'm okay... apart from the fact that I've, y'know, been stabbed..." She gave a weak laugh, her eyes closing again. "Why are you helping me, Guy? Sorry, I don't know your name..."

The platform halted. He heard a tiny bang from far up. A bullet fell to his right.

"RUN!" He screamed. He went down an alleyway briefly and got a big sheet of metal. It was light and at the distance the shooters are at they wont do anything. He held the metal up and bullets pinged against it.

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