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Major News!! My family just evolved into the petite family! I'm so sad... I thought I was a good parent until they evolved. I had gotten thye secret characters as well. BOTH of them... :mimitchi: :lol: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Sorry about not posting yesterday. A fuse went in our house and somthing broke in the fuse box. We didn't get the electrisity back until right now when the repairman came. Adnd it was FREEZING last night.

I'll let the Tamas talk to you.

Pete (high voice) I feel so small

Lucy (higher voice) I know! This is so cool!

Josh (high voice)Not really... ;) I hate it!

Me I will find the food and fix you. Theres a special food that I give to you and you get normal again.

Jami you look like a baby dude! :angry: :angry: :wub:

Josh (extremely high voice) "sigh" Your so mean!

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I just want to say about 150 views and no PMs!! Please tell me what you think about my log. I need to know how to make it better!

Sadly Jami passed away in the late hours of tonight. He had 3 food hearts and 1 happy heart. He was 99lb and was 8 years old. I miss him. :p :( :( :(

On a happier note I had Lucy marry a plenetchi. Or somthing like that. Either way I now have the Space family (almost). I need to get a Chinese famitama for that. Lucy married a boy and I'm going to name him Jami after THE JAMI! They had one daughter who I will name Jasmi after Jamis mum. :p :p :p :p

NOTE: You can visit Jamis memorial in the tama memorial :) :D :wub: :p

Jami will soon be in the Tama memorial so anybody wanting to give him wishes do it soon. (He may not be up until tomorrow) :) :D :wub: :p

180 VIEWS!!! Yor probaly wondering why I havn't reset Jami... I just keep him around hoping that he will come back to life. Its sorta of wierd I guess but I gotreally atached to him...

I forgot to add the colous for the new characters.


Lucy and Jami/parents

ME (aunt artik)

Jami's ghost (the original)

The Jamis ghost thing might get confusing so I just want to make it clear that Jami has a ghost until I push the reset button on the back.

:) :D Well... Jasmi got married today on the bus home from school so I'm going to call the :eek: she married BUSter!!!!! *faints with laughter* I know its not cool. any ways... They had a girl wich I'm naming Zuzuki!!!!! she's half chinese!!!!!

here are the colours!!!!




Well here I am!!!! I'm still a baby but soon I'll be a toddler and then I'll be \*COOL*\

Zazuki, what do you want to be when you grow up???

Either a Hotteatchi or a watatchi!! But any tama would do!!

Autually I want to get a pure family this generation!! Can you believe your the 7th generation!! Thats almost beating my record... *8*!!!

Well I'm really tired after all this talking so I'll just go take a nap... ZZZZZzzzzz....!

SENDY sendy in your PMs. Keep them coming!!! It only takes a few seconds and then I'll post it proudly and say THIS PM IS FROM _________....

Well you know what I mean. I just need to know that my forum is a sucsess.

Zuzuki FINALLY woke up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!!!! :D :eek: :) :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi:

I Have mail!!!!! Zuzuki do you want to help me answer???

This is from TAMAGIRL2008!!!!

I ♥ Your Log!!
I just Read it and I ♥ it!!!

Keep up the Good work!
My reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow thanks!!!!
That was really nice of you!!!

I really hope you enjoy the log!!!!!! 
I am feeling random so I'll just have to go and feed my rabbits. :p


I've decided to make a few changes to my log.

1. I will have every other day stats.

2. I weekly diary from my tamas point of view! It will post it on friday. This week Zuzuki will have the honour to read from her diary!!!

3. more of the Tamas talking

one last thig. I forgot to add Jami's coulour. It will be gray as before because he's a ghost. I can't bring myself to reset him [SIZE=21pt] !_![/SIZE]

Zuzuki grew into a ichigotchi and I'm pretty chuffed. I have been really busy lately and havn't had much time for a sit down chance to play games and work on the bonding. It's so wierd. I'm doing worse and worse on my bonding! :(

1st generation- 100% bonding

2nd generation- 100% bonding

3rd generation- 100% bonding

4th generation- 80% bonding

5th generation- 70% bonding

6th generation- 40% bonding

now- 0%

Roger ,my dog, needs a bath so I'll have to go and clean him... I'll post later!!! :D

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It's FRIDAY!!!! :ph34r:

Zuzuki will read from her diary!! (she wants to!!)

  Dear Diary,
I've been told by Aunt Artik thatn I'm supposed to pick a diary entery for this log!!! I might choose this one.

I've been pretty lonely lately. I have no siblings... so things get pretty dull around here. When I grow up and have babys I REALLY want to have at least 2 kids. Three kids would be the best though. I've bee playing quite a bit of golf lately. I think that's Aunt Artiks favorite game!!  ;) Right now I'm a strawberry!!!! I can't remember the "POSH" name for it. I think it's Ichigotchi. But I might not be right. I've got to go now because Aunt Artik want's to play ANOTHER game of golf!!!!  :p

    Your sincerely,

      Zuzuki                      Thursday the 9th of April 2008

I just want to make a liitle change to my list of stuff. ;)

I said would have weekly diarys but I'll have one diary entery on Friday and one on Tuesday.

I just think that having weekly diarys goes a little slow 'cause every generation takes about a week.

I thik I'll post the stats:

The v5 Zelie Family

Family type: blended

version: v5

Family name: Zelie

generation: 7


Buster Papapatchi Dad

Jasmi Planetchi Mum

Zuzuki Ichigotchi child (girl)

money:2360 (I havn't bought anything)

Bonding: 0%

I'll let the Tamas do the talking for once.

HI!!!! I hope you liked my diary entry!!! B)

I'm sure they did... didn't you?

(this is when you nod or shake your head!)

Theres not much more to talk about so I'll just leave it at that. I may post later but most likely not. And I'm excpecting Zuzuki to evolve soon. If she evolves today I'll tell you but most likely she'll evolve tomorrow. I hope she'll evolve today.

One more thing. I left my tama at home on acsident. Luckily it wasn't awake until lunch so it only had half a day. But if It had been awake when I left to school it probaly be dead. I like ran home today!! :lol:

p.s. in this post I've used 2265 letters and numbers!!!!

:) :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :) :D :eek: :p :unsure:

Zuzuki grew into a Watatchi!!!!!

:D :D :D :D

At least she got what she wanted. I have to admit... watatchis are cute. I just wanted a pure family. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

YAY! I'm a watatchi!!

yeah but not for long...

what do u mean?

you could become a secret character!

noo... shes ugly!

You have a point...


but it's not everyday I get a watatchi either

PLEASE!!!! don't change me!

sure, I wont decide. I'll make it fun. If you want me to make her a secret charater or not PM me and I'll do what you say! You have the power. (I must sound like those people on TV ads.) I'm just trying to make it more fun for others. oh yeah, and first PM goes.

so PLEASE say NO!

You have two days from this saturday. (look at the date.) I know the times not right... if u know how to fix it so that its your time tell me

in yourPM!


That means tomorrow I will be on my 8th generation!!! YAY!!!!!

well not for my brother's Tama... I was going around to my friends house and I brought my brothers v3 couse he was at a swimming competion. Well we were using the wii and I went to the bathroom. When I came back they were both trying not to laugh. I check my v5 but they look normal... so I check my brothers v3 and it was 99 on the wieght. I cant check the wieght on the v5 but I guess they were stuffing it. Now I'll get the large family for sure. I plan on not starving it but keeping it on one heart. I dont now if it will work.

The v5 Zelie Family

Family type: blended

version: v5

Family name: Zelie

generation: 7


Buster Papapatchi Dad

Jasmi Planetchi Mum

Zuzuki Ichigotchi child (girl)

money:2360 (I havn't bought anything)

Bonding: 10%!!!!

Bad news... NO PMS! You have untill tuesday moring to Pm me. (if you dont know what I'm talking about read the post above this one)

I might post later... but I dont think anything will happen to it.

no pms! That means I decide. (its about 3 in the morining my time) I will marry Zuzuki as a watatchi right now. Or in the morning. I've gotto go before my mum catches me. Our house is unusually active this time of night for a monday. ^_^ Post more later today

[SIZE=21pt]Good news and good news!!![/SIZE]

good news: I have two v3's. As you now Jami died but I reset the other one when he died. I just didn't put it in the forum other than "Jami's ghost" Sorry if you got confused. Well it was a she when I reset the second v3 so I named it Mazi!! My friend is the only other person I know that still uses Tamas. Shes not really my friend, but our Tamas are. We had agreed that today I would give her my Tama on the bus in secret. We made a really cool show since we never sit together and my other friend wouldn't like it. (shes just wierd that way) On the phone we planed this brilliant show and it worked. So tomorrow morning I'll get Mazi back with a little baby on the screen! I'll post tormorrow with that news. She wont really be part of this forum though this is just special. Look what happened to Jami! I'm still not over it!

second good news: I got Zuzuki married today!!! Now shes a Mememamatchi. :D :D :D :D

Her husband will be named..... BILLY!!!!

they had three kids and there names are

Bell who is a bellotchi (wonder)

Sammy who is a Ahirukutchi

Sandy s a Tororothi

This generation I will have 100% bonding and next generation (9th) will be a pure family!! I promise!!!

The v5 Zelie Family

Family type: blended

version: v5

Family name: Zelie

generation: 8*


Billy Memepapatchi

Zuzuki mememamatchi

Bell bellotchi (girl)

Sammy Ahirukutchi (boy)

Sandra Tororotchi (girl)

money:2360 (I havn't bought anything)

Bonding: 0% :(

As always they need colours!!!!

Bell will be Blue!!!

Sammy will be Red!!!!

Sandra will be Purple!!

The parents will be orange!!!

I will be Green!!

And Jami's ghost*will be..... GRAY

I have to go but today I WILL post later. I think the triplets as they are now might grow up soon. I cant even remember what version this Tama is I'm so tired.... :wacko: :ph34r: :blink: :wub:

ooops.... I wrote that I will have a diary entery for today. I will choose Billy.

Dear Diary,
I've been on the dating show quite a bit and finally comes Zuzuki! Beatiful! At first things were kinda slow. You know. Slow dancin and stuff. But now we have three kids, Bell, Sammy and Sandra. I'm exctremely proud of them all! There the joy of my life. I hope this family will work as I want to make it to g9 and have grandkids. I will have to trust Aunt Artik on that. But I already can see that this will be the best time of my life!!

From Billy Blob (from 2nd generation, remember)

Tuesday April 15 2008
Thanks Billy. And remember the next diary entery will be on Friday!!!

My pleasure!! Next time do one of the kids! I suggest Bell!

I will choose Bell. You ready Bell?

You bet!!!


oh stop it Jami's ghost!

He he!! I'm still alive!!!!

Well bye from us all and Jami! Stop it!

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This log hasn't become what I'm waiting for yet. I need those PM's!!! I've been trying to save space and not just put in lots of boring notes here and there. I've noticed that I'm begining to get a one long post a day. I don't really want that either. I want you to PM me about my log and ways to make it better. And be honest. If you think that some part of my log is boring I'll fix it and I wont get heated.


Mazi came back this morning awesomily!! My sorta friend passed it to me during lunch when no one as looking. But lets face it. Who would care other than the teachers and a few annoying people?


The Zelie family now has 10% bonding. I've promised myself that I'll have 100% bonding this generation. After all its my 8th generation. Shouldn't my bonding be going up not down.


Bell reallys become the star of the family and Sandra just coming right after. Sammy's nickname will be sam from now on since Sammy could be a girls name and I want him to be a tough Tama! (it makes no difference, I just changed my mind. Thats all) Billy (the dad) is a very good dad and loves to play golf. Since as you know thats my favorite game!!!!!!!!


Shoe pairs isn't that bad but golf is the best I think. I dont know what I would do if this family died. Anyone reading this, If you dont have a Tama log... GET ONE!! Its really cool. And it makes you really love your Tama. Not in a sick way of course. You just shed a tear or two when they die.


I said I will do Bells diary entery on Friday but I might not be able to post on Friday which will move it to thursday.



One last thing ALMOST 250 VIEWS!!!! and one awesome pm...

[SIZE=21pt]Bell's, Sandra's and Sam's BONDING is now up to 30%!!!!!!![/SIZE]

Jami's ghost- Mazi! still hasn't left the baby. She will probaly do that today. There's a lot of things that are going to be happen today! Mazi!leaving is only one of them. I've got to go to school soon or my Dad will torture me!! ^_^ I'll keep you updated after school!

I raised Bell sandras and Sam's bonding up to 100% about two minutes ago!!!!!

I'm not actually joking!! It's 100% true!!

Sandra, Bell and Sam just evolved!

Bell's a Ichigotchi

Sandras a Chamametch

and Sam's a Bakutchi

I'm really pleased with them! Bell is going to do her diary entery later. I cant remember whether there children or teen's or even toddlers! I'll have to go check...

Bell I mean Lola* (she changed her name) doesn't want to write a diary entery but a blog entery apparently! Lets see what she has to say!

Yo Blog,
I find it soooooooo annoying wih a bro and a sis! It's like OMG soooo annoying like! When I grooooow up I want one KIDDIY AND THATS IT! I mean it! If it were up to meee I'd live aloneee...... yep!! aloneee......! Mum said she wanted to have three kiddies and that she got soooooooo bored when she was a kiddiy! Like thats actually true!

woooooo.....! I'm soooooo hungry *like faints with hunger* Aunt Artik says I'm the first to do this on the PC! Everybody else just chose from thier diary! I don't bother with diary's. There like way... to OLD fashioned! I have a AWESOME blog! Its called "The blog about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" except the MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE goes on for eva! Its like way cooooooooler! ;)I'm neva gonna get old! I already planned that out! And I'm changing my name to Lola! Bell sounds like a normal name.

Lola sounds out like a PUNK name! Not only that but Bell kissed Sam when we got 100% bonding! Thats way not cool! Bell did that Lola didn't! very simple!! Now all Aunt Artik needs to do is NOT to hit that last button or else I'll have to change my name AGAIN!!

got to go yo,


Nice Blog entery Lola!

yeah ummmm.... why did u post it where everyone could see it?

Everybody could see your blog earlier plus you said use this one!

Next week on tuesday I dib making a blog entery!

Sam! Why dont you just make an old fashioned diary entery?


Yeah... I think you all need a little nap! I love putting Tamas to bed!

NOOOOOOOOO (all of them... Lola Sandra and Sam + parents)

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back in g2 I did it every now and always!

[muttering to self] I miss all the old generations.... but there not all dead! Just in Tama expo![done muttering to self]

OH WAKE UP! and don't put me to bed!

That makes me look forward to it all the more! (me staring hard at those little blobs of colour, my eyes hurt, I have a headache, beeeeeen staring, one minuet, typing slowly without looking, still staring, two minutes now, OH NOOOO A POOP*!)

good night all of u! and meee!!!!


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