The United States of Zombieland


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Phoenix glared at Eagle, watching him store her gun in his backpack. "When do I get that back, then?" Her voice was calm enough, but her eyes flashed as she said it. Ontario shrugged at Eagle. "California. It's my home town, I just want to get there." He looked back at the Hilux. "Are we getting in, then? Who's going to drive?" Phoenix jumped in. "I'll drive. Where are you actually heading to for this trip?"

Eagle watched Phoenix get in the truck. He still did not trust her completely so he decided to tell her, "You can have it back when you've earned my trust," He explained. Then he went opened the back door to the Hilux, checking for zombies, then climbed in, uneasily, "So we've got to get to Arizona and California? Where are we now?" He stuck his head forward so that his head was in the front seat area. He didn't like being in the back. It made him feel less important.

Ooc- That's the problem with role plays. You leave to watch a movie and suddenly everyone's headed to Arizona.

Mal watched as the three(she had thought there were only two until a guy had stepped out of the car) people spoke. There had seemed to be a moment of dispute, but now they all seemed to more-or-less be working together. She turned over to Jackson, who was looking under the vehicles around them to see if any zombies were hiding under them. "Look, Jack- I say we go over there and introduce ourselves, see if we can't all work together. There's power in numbers."

"Hey, wait a second, Mal, I thought we had agreed to go back to the hideout?" Jackson turned to face her, not sure if he should trust the other group of people, but Mal had already stepped out from the shelter of the van. "Well shoot..." Jackson mumbled, standing up and following her.

Mal ran over to the van they had all gotten in, waving one hand. "Hey, wait up!" she shouted, hoping they would see her. Jackson followed at a slower pace, mumbling to himself all the while about how much better it would be if they just hid out.

Phoenix scowled, not looking back at Eagle. She didn't like the sound of his conditions, but he had a gun and she didn't, so she decided not to say anything about it. Instead, she turned her eyes up to the road, taking the handbrake of and letting the car roll slowly down the road. Ontario didn't notice that she was trying to be annoying, because he thought this was the perfect speed for a car. He looked up and saw Mal, and wound down the window, looking back at Phoenix for her to stop the car. She did so, scowling and muttering, "Oh, great, there's more of them."

Nickname: Dakota, as in North/South Dakota. She hasn't quite decided which one yet.

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Looks: The first thing you will notice about Dakota is her hair. To put it bluntly, Dakota is a pure ginger, not red, ginger. What with the zombie outbreak, she hasn't really found time to take care of it properly, leaving it to be all messy and static-like. Dakota is rather small for her age, and a little bit thinner than the norm (but hey, at least now she has an excuse.) If it weren't for the hair, she'd be rather unnoticable, so Dakota often takes to tying her hair up in a high ponytail and threading it through a baseball cap or something so all that's visible is a flash of orange. As for the rest of her clothing, Dakota tends to stick to the same outfit, as there aren't really many shopping oppertunites available: a plain black hooded top she got from her school one time, and a dark pair of tracksuit bottoms. Easy to get around in, yes, but she looks like a bit of a chav.

Personality: Dakota was, orginally, a sweet and kind girl who wouldn't say boo to a goose, but following the events of the zombie outbreak and the disappearance of her Dad not so many days ago, Dakota's forced herself to toughen up and get a little more survival instinct. She will never approach you and directly start talking - it'll be you that'll have to make the effort to initate conversation or similar. When she does start talking, you'll find that she starts off with only one word answers that are usually harsh or sarcastic, but as time goes on you'll find that more of the real Dakota starts to shine through and she starts to fumble and mess up, and eventually she'll give up the tough girl act and latch onto you, scared that you'll disappear too. In short, Dakota plays the act of a tough survivor/fighter, but really, she's scared, and she justs wants to know that she's not going to be left alone anymore.

Weapons: A BAZOOKA, POW POW Dakota does have a small revolver, but as she's not very good with it, she tends to hide out in and attempt to drive her Dad's old car to run away the zombies. Or maybe even run over them.

Other: Dakota suffers from asthma, and while she does have an inhaler, it makes things a lot more inconvienient.

Dakota had ben curled up in the driver's seat of her Dad's old car - which she'd haphazardly parked on the side of the road - sleeping for god knows how long. Not the best idea, but hey. She probably would have stayed asleep longer, had she not moved in her sleep and fallen onto the car horn, causing her to jolt out of her confusing dreams due to the loud noise. "Oh godddddd!" She whimpered, biting her lip and backing away from the wheel as if it were a poisonous snake. Fear rushing through her and gradually building, Dakota peeked over the wheel and looked through the windows, checking for any signs of life. Or non-life. Or whatever you classed zombies as.

Mal saw the car stop and ran up beside it, stopping next to the passenger door. "Uh, hi there." Now that she had actually reached them, she wasn't sure what to say. "Me and, uh, my friend," for lack of a better word, "we noticed you all, and well, seeing as you aren't zombies or anything, I figured we could all maybe travel together. Power in numbers and all that. We humans have to stick together, you know what I mean?" she grimaced- that hadn't come out as well as she'd hoped. Not even close.

Jackson finally reached them as well, still taking occasional glances behind his back. He stood back a tad and waited, letting Mal do all the speaking for them.

"Good god!" Eagle shouted, as two more people came running up to car, "I've been walking for weeks, not run into a single person and now we have enough for a good game of spin the bottle. What is this?!" He was clearly unhappy and felt that he had been purposely avoided this entire time. He opened the backseat door and ushered the two strangers to get in, "Have any of you been bitten?" Eagle inquired, "And weapons, what have you guys got?" The ginger girl was right, power in numbers.

Mal got into the car next to Eagle, rather pleased no time had been wasted asking mundane questions. "No no, don't worry, neither of us have been bitten," she assured him as she sat down. "As for weapons, all I have is a Glock 17. He," she indicated Jackson, still standing outside the car, "doesn't have anything." Created a zombie safe-haven and didn't think to stack it with weapons...

Jackson hesitated outside the Hilux, knowing that if he stepped inside, there'd be no turning back. Of course, if he turned back now, he probably wouldn't make it back on his own. No weapons to defend himself with... he'd probably be dead within an hour. With a sigh, he'd convinced himself that going along with these strangers was the smarter option, and he got into the truck, closing the door behind him.

All seemed quiet outside from where Dakota and her - well, her dad's - car sat, and eventually she relaxed back into the seat. Which was when she caught sight of something in the wing mirror. A zombie. Dakota had learnt the hard way that zombies were like rabbits: one generally meant there were hundreds lurking around. Right on cue, more started appearing, and Dakota knew it was time to move. "Come on, cone on!" Dakota pleaded with the car, pulling the seat forwards so she could reach the pedals easier as the car started. She didn't look back, remembering what her dad had taught her and quickly releasing the handbrake, shooting forwards. Amongst the appearing zombies Dakota thought she spotted another car and sone people... if they were real and she wasn't just going insane, they'd give her a sign. Hopefully.

Phoenix groaned as the people climbed into the car, hitting her head off the steering wheel a couple of times. All she had been planning on doing was taking a car so she could get to her city quicker, but now there were hoardes of people. She wasn't exactly happy that there were survivors, because she knew that they would all die soon anyway, so there was no point in joining up with people just to have them killed. Pushing these thoughts aside, she turned to face the newcomers. "Great. Now that the cars been filled with these happy faces, can we just go? I don't want to stick around here for much longer."

Eagle looked out the window, his eyes widening, "I think that's a good idea, there are zombies everywhere!" He said, anxiously. He looked around at all the vacant cars and overgrown bushes, checking to see if there were any more hiding anywhere that he couldn't see, "Hey what's that? Is that a human?" He asked, pointing to one of the cars. Inside there was a girl with orange hair who didn't look like she could even be 15. It could just have been all these living people appearing out of no where tricking his brain, but that person looked alive. He attempted to wave to her, hopefully she could see him.

Looking out the window at all the zombies surrounding them, Jackson's heart began to thump at an intense pace. He Moved closed to Mal, trying to get as far away from the door as he could. "H-how can there be so many of them?" he wondered aloud. "Where did they come from? There were none just a moment ago!" and he was right. There really hadn't been any a moment ago, but now it seemed like they had popped out of thin air. It's amazing he didn't notice them before.

Mal pulled her pistol out from her belt, just in case they had to shoot their way out. "A human? Where?" she turned to look where Eagle was looking, at first unable to see anything, but then spotting someone inside the vehicle. "Oh my God, I think it is..." she murmured. The person inside the vehicle looked maybe 15 at the most, and just the thought of being stuck in a vehicle alone while the zombies surrounded it made Mal feel claustrophobic. She turned to Phoenix. "We have to help them!" she said, assuming Phoenix was in charge as she was the one driving.

Phoenix squinted out, searching in the steady trickle of zombies for someone who didnt look like a reanimated corpse. She found the girl the others were talking about, and she groaned, resisting the urge to face-plant the steering wheel again. "Great, now we have just another little kid to join our band of misfits. Let's just hope she's not in the middle of puberty, or we'll be getting attacked by her." She started the engine up again, pulling out of the road and heading towards the car that the girl was in.

Name:Madison Brody(as in Madison Wisconson)



Looks:Madison has long dark brown hair that she hangs down and covers part of her face.The next thing you would notice about her would be her eyes that are Ivy and they could blend in to the forest.Her skin is tan from staying outside alot.Her face look like it is alined perfectly giving her a look that makes everyone smile.Madison isn't Tall but stands taller than other people she knows (Or knew).She always is dirty from being in the Woods almost 24/7.She wears any kind of Jeans and almost always wears the same purple long sleeve V-neck everyday,making her neck look longer.Madison also wears her shell necklace that her mom gave her.

Personality:Madison's love of nature makes her never afraid of getting dirty.Even when it rains that never ruins her day.She is getting use to her home in Zombieland making everyday worth it.She can get annoyed easily losing her temper so you shouldn't be near her when she is flipping out.She can be a good assinstant and is great when it comes to handling a gun

Weapons:She always has her pistol with her making her a fast shooter for attacks

Other:Don't Judge her because she is a fast shooter.

Eagle unlatched his gun from it's holster and aimed it out the window, firing a shot at a zombie, hoping to kill it. Unfortunately, his gun was neither long range, nor a sniper gun so it missed completely and broke the window of a nearby house. That was a really stupid idea, he had to admit. But only to himself, "Do zombies listen to warning shots?" He asked, hoping to pass of the mistake as 'on purpose'. Eagle pushed his hair back, trying to look cool.


"No, you idiot," Phoenix said, rolling her eyes. She pushed her hair off hoer face, still feeling hot and sweaty from running from the zombies. "They'll probably all flock around now. So I'm in a group with a moron. Great." She turned the car up beside the girl's, squinting at her again. Great, she was barely fifteen. Phoenix really didn't want to have her tagging along as well, but she knew that she would be outnumbered by the group.

Madison was walking in the woods looking for anyone that wasn't a Zombie,and thought "Wow It's been days since I have seen anouther Zombie or for a matter someone who is actaully alive".She kept on trudging no sign of life anywhere she looked.Madison had no idea where she was only where she was going,but she knew that the Journey was going to take a long time.comming out on road she decied to follow it down it's twisting and winding path.She reached a fork in the road, while she was thinking a couple of Zombies were creaping up on her.Up the road Eagle,Pheonix,Dakota,Jackson,and Mal were having there predicament while Madison was going to be Zombie stew.

By this point, Dakota was getting a bit desperate - she was managing to drive, yes, but she wasn't doing very well for a number of reasons. It was then that she realised that she had indeed seen a group of people, and they had noticed her! Relieved now, Dakota waved back, but only quickly as she didn't dare keep even just one hand off the steering wheel for too long. And then the other car was pulling up next to her, and she saw an older girl behind the wheel. Glancing around, Dakota reminded herself to look and act calm, shouting through the window with a grin "Run them all over together?"

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