This is a disaster!


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i think u shuold hide 'dem. like in ure jewellry box or sumthin. or u could keep 'dem on u at all times. like on a bracelet or necklace. :)

To be on the safe side, maybe you can teach your mom how to pause your tama. Then since it is so important to you, can you save your allowance until you have enough to buy one for your brother? Maybe if you save half your mom will pay the other half?

And I bet your little brother will get tired of them when he has his own and then you will have two!

Or wait for V3 and get one of those for yourself (your money) and give your old one to the whiner.

Thanx all your replies help.

PS:_Tama_Cream_soda I'm a girl.

Sorry for double post, I really am. But the thing is when I tell my mom sometimes she doesn't believe me. Or, she takes them away from my brother and secretly gives them to me...this rarely ever happens. So, if you have any more ideas they would really help. Got to go I have to check on my tamas before my brother takes them. (SCREAM!!!) :D B) :D

O.K. I got them before he did. :D

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