The tamagotchi with no friends


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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2005
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Above the forty-ninth.
Once upon a time there was a Tamagotchi named Angel.Angel had just moved to a different boarding school for tamagotchis. B) She didn't have any friends yet either.this is what she looked like for herfirst school picture. B) but her mood right now looks something like this: :angry: you might as well say she just doesen't fit in.this is what the meanest girl in school looks like: :blink: (she may look harmless,but she is MEAN)and this is the meanest boy bot B) (this is a robot tama and it was programmed to be mean!!)


P.S.Finish the story!!!!!

Angel was a :D . She made friends with a Gozarutchi and a Memetchi but no one else seemed to like her because she was a Mimitchi and the school didn't like mimitchis because...

In that boarding school the mimitchis were considered mean and nasty,but Angel was exactly what her name was!An Angel!All she wanted was to be noticed as nice and not a mean person.the only other thing was that she wanted more than 2 friends.they were here roomates and they took all the same classes Angel took.Angel was also the smartest little tamagotchi in the whole school!....

one day, sheshe was called a dorkotchi (dork) and she could not fight the tears. she ran into the bathroom. she sat in the corner of the last stall and cried. she heard someone come in. she held her breath and a boy gozuratchi handed her a tissue. "hey," he said."don't feel bad. i think you're pretty!" he smiled and walked out of the bathroom. he was cute. Angel wiped her eyes and headed back to class. "Who is that guy," she wondered. The next day....

she realized that the boy came into the girls toilets for her, and she was touched by that

She lokked and looked for that boy in all the dorms.The next day Angel finaly found him.His name was Jordan.He was about Angel's age and to Angel he was kinda cute...

:angry: ZOOMrocks :)

Jordon had a roomate named Tom he was a Hanachi...

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So Angel said hi and jordan said hi

''So Do You Wanna Come To The Next Dance'' said jordan

''Yes'' Said angel

So The Night of the dance

the meanest girl saw them



Jordon look at the mean girl. "I'm dancing with Angle." Then Tom came up to the mean girl. "I'l dance with you."...

And then Angel and jordan won the king and queen of the dance comp and the girl was so embarresed that she ran into the bathroom and cried and cried and cried

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Jordan then bent over to Angle and gave her a kiss on the cheek, Angle then..

went into the place where the girl was ( we will call her michaela for now ) Angel said : ''wats wrong '' and then michaela said ''YOUR A MIMICHI UR SO POPULAR! WHAT WOULD U WW-WANT WITH ME-E I-M JUST A LOSER ''

''But im the loser'' said angel and then michaela smiled and wanted to be friends with angel

"So wanna be friends Michaela?" Angle hoped she would say yes, Machaela said...

then they walked out and people laughted then michaela ordered them to be nice or else they won't be popular anymore

Then Jordan walked over to them an asked Angle...
If they wanted to keep dancing."Yes,but can we talk first?"Angel asked."Sure"Jordan said."While I was trying to calm down Michaela,she said what do you want with me Im just a loser,then I said she's not the loser I am.Now,I'm scared that now she'll be mean for dancing with you.It'll be hard because you are the best person I've ever met and...well..I kinda like you."Angel waited for an answer.Jordan smiled."I like you too."He whispered.When they got back to the dance they saw this, :eek: :wacko: the mean girl and the boy dancing together.the first thing that crossed her mind was "Well,they're gonna be a mean couple"...

after that, All the tamagotchis in the school bowed sown to Angel whenever she was present. Then one day the meanest boy, the robotchi, stood up and said "I've had enough! Why does SHE get all the attention?!? She's a worthless rabbit!" This made Angel feel very bad, but Jordan was there to confort her. Then the next day Jordan asked her to be his grilfriend. She said...

((ah! sorry I only read the first page. This happens to me alot. Just ignore my post.))

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