The UraTama Introduction Video!


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And it says on the 2nd website (at the top)

that if you aboard the tama plane, then you can either

get a mametchi with a plane comstume figure or a memetchi with a plane costume figure. (is there anything else you guyz want me to translate?)

So cool! Since I already (believe it or not) have 3 Entamas my mom won't let me get one when they come out. But, hey! I can still wait until Christmas! If they're out that long. :angry: *thinks up evil plan* Not really!

So that's what they meant by ura... this time, I'm not waiting two months after it comes out to buy it (like I did with the entama)! Once they come out, I'm buying one ASAP! lol.... that video was crazy...

I am so excited for the uratama to come out! It seems so interesting I will for sure buy one when it comes out!! I love the entama so im pretty sure ill love the ura too!

Looks soooooo cool! I can't wait until they come out! I think it's a really neat idea. I hear that on July 22 they will come out in Japan. Do you think they'll have a multi-colour screen uratama? :D

Looks soooooo cool! I can't wait until they come out! I think it's a really neat idea. I hear that on July 22 they will come out in Japan. Do you think they'll have a multi-colour screen uratama? :D
You heard right, Maya94! It seems as the UraTamas will just have blue LCD, because the whole UraTown seems to be blue-based.

Ther was also a Tamagotchi released in Japan about a year ago, called the Keitai Akai, wich has red LCD.

Cool I want uratama but I don't know japanese hopefully I figure it out. <_<

Im gonna get that UraTama and a blue Kakeibo and a Hanerutchi EnTama!!

My three tama's next on the list!!

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