The tamagotchi with no friends


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Then she started to cry again. Then one day she was very pale and she felt really sick like she was going to die. Then the next day she was even paler. She went to go see the docter that very day. When she got there the doctor said

;) The popular tamas kept on laughing and then they wernt popular anymore so then Angel was the most popular girl in school!! :D
" But , now that I think of it I dont want to be popular! Please!"........................................Suddenly she faited and Jordan got the call. She was so deep in fain that she had to go to the hospital. They gave Angel and examanation and left the room. A few hours later , all of Angels friends and room mates came to visit relizing how horrible this had been and it was basicly their faults. Most of them were crying. Then the doctor walked into the room with the results. "Well......................................... He said in a firm voice but he sounded shaky "Well ..........................................

Not part of the story: Please finish.

Jordan looked worried. He stood up and started to talk to everyone who was in the waiting room,"See what you all did? Now, because of you, Angel is gonna die. And right now, we are the only thing that might help her live." Jordan couldn't take it anymore. As he went into Angels room, everyone could see tears running down his face.

I am sorry I have been mean to you I just wish there was a way to stop the sickness.He continued to sob When the docter came up and said "Your gonna have to go , we are about to operate on her and if we don't start now there is no hope ." "I understand".As he left the room.

The next day the operation was over. The docter came in with a huge frown and he said that Angel......

The next few days Angel started getting sicker again but this time it was even worst. She was paler than she ever was in her life and she felt like she was going to die. One day the docter announced that she had........

...gotten so sick that she had to be in the hospital. Then 2 days later she had a baby girl named Anna. Anna was a :( and she also got as sick as her mom but...

she got better because it turned all that Anna needed was a cup of medicine. Angel was soo happy that her baby was ok, but Angel wasn't getting better. Infact she was very sick that she had to go to the hostipal again. While she was in there she had x-rays and surgerys done, but nothing seem to make her feel better. Then one day........

One day someone in her city Tamacity was working and saw a button that said NUCLEAR BOMB the Dorotchi couldnt read so he pressed it then it blew up and reduced everyone to dust and Angel and anna died and That city was never seen on the map again.

P.S. Jordan was a :mimitchi: .

However Angel gradually got better because of Jordan's love for her.

Years and years passed by and Anna grew up and now she was :huh: . While her mom was now a grandma and Jordan was a grandpa. One day

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