The weather is horrid


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It's rainy and thunderstormy. :D I feel so lonely and stuck inside.
I know how you feel, I was stuck in a mobile home for the weekend without a phone. :D Are you in the UK, I am going there Thursday and am hoping the weather gets better.

Na, I live in Kansas. I think it stopped raining now, but it's still really wet and I can't go outside.

Yes, that was hail and the night before was snow :D I want sunshine!!!!!
Want sunshine?

Move to Tennessee. :D

Its Spring and we have had nonstop sunshine and warm weather. I love spring, its so warm and sunshiney.

Wow, your roads are narrow!

You didn't like the little hail? We get that here sometimes. I guess everybody does. :D

Wow, your roads are narrow! You didn't like the little hail? We get that here sometimes. I guess everybody does.  :eek:
As it was the bank holiday weekend and I was away, I guess I was wishing for some nice weather so I could walk the beach. The weather is alot better today. The roads we were on are in the country, they are alot narrower than our main roads.

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That's nothing compared to what we got last year.

EVERYTHING was coated in ice, and over half the town was powerless for like 3 days. And I mean it was SO cold. I had left a soda out, and after the three day power outage was over, the soda felt like it had stayed in the freezer for a two days. :/

That's nothing compared to what we got last year.
EVERYTHING was coated in ice, and over half the town was powerless for like 3 days. And I mean it was SO cold. I had left a soda out, and after the three day power outage was over, the soda felt like it had stayed in the freezer for a two days. :/
Was it during spring time, or was it during winter?

Nice and Sunny were I live! It's nice and warm out and alot of snow melted, I guess it's warm enough to wear a long sleeve shirt with a thick vest. I wish the weather was like this all the time! :)

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