things that you REALLY want


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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2005
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Cemetery Drive
I really want this Tarina Tarantino hello kitty crown...I dunno why...I just like sparkly things and I had this obsession with crowns when I was younger...But it's expensive and I don't need it. It's pretty much useless, actually.

So what are some things that you really want but know you can't/won't get?

I REALLY want a new flute with the extra B key. And a wood piccolo. Plus I want my current marching flute fixed.

@ Desy - You will marry Joe one day. Don't doubt yourself. DD<

Like I will marry Ribbo one day.<3 or Nick, Brendon, or Ryan...


@GotchiGirl96 - lulz. I will never have a life. Pish posh.. I mean why would I want to give up my fangirlism? >D


I want to get a book telling me how I can teach my ferret to speak. Saddly, I know it would be a very hard process.

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Deidara and Neji. And an iPhone. -.- Why is everything I want either too expensive or not know me?! xD


New computer charger >_>

A giant Dinosaur pinyata

Rainbow Studded Belt

New Straighter

New Camera

New crayons

window in my room

air conditioner in the window......

And be the President and make it so you have to pass a IQ test before breeding and Gay Marriage legal.

&& 2 peircings in each lobe, septum, and lip. :3


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MoneyNew computer charger >_>

A giant Dinosaur pinyata

Rainbow Studded Belt

New Straighter

New Camera

New crayons

window in my room

air conditioner in the window......

And be the President and make it so you have to pass a IQ test before breeding and Gay Marriage legal.

Amen to that o_____O

MoneyNew computer charger >_>

A giant Dinosaur pinyata

Rainbow Studded Belt

New Straighter

New Camera

New crayons

window in my room

air conditioner in the window......

And be the President and make it so you have to pass a IQ test before breeding and Gay Marriage legal.

Before breeding? Do you mean breeding animals or having sex? If it's having sex, thats the stupidest idea ever. If not then nevermind.

MoneyNew computer charger >_>

A giant Dinosaur pinyata

Rainbow Studded Belt

New Straighter

New Camera

New crayons

window in my room

air conditioner in the window......

And be the President and make it so you have to pass a IQ test before breeding and Gay Marriage legal.

Of course, don't we all??

A house

A good computer


My own bathroom >.>

My own computer

Better clothes

More money for my family

A dog

A cellphone with unlimited texting!!! Mine got stolen so I'm getting a new one (we get 5 free phones with our plan, i'm getting the last one but we only have 200 texts, so i kept going over. But I'm happy that i have a cellphone, because many people dont have one

Most of all....

[SIZE=21pt]Nick Jonas </3 *sob* he would never date me because I'm so much younger than him (about 3 years younger)[/SIZE]

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blue, purple, and blue hair

snake bites



a phone with a keybord

a phone with the WWW

a horse

a german shepard

straight hair

and more things ill surely think of

My own computerBetter clothes

More money for my family

A dog

Most of all....

[SIZE=21pt]Nick Jonas </3 *sob* he would never date me because I'm so much younger than him (about 3 years younger)[/SIZE]
Three years isn't much. My dad is three years older than my mom. And my dad's cousin P.L. is five years older then his wife. Three years isn't a huge difference.

And I don't really want anything. For some reason lately I haven't.

[SIZE=21pt]Nick Jonas </3 *sob* he would never date me because I'm so much younger than him (about 3 years younger)[/SIZE]
Wait , how old is Nick Jonas? We should trade places , I'm old enough to date him , I just don't like him XD


For Hyde to be younger and be mine >w<


Real love

A tripod

A chocolate fountain


To see all of my favorite bands live


That's about it xD

I'm starting to think this topic isn't a good idea x| I mean... look at us ! We're naming all the things we want but can't/don't have o,o shouldn't we just be thankful?

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