Things you do without noticing?


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Well what is it? This is very typical for me. Whenever I'm about to drink from my water bottle, I try to drink when the cap is on my water bottle.

And.. you?

Sometimes, when I listen to songs, right when it's about to end, I'm like "I just realised I was listening to Miley Cyrus..." xD

I obviously make typos without noticing. When I'm doing speech presentation and stuff, I always fold my paper up, into a random triangle or square, and at the end, I realise that my paper is deformed.

I always fold my paper up, into a random triangle or square, and at the end, I realise that my paper is deformed.
I tend to do that a lot.

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I chew on things with out noticing. I just all of a sudden realise I have an unidentified object in my mouth.

I start singing with out noticing and I talk to myself, and don't realise I'm actually making noise.

And like Weiwei I fold paper into random shapes.

I click my pen all the time. I feel so bad afterwards though as I think everyone must be getting so annoyed by it.

I also space out, I'll just start thinking about random things and space out and people will be like "Hey... Hey... J... J!!" and I'll be like "Woah!"

Whenever I'm listening to music or there's music playing in the background of a movie or there's a beat of any kind I tend to tap my heel or click my heels together to the beat of whatever music as going. At the end of a movie I'll realize my feet are tired because I've been tapping them throughout it. Sometimes my sister has to tell me to stop because it'll make noise.

Whenever I'm close to the ground outside, I randomly take a leave and start folding it up and scrunching it up 'till it gets to about 1000 pieces. I never realise it. It's a strange habit.

And I tend to talk to myself without noticing, like Michelle. I'll be sitting there and then suddenly realise that I'm talking nonsense and that nothing's making sense.

Spend hours on the Internet

Stick my DS Stylus in my mouth

Pull out my hair (Only when I'm bored.)

I could go on but then this would be a rather long list.

I take pens apart, bite random things, talk to myself, imagine crazy things... it goes on and on! I also fiddle a lot.

Today I messed my hair up and I just noticed when my teacher said it looked pretty ._. xD.

I erased something on my textbook with liquid paper, and when it wasn't dry yet I put the textbook on my head xD.

I hum randomly with my breath if that makes sense. Like I breathe in and out in a tune o.o;
I do that. xP

I also tend to bounce my leg up and down, using my foot.

I chew on things with out noticing. I just all of a sudden realise I have an unidentified object in my mouth.I start singing with out noticing and I talk to myself, and don't realise I'm actually making noise.

And like Weiwei I fold paper into random shapes.
Same. And clicking my pen. The teacher will be like "Who's clicking a pen?" I'll just put my pen down. Lol.

Lot's and lot's of other stuffs.

I hum randomly with my breath if that makes sense. Like I breathe in and out in a tune o.o;
Ohyes. xDD I'm not the only one! *Dances*

I talk. Like I'll say something or quote something without realizing and then my brother will finish the quote or say, "What?" And then I'm like, "...Did I say something? Oh..."


I go into the shower with my glasses on sometimes. .___.

I'll pull out my hair. o.o

I do it without knowing. I just start to pull it out.

I shower with my glasses on when I'm tired.

I tap my feet or fingers to the beat of music, or I sway.

I pick at my skin randomly.

I twirl my hair ALLL THE TIME.

I sometimes start a sentence and never finish it. When this happens, the part I said is always something that alone sounds retarded or embarassing.

I always recap bottles after taking a sip, because it's this insane paranoia about spilling it.

I have one song in my head, and then Ill have another, and I'll be like "When the frig did that song get in my head" (like right now, It went from Eye of the Tiger, to Dancing on the rooftop, to the miniwheats commertial WTH!?)

I start to nod my head to the beat of a rocksong. I have no control over it. It just automatically happens. o.0

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